Monday, November 16, 2009

Poison Ivy....How Can I KILL it off for good!!??!!?

Earlier in the season my husband got a very bad case of poison ivy on both of his arms. We sprayed some stuff on it (Round Up) and it appeared to die but has now come back to life with a vengence. What can we use to KILL the poison ivy for good?? They said poison ivy was going to be hearty this year and they weren't kidding. We thought for sure we'd killed it. My husband got very sick with poison ivy and I don't want him to get it again. Suggestions anyone? God bless...................................... :)

Poison Ivy....How Can I KILL it off for good!!??!!?
Round Up will work, but you must continue to spray as it comes back. Brush B Gone works better. The energy stored in the root system requires you to continue to monitor the plants until they die off completely.
Reply:I never heard of it coming back, unless you came into contract withit again. Did you try the pink lotion, I don't remember the name. If you ask pharmacist they will know what it is. If it keeps coming back maybe you should go see a doctor. Good luck!

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