Monday, November 16, 2009

Do I have poison ivy?

About a day and a half ago, I had shorts on and I was hanging out by a tree when someone pointed out to me that there was poison ivy growing up the side of the tree. I do not think my legs touched the poison ivy, but who knows? Afterwards, I washed my legs very, very good with cold water, same with any exposed skin. Today, about 30 hours after I realized I might have been exposed, I have several small red dots on my legs. These dots do not itch and no blistering has occured. No marks of the poison ivy scraping me either. Do I have a symptom of the poison ivy rash? Also, when you get poison ivy, do you get ill, or is it just a skin condition? Thanks.

Do I have poison ivy?
Poison Ivy like any other is totally dependant upon the person who gets it. I can pull it out with my bare hands and not get it. Yet my friend just has to go near it and he gets it. He is so sensitive that if it's windy he gets it in his throat and has to be hospitalized.

You will have to determine this by the exposure you get and the reaction that follows.

Don't do it on purpose but if the next time you are around it and you get the same thing then that is it.

When you do was the area use COLD water. The oils that cause the reaction will be forced into the pores of your skin if you use Hot or warm water.

Cold water closes the pores and allows you to get the most off.

Also when you wash, do NOT let the water run down your arm. It has the oils and could spread the poison as you are trying to get rid of it...

Good luck
Reply:it might not be poison ivy, and just some air borne viral disease. were you out in a new environment that you weren't used to or something?
Reply:Unless you are itching like crazy your fine.
Reply:no you don't have poison ivy it sounds more like you are on the rag and you haven't wiped that nasty stuff off your leg. If not then you probably do have poison ivy and it'll begin to itch within about 48 hours instead of just 30 hours. That sucks titty for you!!!
Reply:Poison ivy does not make you sick in any way. And in my phsycology class in college to make a long story short, poison ivy is 90% mental (placebo) so you were probably so worried about it your mind made your skin generate the bumps. It may sound rediculous but i promis it is scientifically proven that it is VERY likeley the case
Reply:you can actually get poison ivy internally. a shot of prednosone (sp?) from the doctor heal you in one day. go see the doc.
Reply:See the plant in

If it is the same you have in your yard try to destroy it
Reply:possibly as for the symtoms its just an itchy rash that will spread on your body like crazy
Reply:If you have small red dots that sounds mors like poison oak but either why just wash you lags with alcohal and then put a real thin layer of cortazone on it if it is poison ivy or oak if you do this it wont spred all over you good luck

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