Monday, November 16, 2009

Poison Ivy on my privates ... I'm scared ... please help?

Ok, a little background: I run a poison ivy grow operation in my garage. There are a lot of people who annoy me, mostly co-workers, and from time to time they come down with wicked poison ivy infections. Which is weird because most of them are so fat and pasty and haven't been outside in years. If someone were to look into the cause, they should look at their office chairs and phone receivers ... but I wouldn't know anything about that.

Anyway, two nights ago I got all hopped up on Vick's Vap-o-rub and Dewars. Long story short, I was completely naked, stumbled, and fell into my poison ivy farm in the garage. Unfortunately, I passed out where I lay. And now my Man Bits are covered in red, itchy, oozing blisters. The pain is unbearable. Thankfully I recently reinvented my personal style and decided to be a kilt wearer - it has provided a modicum of comfort, being undergarment free. Any advice for my predicament before I make myself a eunuch?

Poison Ivy on my privates ... I'm scared ... please help?
I'm so happy you decided to go underwear free. But did you really have to mention the word "eunuch"?

If it's aesthetics you're worried about I would look into purchasing some foundation/concealer in the makeup aisle at your local shopping mart. Or even going to a professional, if it requires detail work... wouldn't want to strain your back as well. Heaven knows you're probably walking funny enough as it is.

In the meantime, do 5 shots of Benedryl and call me in the morning... or if you need someone with clean, manicured nails to ease your pain.
Reply:It stinks to be you!!
Reply:That is called karma. He He
Reply:You know you really set yourself up for that one.Get rid of it .Try another plant Did you laugh at your self?
Reply:Wash yourself with Fels Naptha soap.
Reply:You might try Aveeno's Oatmeal bath? I know it helps for sunburns..but as far as poison ivy goes, it may help...or that lotion that I can't remember the name of. Calamin..I know I didn't spell it right but that's the best I can do. I hope your discomfort goes away!
Reply:You reap what you sow.
Reply:RETARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KARMA IS A BITCHHH
Reply:first, this is the best laugh I have had all day. You got exactly what you deserved, lol.

To ease the pain you could try lighter fluid and smoking, ok seriously, try something like benedryl.

if it is really bad you can go to the doc and get a steriod shot. I inhaled poision oak smoke a few years back and the shot make it clear up in about half the normal time.
Reply:Benadryl will stop the itching. Payback is a B**ch, hey?
Reply:My brother had poison there some years ago. He went to the doctor for it. Doctor gave him a steroid shot and some pills to take--Decadron--I think. Good luck.
Reply:Bravo Kibo, Bravo... Thanks for the chuckle. Better yet thanks for the idea.

I hate certain people in my life too and I got a sneaky suspicion they are about to come down with a seriously ithcy rash brought on by the power of plant.
Reply:ouch benadryl
Reply:i feel bad 4 u
Reply:Karma is a ***** buddy.....

Try not making fun of your co-workers.
Reply:Get some itch cream.. Go to the doc and get a shot. My sister has it on her butt.
Reply:u must be itchy!

tat so messed up
Reply:well try going to a doctor who is good at medicines and plants like the poison ivy and make you a special itch cream and.................

it is gross!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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