Friday, November 20, 2009

Does Poison Ivy grow in England? Does it Grow where you Live?

Does England have Poison Ivy?

I spent last week in the swamps of New England and have posion ivy all over to show for it.

I was wondering, Do you jolly good blokes in old England have the itchy-stuff too?

I cant stand it, how about you?

Does Poison Ivy grow in England? Does it Grow where you Live?
Poison Ivy (toxicodendron radicans) is native to North America and Asia. Poison ivy has occasionally been planted in gardens for color. This is how it arrived in England and Australia. It rarely grows above altitudes of 5,000 feet.
Reply:Don't know if they've got it in England, but it doesn't grow too well down in Tucson, AZ.
Reply:Can't say whether it grows in England, but there's a lot of it in Ohio.

Lucky me, I don't catch it.
Reply:I would think the conditions would be right in England. I grow it here by the field. It even looks like I fertilize it. I have tried everything and will keep trying everything from round up and anything else that says it will kill it.
Reply:yes, it grows here, sorry to say

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