Friday, November 20, 2009

Poison Ivy relief??

I have poison Ivy everywhere!! calamine lotion takes away the itch but seems to make it spread, what should I do? I'm all itchy

Poison Ivy relief??
Poison Ivy is a rather hard thing to get rid of. The calamine lotion will assist in reducing the itch but it fails to really remove the problem. Poison ivy releases an oil that many people are rather allergic to, That oil however is incredibly difficult to get off becuase water does not possess the ability to lift the oil. I find the following method rather useful for reducing skin related allergies.

First is to take benedryl or another antihistamine regularly. This will reduce the itchy skin a little and provide some relief. Next is to clear the oils. I use noxema or another deep cleaner for the skin. the stuff that reduces acne works perfectly becuase its ment to draw oils from the skin. One you have done this wash up then apply the calamine lotion. one mistake many people make is not cleaning their hands before they use the calamine, so the lotion bottle may be contaminated with the poison ivy oil. It is good policy to wash the bottle if you are not sure. If the itching gets really bad get antihistamine lotion. The best for it you will find at REI or another camping outlet. Continue this cycle about twice daily until your symptoms vanish.

Please understand I am not a doctor and do not have any formal medical training. I offer the above only as my particular solution and recommend consulting a doctor before you begin any medical treatment. My only claim to knowledge of this is working at a plant nursery. I am allergic to ferns to a slightly extreme degree and would practice the above after being exposed.

Hails to peace of mind,

Reply:put on Benadryl gel it helps the itching and it stops it from spreading.I had never heard of it before but my mom's mother told me to use it and it works quickly.
Reply:Aveeno and Benedryl
Reply:Use the Caladryl. Wash at least twice a day with a harsher soap. You want to dry it out. Wash all of your clothes and your sheets. Try some allergy medicine like benadryl. Poison Ivy soars are an allergic reaction. Good luck.
Reply:put baking soda in your bathwater and have a good soak
Reply:fill the tub half way and pour in about six cups of dry oatmeal , it will sooth and calm the spread . please take the over the counter med. , called benadryl . use lukewarm to warm water . heat inflames and can speed infection if there is any open areas .DO NOT USE HOT WATER .

good luck , and i hope your summer is soon better .
Reply:Try staying out of poison ivy :op lol

I've never had it before, but my younger brother has. For future references, the more you get it...the easier it is for you to react to it. Like, my brother doesn't even have to touch it anymore....he could be in the vicinity of it or somebody else who has it and he could get a reaction from it.
Reply:The oil from the plant is the only way poison ivy is spread. Make sure you wash the clothes you were wearing and take a very soapy shower. After that is done, you are no longer contagious and it will run its course no matter what you do. It may continue to spread but this is only from your initial exposure. Once it starts to go away, it disappears fast. The bad news is it lasts for almost 2 weeks. For relief of symptoms you can take an antihistamine and use a polysporin lotion (it has a small amount of anesthetic). If this is you first time getting poison ivy, from now on you will get it very easy.
Reply:Hey mickey its amy (the faerie girl), i cant answer your Q cus we dont have poison ivy in england, We do get stinging nettle's though. But i really liked your answer, every1 else just thinks am being weird, but i REALLY do belive, i wanted to email you but you didnt put it out, (probably to stop strange ppl like me emailing you) but never mind! ne way if you wana chat Email me :]
Reply:Take some benadryl works wonders..takes away the itching from inside out and makes the swelling go down.
Reply:I will agree with the previous answer that the oil from the plant is the only way poison ivy rash is spread. It may seem to continue to spread but this is only from your initial exposure. Typically, we get it on our hands first, then rub it on our faces or arms. After we've changed our clothes and bathed we aren't actually spreading it. The place where we were first exposed will break out first. (For me that is about 3 days after I got into the stuff.) The next day our secondary exposures will start to break out. The places where we got the least amount of the oil will break out last, typically.

(Vigorous scratching that causes bleeding can put more of the stuff in your system. Don't do it!)

Apple cider vinegar with a few drops of lavender oil is good to stop the itch and relieve inflammation and kill bacteria. The extracted oil from the plant Jewelweed is excellent to counteract poison ivy rash. It is the first ingredient in many herbal salves. Witch Hazel lotion is good to help it dry up. Also, Comfrey Leaf or Plantain applied as a poultice to the blisters.

Internally, Burdock and Cleavers teas are good to clear the irritant out of the bloodstream. Liquid extract of Echinacea Root is an antihistamine, internally and externally. Avoid going out in the heat if you can. Wear light, soft clothing. Avoid caffeinated drinks. Chamomile tea, brewed strong and drunk often, will calm you down when you feel frantic with the itching.
Reply:i've always scratched it and put clorox on it. it burns but it goes away. and the clorox kills it. i wouldnt recomend doing it all over your body.
Reply:I had poison ivy earlier this summer......a friend of mine recommended the liquid from a boil of the leaves of the Jewel Wee plant. It's a little flat plant that grows in some east areas of the U.S. and has a little yellow flower on it. Go to an herbal plant website and look for it. My friend gathers the leaves, boils them and then strains off the liquid and freezes it in little pill bottles. Take them out of the freezer and let it thaw. Keep the concoction in the refrigerator and several times during the day dab a cotton ball in the mixture and swab it on the infected areas. I had poison so badly that it made blisters and this was the only thing it responded to. Hope you can find a patch of Jewel Weed! I feel your pain!
Reply:RHUS TOX 30C thrice a day for poison Ivy infection. Its a Homeopathic Remedy. Works like a Charm.

Take care and God Bless you !


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