Friday, November 20, 2009

Poison Ivy complications?

I am severely allergic to poison ivy.I have it all over my face,and my eyes are swelling shut.My throat also feels like it may be swelling closed.....maybe just my discomfort? I got it because my neighbors were burning the other day,and must have been burning wood with p.i.on it..The smoke was going through my yard,when i went out to get the mail.Should i go to the ER?

Poison Ivy complications?
yes, at least get to a doctor, it is posable to get p.i. in your lungs from the smoke of burning it. even with out that i may self am severly alergic to it also, and have had to be put on rather strong drugs for it. i guess now thay also might do a shot in the effected area but i dont know how well that would work over such a large area. and just a tip that saved my sanity, for i found that none of the creams or lotions worked for me. submerge or use a washcloth to apply hot water to the infected area. make the water as hot as you can stand. the heat will atfirst make it itch much worse but that will fade quickly. for me hot water would relive the itch for 4-6 hours or so while i would use the cream every hour or 2.
Reply:YES, EMERGENCY ROOM, this could be anaphalyatic shock, which can cause your airways to close.

If possible take a Tbsp of Benedryl then go to the hospital, they will give you a shot or Epinephrine which will open the airway, and then they can give you something to treat the Poison Ivy.

Good Luck!

Poison ivy help?

can the tent, sleeping bags and tennis shoes be rid of poison ivy and if so how?

Poison ivy help?
Have you ever heard of OdoBan? It is the best thing I have ever used. It kills most germs and allergens. I buy it at Sams. Comes in a gallon jug and you dilute it to refill the spray bottle that comes with it. Very pleasant smelling. Try it. You will be glad you did.
Reply:Oh. I think it might take fire.

I did read one time that vodka fights poison ivy, but that was on skin. You might try washing with vodka, but you risk the chance of catching the dreaded itches. Also, washing with vodka could be very expensive. I think I would burn it all and start anew.
Reply:I myself would try washing it in Dawn dish detergent. It will strip the oils from the fabrics nicely since it works well on grease spots as well. If you get it on your skin and know you have touched it, find a weed called the jewel weed. It always grows close to patches of poison ivy. Break the stems and rub the juices on the part of the body the ivy touched. It works wonders, a natural remedy for most.
Reply:every time you touch these things you will be exposed to poison ivy. If they are not terribly expensive, use rubber gloves and throw it alll away, gloves and all!

Putting these things in your washer will just expose your home to the oil.

Reply:well try washing them. hand wash them with gloves on your hands
Reply:No...give them to me; I'm not allergic to poison ivy.

Poison Ivy Help?

Does anyone have any home remedies that work for poison ivy? I am alternating benedryl cream, cortozone cream and calamine w/benedryl. I also have a presciption that is for any infection, but I'm ready to rip my arm off, any suggestions are appreciated!

Poison Ivy Help?
Reply:Take a bath in Tomatoe and ALoe Vera.
Reply:yea, i had poison ivy a while ago, what worked the best was some spray called like ivy-be-gone or something like that, all i know is that since my dad is a doctor, he says that sprays work the best...good luck!
Reply:If you haven't seen any improvement doing the things that you are doing in about 3-4 days, I'd go back to the doctor for a shot. As I've gotten older, the usual remedies seem to be diminishing in their effectiveness. The last time I got poison ivy it took a shot + pills + creams to clear it up.

Well you have to be carefull with all those creams. I use Tee Tree oil on my sons fingers. It really dried it up quickly but the infected area almost looks burned. There are different strengths of Tee Tree oil, I would try one that is diluted first.

Good luck!

oyster plant

Poison ivy symptoms and cures?

What are symptoms of poison ivy, and how can you cure it quickly?

Poison ivy symptoms and cures?
The symptoms are the appearance of little red water blisters on various places on the body. They are in clusters. This starts about 1-2 days after exposure. It is accompanied by the most INTENSE EXCRUCIATING itch that you can imagine. Usually the affected area keeps getting larger for a few days. POISON IVY IS HORRIBLE. There are over the counter things to help it (ask pharmacist) but for the most part it lasts for a full TWO WEEKS.

If you have it really bad and can't stand it, then you can visit the doctor and he/she will give you an injection of cortisone or something like that. That works pretty well and does shorten the time that it takes to heal. Whatever you do, DON'T SCRATCH IT.

I had a hyper-sensitivity to poison ivy for a few years and had it all summer. I did not even have to touch it. Just the wind blowing the oil molecules onto me was enough. I knew some kids who were actually hospitalized because they rolled in it and they had it all over their bodies.

Do yourself a favour! Learn how to identify poison ivy, oak and sumac (there's not as much sumac around) and keep yourself away from them. If in doubt about a plant, remember that 500 year old proverb, "Leaves of three, let it be!"

Good Luck to you. I hope that you don't have it too bad.



sometimes swelling





will usually go away by itself in a week or two


cortisone cream

steroids - if severe rash
Reply:The most significant, and most recognized, symptom of poison ivy is a red rash with pustules and often drainage from the rash. This is a localized rash found at the point of contact as well as at points where you have moved the reagent, such as by scratching the rash and then touching another body part. Note that you must have come in contact with the reagent on the poison ivy plant to get the rash. If you have not been in an area where overgrown plants have been, you likely do not have poison ivy.

As far as curing poison ivy, the best solution, as with most medical problems, is to see your physician. He/she will likely prescribe a steroidal cream to minimize itching and help with recovery and potentially an antibiotic. Sometimes, in cases of a very bad rash or a rash in a sensitive area such as the face or genitalia, an oral steroid may also be prescribed. Anyway you look at it, the medications will make the itch go away very quickly, and you can expect symptom improvement in one to two days.

Normal "treat at home" over-the-counter options include benadryl to decrease the itch and inflammation and hydrocortisone cream to decrease the itch and help with healing.

Another "at home" option is to spray the rash with vehicle aerosol brake cleaner. Long story short, the brake cleaner will pull fluid out of the rash, decreasing the itch as well as the risk of spreading the rash. This is a common treatment for those who do not see a physician, however there is a significant risk of health problems from exposure to the brake cleaner. Yes, it works, but it is very unhealthy for you.

Best bet, go to your physician or urgent care center and get medications. It will greatly minimize your suffering. Otherwise, go with the over-the-counter medicines.

Poison Ivy Oils on Furniture from Pet?

I am wondering if my dog or cat got into poison Ivy and laid on a chair, if the oils are in the fabric of this chair, how would I go about removing them? Can I use my hoover steam cleaner on the chair, and if I do will it remove the oils or should I pre-treat it with something before?

I have a small but quite irritating case of pi and that is the only way I can think of I possibly got it because after sitting on the chair and watching a movie, I started itching and the subsequent red patches starting showing up. Any help on how to clean that chair would be greatly appreciated!

Poison Ivy Oils on Furniture from Pet?
just a good cleaning with soap and water will take care of the oils.


I have some poison ivy that I got when I was working one day last week. Do any of you have any remidies that will help heal it?

Are you sure it's Poison Ivy? That is the most important question you need to answer. If you are sure, then go to the local pharmacy or to the nearest outdoor store and look for Tecnu. It will help clean away the Urushiol, which is the oil in the plant that irritates the skin.

Also, since urushiol doesn't evaporate, it may still be on whatever objects or clothes you had with you as they may also have been exposed to the plants. You will continuously re-contaminate yourself by touching those items until you remove all the urushiol. You can also use the cleanser to remove the oil from that stuff as well.

Yes, anti-histamines like Benedryl will help in the short term but histamines will continue to be released as long as your body is exposed to the irritant, the urushiol. If this doesn't improve in a day or so, or if you start to have any swelling or oozing at the site of the contamination, see a doctor immediately as your condition may be getting worse.

As a side note, I was working in the mountains of Southern California about 10 years ago. From a very young age, I always thought I was one of those very rare, very lucky few that are immune to urushiol. I grew up on the East Coast %26amp; had been exposed to poison ivy so many times with nothing happening so I felt somewhat invincible.

Anyway, after a shift walking through some very thick undergrowth, I found two or three bumps in a cluster on my right forearm that were very itchy. I figured it was poison oak so I went to REI and bought some Tecnu. Well, guess what? It was poison oak and I not only was I allergic to poison oak but also to tecnu. I found this out after slathering my whole arm in the stuff trying to clean away the plant oils. The next day I woke up to a swollen, oozing mess of an arm. I could barely get dressed for work. I had to use my left hand to put my gun in my holster because I couldn't bend my right arm enough to do it. I showed my supervisor who literally freaked out and ran outside to one of our marked units to rush me to the local hospital. They gave me Benedryl and steroids, and sent me home with a prescription for Aveeno oatmeal bath packets. Three days later and my arm was back to normal. The doctor told me after my follow-up visit that he thought they were going to have to cut my arm to relieve the pressure so that it wouldn't restrict the circulation in my arm beyond the area of the swelling. I am a lot more careful now when out in the wild.

Good luck!
Reply:Peppermint oil and hand herbal creams.
Reply:you can get temporary relief by running hot water(as hot as you can stand without burning off the skin) over the areas...relief for 6-8 hours until the histamines regroup and itching starts again
Reply:clean the area well, try Gold Bond powder for itching, or Zanfar soap which is specifically for poison ivy. Try taking some Benadryl also to help reduce the histamine reaction. if it continues to spread and be a problem see your doctor to ask if you need steroids.

Poison Ivy/Lamictal???!?!?!?!?

Can I take Lamictal after I got a shot for poison ivy?

Poison Ivy/Lamictal???!?!?!?!?
ask your docter before someone gives you the wrong answer and somthin happens
Reply:You better not lay off the lamictal for more than about 3 days or you will have to start all over again with the tapering up to an effective dose.

I have bipolar disorder (assume you do too since you are in mental health? Ignore this if you have epilepsy) and a lot of people with bipolar disorder get paradoxical reactions. If that shot was benadryl and you get some behavioral problems for a few days, it could be from the shot. I take benadryl pills anyhow when I get poison ivy, but I warn everyone I will be impossible to deal with (really mean).

That tecnu soap stuff in a bottle works really well, even once the rash just gets going. It seems to work good to take a benadryl pill right away too. Also, really hot water breaks down the stuff that makes you itch, and you can dunk your hands in hot water every few hours, or put a really hot rag against your skin. Sooooooooooo much better than anything else!! I get poison ivy a lot, so does my brother, this really works!!!


Poison IVY question?

I got an ongoing dispute with a friend of mine.

he says that a friend of his got poison Ivy so bad that his doctor told him it would return every year.

Now this isnt from contact anymore its just from getting such a bade case of it.

he even says that his friend actually gets it very year in the same spot

I dont belive this at all but there is no way for me to prove this to him. I dont know any doctors that i can bring over to prove this.

I need to prove this because i work with him and he wont shut up about it.

No matter how i try to word the fact that you cant have a new allergic reaction without an allergen he says. "so youre saying a doctor is wrong". but he never met this doctor and I fro one would like to meet him.

can anyone at least point me to a web link that can prove him wrong. Or i will have to listen to this until one of us quits or gets fired

Poison IVY question?
Poison ivy comes form an allergic reaction to the oils in the plant. Any means of contact, from the plant to something the oil resides on from contact.

I find it VERY hard to believe what your friend says to even be slightly possible. What on earth are the basis for this recurrence?? Has your friend ever heard the term "action and reaction???

Next time he ask "So your saying the doctor is wrong", answer "Hell yes I am and I'm also suggesting finding a new competent one!!

Some people just like to argue a useless fact right or wrong. I wouldn't indulge myself in his ignorance. If he wants to believe all he hears............well be it. No point in you wasting your energy on a lost cause. You made your point and he's made his. Know your right and he's mis-informed!! Leave it at that and move on to better things. Let him fuss over his friend with the annual poison ivy...........

By the way, I had such a bad case of poison ivy I was hospitalized for it. I did NOT have re-occurring incidents yearly or otherwise without new introductions to the oil.
Reply:It isn't contagious. It can only be spread person to person by oil on one person another person who is allergic comes into contact with. Report It

Reply:what the first person says it absolutely right

imagine being extremely allergic to strawberries and having a terrible case of it one time.. why in the world would you have this reaction every year if you don't ever go near strawberries again.

the reason for getting the same reaction in the same spot every year probably isn't the cause of a one time reaction.. it may be somewhere that it likely to touch plant life.. on your legs on your hands.. etc. and that time of year is probably just the time poison ivy is most abundant.. your friend needs some kind of reality check.. tell him to buzz off and find someone else to annoying with petty arguments

if you want to.. next time you get a check up mention the question to a doctor you trust
Reply:The rash that is characteristic of Poison Ivy is caused by an oil produced by the plant. Therefore, if the oil is gone, the rash shouldn't return.

That is, unless the friend gets mixed up with the plant again. In which case, all bets are off.

I'm thinking that either the doc doesn't know what he's talking about, or more likely someone doesn't understand what the doctor is saying. It is quite possible that the doctor said that the friend would get poison ivy more easily, and that got interpretted as meaning that the rash would return.

Poison ivy help...?

i have some bad poison ivy. it is all over both my legs, and all over my left forearm. i have it on my chest, and other places i cant say where.



Poison ivy help...?
Go see your Doctor -- - there are prescripton creams on the market that can help.

Reply:ask for cream for poisen ivy from your docter and dont itch ive had it like 3 times already this summer hope this helped
Reply:you need to go to the dr and get some meds especially some steroids to help...if that is not a possibility then here is what the dr. told us to use for our son along with the meds...calamin lotion (the pink stuff) and take benedril for the itching....DO NOT use any kind of benedril creams (he did not say why just that they are not good for it)....soaking in the bath with oatmeal or aveeno is a good soother also...good luck
Reply:Caladryl lotion usually works for itching, or a cortizone cream. You can usually buy those at the drug store. You may even be able to call you doctor, and get a stronger prescription since you have it so bad.

Good luck.
Reply:put posin ivy cream on it. oh and by the way you were right, i am 14.

Poison Ivy in rose bed?

Hey! I'm an absolute newb at gardening

We have a rose bed which is completely infested with poison ivy vines (is this some kind of mystic statement on love maybe?)

They are driving us nuts. We have tried pulling, digging, cutting, and mulching them and nothing has worked. In fact, they seem to grow back faster and faster! :(

What should we do to eliminate them once and for all?

Poison Ivy in rose bed?
You can use a selective weed killer to kill the poison ivy and not the roses. Concentrate Triple Threat Weed Killer kills all broadleaf weeds including poison ivy and also has a 4 week residual effect meaning it will not grow back for up to a month.

It works systemically and kills the root of Poison Ivy

Apply only to the poison ivy and Broadleaf weeds by spraying or just painting on with a paint brush (wear gloves). You can get it here free delivery;
Reply:when you cut them back, put crosbow (weed killer) on the end of the stem. This will draw back into the root system and kill it. There are also specific sprays for blackberry's and poison ivy. You could try these, but be careful of the roses.

I know caseron granules will not hurt roses. But, not sure if they affect poison ivy. If they do, (check label) you could work this into the soil of your rose garden.
Reply:There are products that you can paint the liquid killer onto the ivy leaves and it will circulate through the plant and kill it. Try to get rid of as much as possible before the seeds are formed. Birds love to eat them and unfortunately plant them when they poop.I thought all of ours would be gone to. I think it will be a neverending battle. Good luck.

Poison Ivy relief??

I have poison Ivy everywhere!! calamine lotion takes away the itch but seems to make it spread, what should I do? I'm all itchy

Poison Ivy relief??
Poison Ivy is a rather hard thing to get rid of. The calamine lotion will assist in reducing the itch but it fails to really remove the problem. Poison ivy releases an oil that many people are rather allergic to, That oil however is incredibly difficult to get off becuase water does not possess the ability to lift the oil. I find the following method rather useful for reducing skin related allergies.

First is to take benedryl or another antihistamine regularly. This will reduce the itchy skin a little and provide some relief. Next is to clear the oils. I use noxema or another deep cleaner for the skin. the stuff that reduces acne works perfectly becuase its ment to draw oils from the skin. One you have done this wash up then apply the calamine lotion. one mistake many people make is not cleaning their hands before they use the calamine, so the lotion bottle may be contaminated with the poison ivy oil. It is good policy to wash the bottle if you are not sure. If the itching gets really bad get antihistamine lotion. The best for it you will find at REI or another camping outlet. Continue this cycle about twice daily until your symptoms vanish.

Please understand I am not a doctor and do not have any formal medical training. I offer the above only as my particular solution and recommend consulting a doctor before you begin any medical treatment. My only claim to knowledge of this is working at a plant nursery. I am allergic to ferns to a slightly extreme degree and would practice the above after being exposed.

Hails to peace of mind,

Reply:put on Benadryl gel it helps the itching and it stops it from spreading.I had never heard of it before but my mom's mother told me to use it and it works quickly.
Reply:Aveeno and Benedryl
Reply:Use the Caladryl. Wash at least twice a day with a harsher soap. You want to dry it out. Wash all of your clothes and your sheets. Try some allergy medicine like benadryl. Poison Ivy soars are an allergic reaction. Good luck.
Reply:put baking soda in your bathwater and have a good soak
Reply:fill the tub half way and pour in about six cups of dry oatmeal , it will sooth and calm the spread . please take the over the counter med. , called benadryl . use lukewarm to warm water . heat inflames and can speed infection if there is any open areas .DO NOT USE HOT WATER .

good luck , and i hope your summer is soon better .
Reply:Try staying out of poison ivy :op lol

I've never had it before, but my younger brother has. For future references, the more you get it...the easier it is for you to react to it. Like, my brother doesn't even have to touch it anymore....he could be in the vicinity of it or somebody else who has it and he could get a reaction from it.
Reply:The oil from the plant is the only way poison ivy is spread. Make sure you wash the clothes you were wearing and take a very soapy shower. After that is done, you are no longer contagious and it will run its course no matter what you do. It may continue to spread but this is only from your initial exposure. Once it starts to go away, it disappears fast. The bad news is it lasts for almost 2 weeks. For relief of symptoms you can take an antihistamine and use a polysporin lotion (it has a small amount of anesthetic). If this is you first time getting poison ivy, from now on you will get it very easy.
Reply:Hey mickey its amy (the faerie girl), i cant answer your Q cus we dont have poison ivy in england, We do get stinging nettle's though. But i really liked your answer, every1 else just thinks am being weird, but i REALLY do belive, i wanted to email you but you didnt put it out, (probably to stop strange ppl like me emailing you) but never mind! ne way if you wana chat Email me :]
Reply:Take some benadryl works wonders..takes away the itching from inside out and makes the swelling go down.
Reply:I will agree with the previous answer that the oil from the plant is the only way poison ivy rash is spread. It may seem to continue to spread but this is only from your initial exposure. Typically, we get it on our hands first, then rub it on our faces or arms. After we've changed our clothes and bathed we aren't actually spreading it. The place where we were first exposed will break out first. (For me that is about 3 days after I got into the stuff.) The next day our secondary exposures will start to break out. The places where we got the least amount of the oil will break out last, typically.

(Vigorous scratching that causes bleeding can put more of the stuff in your system. Don't do it!)

Apple cider vinegar with a few drops of lavender oil is good to stop the itch and relieve inflammation and kill bacteria. The extracted oil from the plant Jewelweed is excellent to counteract poison ivy rash. It is the first ingredient in many herbal salves. Witch Hazel lotion is good to help it dry up. Also, Comfrey Leaf or Plantain applied as a poultice to the blisters.

Internally, Burdock and Cleavers teas are good to clear the irritant out of the bloodstream. Liquid extract of Echinacea Root is an antihistamine, internally and externally. Avoid going out in the heat if you can. Wear light, soft clothing. Avoid caffeinated drinks. Chamomile tea, brewed strong and drunk often, will calm you down when you feel frantic with the itching.
Reply:i've always scratched it and put clorox on it. it burns but it goes away. and the clorox kills it. i wouldnt recomend doing it all over your body.
Reply:I had poison ivy earlier this summer......a friend of mine recommended the liquid from a boil of the leaves of the Jewel Wee plant. It's a little flat plant that grows in some east areas of the U.S. and has a little yellow flower on it. Go to an herbal plant website and look for it. My friend gathers the leaves, boils them and then strains off the liquid and freezes it in little pill bottles. Take them out of the freezer and let it thaw. Keep the concoction in the refrigerator and several times during the day dab a cotton ball in the mixture and swab it on the infected areas. I had poison so badly that it made blisters and this was the only thing it responded to. Hope you can find a patch of Jewel Weed! I feel your pain!
Reply:RHUS TOX 30C thrice a day for poison Ivy infection. Its a Homeopathic Remedy. Works like a Charm.

Take care and God Bless you !


Is poison ivy still poison if its dried up.?

just wondering because we cut a bunch of busches and there was poison ivy mixed in them..we dont want to touch it we just raked it in a pile till it dries up..

Is poison ivy still poison if its dried up.?
Absolutely! The thing that makes you break out is the oil. It is even in the wood sticks. Use gloves %26amp; a long sleeved shirt %26amp; long pants to work with it. Take them off without touching your skin %26amp; throw them in the wash machine immediately. Put a little bleach in the load. Then take a shower. NEVER burn the stuff! You can get it on the inside by inhaling the smoke.
Reply:yes it is
Reply:yes it is and it's bad to breathe the smoke if you burn it too.
Reply:Yes, very much so. And do not burn them. Thats even worse because you and people all around will breath it. Use gloves to bag it and dispose of it with your gargage. Wash or get rid of the gloves and wash your clothes right after because you can get it that way too.
Reply:Yes it is.
Reply:Most definately. The plant itself isnt harmful its the oil (urishiol) that it exudes it what makes you itch. Let it dry completely then get rid of it wearing gloves. Dont BURN IT.....

Poison ivy - will it scar?

I've had poison ivy for 2 weeks now. The itch part is mostly over, but I have the weirdest "leftovers" to deal with and I'm worrying about scarring.

One - is a patch on my thigh of redish dry skin... it almost looks like Gorbachev's birthmark and its dry and flaky but moisturizer/lotion does nothing to help.

second is a three inch long scratch-like mark on my other thigh that keeps scabbing up and actually is very painful - especially when i walk - not itchy - painful.

And the WORST is a half-dollar sized round patch on my ankle that stays moist - it won't really scab up and it doesn't ooze, but its always damp. I don't think it's infected - just red and uneven to the touch. If I put a band-aid or neosporin on it it gets all drainy and, well, it doesn't seem good. I feel like my ankle is rotting, not healing.


Poison ivy - will it scar?
No, it will not scar. It needs time to heal. If it gets unbearable or spreads too much, go to the doctor and they may be able to give you a shot to help the healing.

Poison Ivy Help PLEASE!?

Ok so i was playing paintball in the woods and i got poison ivy, I was trying to be careful I was wearing long pants and long shirt and right when i got back i took a long shower...but some how i still got it and its spreading fast...My friend was with me the whole time and if he even smells it he gets it. he said that he went home took a show and put Bleach all over his body then took another one and he didn't get it. So I'm wondering if i should use bleach on the areas that have it so far or what i took another shower changed my sheets and so on. I had it last summer and it got so bad and speaded so fast i had to go to the dr. and he gave me some steriod pills witch killed it but messed up everything else in my body, Im a diabetic it made my numbers go everywere i started to have very bad pain in my stomach and only got worse that went on for about 4 or so months till i finally got it all back under control. So i really dont what to go back to the dr. so what do i do? Thanks.........

Poison Ivy Help PLEASE!?
ok, try putting alchohol on the itchy areas. it'll burn for a couple of seconds, but it will make it stop itching. then put fingernail polish/ fingernail polish remover on it, to seal it off and prevent it from spreading as much.
Reply:you fool you don't bleach yourself-use calamine lotion and don't go into the woods with paintball guns anymore
Reply:an old OLD remedy that works WONDERFULLY---my father used it on us when we were kids 50 years ago..... get some bleach and a HORSERADISH ROOT (root can be purchased in the produce section at any grocery store).... WASH the root and chop it up rather fine (food processor will do it beautifully)... put the chopped up horseradish in a bowl and pour enough bleach into it to make a rather Thick paste---spread this paste carefully over the affected area (don't spill any cause the bleach WILL bleach anywhere it touches)...and leave it on till it dries.... then brush off the excess... do this again twice more during the day and within 24 hours, the poison ivy should be almost completely dried up and NO MORE ITCHING as soon as you put the past on.
Reply:Good luck, we just got over PI at our house. You only about a 30 min window from exposure to washing it off. Once the oil is absorbed in your skin, you've been exposed.

What can you do now? Cold showers, cold compresses (keeps the skin and blood vessels constricted), any otc antihistamine (benadryl), and plenty of calamine lotion. A spray on antiperspirant (sticks will irritate the skin) also helps. Your goal is to get the blisters dried out. Don't worry about the blisters breaking, that isn't how it is spread, but you want them to dry out.

I guess there are some commercial remedies designed for PI, I have heard they work, but am unsure. If it's bad enough, your going to have to see a doctor. I feel for you, it is a nasty, miserable plant.

Poison Ivy Treatment?

I have developed a mild case of poison ivy. I know the cliche actions to use calamine lotion and wash frequently, but what other actions can I make to allow the rash to subside as quickly as possible??? Also, how long will it possibly take for the rash to subside???

Poison Ivy Treatment?
urinate on it


Poison Ivy Myth/Thing?

Can poison ivy spread on your body or to other people???? most people say it can but someone else told me otherwise and said everyone else is told wrong? Whos right????

Poison Ivy Myth/Thing?
i called poison control once and they told me when you touch poison ivy, the plant's oil gets on your body. We are allergic to it so when we scratch it triggers chemicals in our body to fight it and thus we break out. yes it can be spread and yes you can give it to others because it is very difficult to wash the oil off and it gets on anything it has contact with...
Reply:I think it can, but I'm no doctor.....
Reply:This is a tough myth to dispel because scratching the red area appears to spread the rash to other areas. Actually, the reaction develops over a period of time - usually taking hours or days to occur. The occurrence of a new rash, say further up the arm, doesn't mean the rash was spread but that that area was slower to respond to the poisonous oil.

Once the oil triggers the reaction, our own bodies release defensive chemicals that cause the redness, itching, and blistering. The blister fluid doesn't come from the plant at all but is produced by our own

Reply:It depends on what you mean exactly.

If I touch poison ivy, getting urushiol (the oily substance people react to) on my hand, then I come over %26amp; touch you, I might easily get the substance on you, thereby spreading it to you.

But it takes about 24 hours for poison ivy to do it's thing. So by the time I have a rash, the "urushiol" has either bonded with my skin or washed off. Therefore, if I touch you then, I will no longer be able to "infect" you.

If you come in contact with poison ivy, clean yourself thouroughly with alchohol, or better yet, "Goop" hand cleaner, (often found in the automotive section) BEFORE washing with soap %26amp; water.

I need help controlling poison ivy! Both on ME and in the yard!?

I am very allergic to poison ivy, I just have to LOOK at it and I get it, BADLY! And it never fails, I always have to take a 2 week steroid pack to get rid of it. Here is the problem, I am new to CT and never really had to deal with poison ivy before. After doing some research and learning how to recognize it I found that my backyard is literally INFESTED with it! How do I get rid of this gosh awful ivy so I can spend a summer itch free? Is it possible? Any home remedies to stop the itches as well? I am mostly looking for a way to get rid of the plant all is illegal to burn it in CT but seriously, I must rid my yard of it as I can't handle how I feel any longer. Thank the Good Lord my children are not allergic! Thank you in advance for all of your help and suggestions.

I need help controlling poison ivy! Both on ME and in the yard!?
I first heard of this near the end of last summer, I had never gotten poison ivy before though I had been knee deep in it many times. My daughter got some of the wet seep on me and now I get it everytime I touch it like everyone else! I want to get some but the price seems rather high to order off this web site, but I'm going to keep looking. Good luck.

dig it out, tear it out in the winter when it's not green and you're more protected.
Reply:Probably the best way to get rid of it is to have someone who is not allergic to it pull it out and put it in a garbage bag. If it's in a place where you can use weed killer then spray the weed killer also. As for you, I found that a hair dryer helped with the itching. I know it sounds strange but aim the dryer at the poison ivy spots and it helps the itching. Also, use lots of calomine lotion.
Reply:Bleach on you will dry it up. It stings, but it gets rid of it quicker.

I pour gas on mine. However, with gas prices the way they are, I don't suggest doing that right now... Buy Round-up and have a non-allerginic person paint the leaves with it. Or wait til next Feburary or March and pull it(wearing gloves). Whatever you do, DON'T burn it. If you breathe in the smoke from poison ivy, you WILL be spending the next month in the hospital.

Poison Ivy Cures.?

I've had poison ivy since thursday when i first recognized it up to today and i really want it gone lol. I can handle the itching, its not too bad but is there a way to just clear it up fast, when im at home i apply the pink calamine lotion and just keep it on but any other ideas would help. O its on the sides of my face and some around my kneck.

Poison Ivy Cures.?
Well, I've heard that dabbing on a solution of a little bleach diluted in water dries it up really fast. I have a friend who swears by it. And she says it doesn't sting.

'poison ivy' movie for download?


I owuld like to download the movie 'poison ivy' 1992 release and starred by Drew Barrymore. Can anyone please give me the download site link ?

'poison ivy' movie for download?
your best bet to find it online is

but you may have to be patient as if there are only a few people that have it you will have to be online at the same time they are


Poison Ivy cures?

Any best home remedies products for poison ivy rashes?

Poison Ivy cures?
URINE!!!!(just kidding lol)

umm maybe try like soaking it in vodka ( im serious) i dont know for how long but they did it on mythbusters and it worked ( i think)
Reply:Try bathing in Epsom salt baths - but only if the rash is spread over a large portion of your body. Otherwise, avoid baths and instead take showers until the rash is healed. (Baths can help the rash to spread.) Make a poultice or a paste out of Epsom salts or colloidal oatmeal and place on the rash.

Calamine lotion works great (and I think comes in a non-pink type now!). Try not to itch! Itching spreads it! Good luck! :)

Poison ivy problem. shpuld i see a doctor?

i have poison ivy in my eyes, nose, around my mouth, on my neck which is causing a strept throat feeling, on my genitals and everywhere else on my body. its only the 2nd day ive had it which means its going to get worse. i cant take prednesone due to a reaction to that. WHAT SHOULD I DO?

Poison ivy problem. shpuld i see a doctor?
The most important thing is to follow only medical advice from Yahoo Answers. We're much more knowledgeable than real doctors and have so much invested.

Really, go see your doctor ASAP.
Reply:dang, you should probably see a dermatologist... because they're like, skin experts, and they can probably give you some lotion or something... but because you have it in your eyes, you'll probably have to see an eye specialist.
Reply:you shouldn't even be asking here for help...go to a doctor
Reply:See a doctor and get antibiotics. You need help and drugs to work from the inside out in order to protect your major organs.

Seriously, next time you get anything in your eyes you should see someone immediatly regardless of what it is. Stuff like that can take on different effects when infecting sensory organs. You only get 1 pair of eyes so take care of them wisely

BEst of luck to ya
Reply:if it gets 2 sirus then u hav 2 get it checked out

Poison ivy on lip, help!!!?

yes im sure it is poison ivy, i have a little on my chin too. it's on my top lip, and it is really nasty. it is just a little bumpy now, but i don't want it getting any bigger.

i got it from my dog because she ran in it and then scratched me, it has happenend several times before.

usualy i use rubbing achol(however it is spelled) but it is on my lip, and i'm not sure what i can put on it.

I play the french horn, and it isn't too easey to play like this, lucklly it is summer, so i don't have anything to work on. But the longer i go without playing, the harder it is to play again.


Poison ivy on lip, help!!!?
Oh, how I feel for you! I've had poison ivy before but never on my lip.

Natural emu oil is likely the best and it comes in a wonderful lip balm, if you can find it a drug or health food store. If you can't locate it, you can buy it on-line at several different places but I found this one for you:

How to Treat Poison Ivy Why Emu Oil?

Emu oil is a completely safe, 100% natural oil well known for its healing and soothing properties. It's a natural sunburn treatment that promotes healing, helps stop itching due to insect bites or rashes, and heals chapped lips and cracked, dry skin.

It's about as natural and effective product you'll be able to find but there many others available, I just can't vouch for them.

On the other hand, if you'd care to try a home-made remedy that many people swear by, here's an option:

Use of aloe vera juice

Rub alcohol to the affected area, then rinse it with water and later wash with soap and water. Wet the infected area and rub plain table salt on it, this will not only relieve the victim but also stop further spread. Rub the inner side of a banana peel on the rash. This will help you to relieve itching. Place the infected area under running water. This will wash away histamines which cause itching of skin. Pour 3 cups of oats into warm water and soak the infected area into it. Simultaneously rub the affected area. Doing this will relieve you of itching. Mix 1/4 cup of bleach with 3/4 cup of warm water and apply to the affected area using a washcloth. This will kill the poison within 2 to 3 days. Apply aloe vera juice over the affected area, this will cool and provide instant relief.

Good luck!!!!!! :)
Reply:Call your doctor. Poison ivy that close to your mouth is going to require some medical attention, since you will not be able to use the standard treatments on it.

To avoid the swelling for now take a Benedryl.
Reply:Whatever you do don't scratch. Go to the Dr. they can give you a shot or some pills of steriods to clear it up. I am going through posion ivy now. It has been 2wks. Don't put over the counter cortizone on it. All it does is spread it. I heard also to put some bleach on it stops it from spreading but that might irriatate your face. There is some over the counter soaps you can buy. Good Luck, I hate poison ivy. I wouldn't play the french horn for awhile.
Reply:Please get some Hydro-cortisone acetate 5%, for your lips. It comes in a very small tube, like the tubes we use for toothpaste. It varies in price and brand name. Caldicort is about 5 dollars a tube. Poison ivy spreads by scratching the infected area, then you have it on your hands, or any other place you may touch. Take care of this immediately, to prevent further spread of the IVY. I hope this helps solve your problem.

Poison ivy help?????

I have poison ivy and im really allergecic to it. I have the kind were it spreads like crazy. im using this cream called technu extreme and it jus seams to spread it more. So how do you keep it from spreading..?????

Poison ivy help?????
I use a cream called Zanfel. It's not cheap (like $30 a tube) but it cleared me up in like 3 days. I don't usually get it too bad but the pharmacist said it's the best stuff out there to prevent spreading. Might want to check it out, you can get it at any drug store. I think I got mine at either CVS or Wallgreens. Good luck, poison ivy sucks.
Reply:1) wash sheets, pillow cases, and any clothes that might be contaiminated. It is the oil resin from the leaf that causes the allergy.

2) wash the skin with a mild soap, and rinse well.

3) load up on benadry (generic diphenhydramine) during the night and claritin(generic available) durning the day. These antihistamines help.

4) Hydrocortisone cream 1%

All the above do not require a doctor's prescription. There are more powerful corticosteroids that require a prescription.

The FDA recommends using a rubbing alcohol wash, but that to me seems it would irritate the skin.
Reply:Wow. Never heard of technu extreme... wonder what's in it? Best thing for poison ivy is benadryl (oral not topical) which inhibits the allergic reaction. You can also use topical Hydrocortizone cream which will reduce the inflammation. If the poison ivy has spread to certain delicate areas (genitals, eyes, perianal, etc.) then a physician can prescribe or give you an injection of a powerful anti inflammatory drug, but they usually try to avoid doing that if possible. If you're into wholistic or herbal care, I recommend a komboucha mushroom (a flabby colony of bacteria, lichens, and yeasts) applied topically for 24 hours. They have some anti inflammatory properties as well.
Reply:wash with technu soap and make sure you wash anything else you may have rubbed the oil from the poison oak plant on by accident (clothes, pillow, etc) Also, wash your pet if you have one that could have brushed up against the poison oak. That is really all you can do. The uroshiol oil from the poison oak plant causes the rash, and once it is washed away with the Technu it should not spread. The weepy stuff from the rash does not spread the rash and you cannot give it to anyone else once those oils are washed away. If it you start swelling a lot go see a doctor and get a steroids so you dont look like that kid from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory who turns into a giant blueberry.


Poison ivy during pregnancy?

My husband gets poison ivy all the time. I've always been immune to it, but apparently when you are pregnant, your immunities change and I've got it. Anyone know any safe, good ways to get rid of the itching and dry it up quickly?

Poison ivy during pregnancy?
Call your OB since you've already tried Calamine, he will be able to suggest somrthing elso over the counter or perhaps prescribe something that is safe to use during pregnancy. Good luck!

Does Poison Ivy grow in England? Does it Grow where you Live?

Does England have Poison Ivy?

I spent last week in the swamps of New England and have posion ivy all over to show for it.

I was wondering, Do you jolly good blokes in old England have the itchy-stuff too?

I cant stand it, how about you?

Does Poison Ivy grow in England? Does it Grow where you Live?
Poison Ivy (toxicodendron radicans) is native to North America and Asia. Poison ivy has occasionally been planted in gardens for color. This is how it arrived in England and Australia. It rarely grows above altitudes of 5,000 feet.
Reply:Don't know if they've got it in England, but it doesn't grow too well down in Tucson, AZ.
Reply:Can't say whether it grows in England, but there's a lot of it in Ohio.

Lucky me, I don't catch it.
Reply:I would think the conditions would be right in England. I grow it here by the field. It even looks like I fertilize it. I have tried everything and will keep trying everything from round up and anything else that says it will kill it.
Reply:yes, it grows here, sorry to say

Waterbump or poison ivy?

I get these things that look like waterbumps every now and then. The first time I had one was 2 years ago when I was in TX. Thats how I found out I had poison oak.This time I got it when I was going to visit family in central california and I was wearing sandals the whole time. It always starts off itchy and red and then progresses to being a bump later on. So I'm not sure if it's just a waterbump or an allergic reaction to poison oak or poison ivy.

Waterbump or poison ivy?
avoid contact with polant life until you learn to identify poison oak, ivy and sumac. Ask people wherever you go to show you any plants they know to be a problem. Pictures of the plants will help, but seeing them is best.
Reply:maybe, since u travel a lot, ur skin is allergic to the different air around u.
Reply:I think you would know if you walked in poision ivy. Leaves of three,let it be! Many people are allergic to chemicals used in yards and foliage. Could be bites of some kind, I know someone who is allergic to mosquito bites. Starts off itchy and red and turns into a bump.
Reply:Its probably just smallpox.
Reply:I would say that it is poison Ivy. Probably like a contact dermatitis. Are you getting these "bumps" in the same place each time. Try an antihistamine, it helps to dry these up.
Reply:It is probably a chigger bite. You find them in the south in the summer time. It starts with a itchy red spot, it will get a watery center. Gradually will heal. You can stop the itching with laundry bleach on just the spot. This will kill the chigger. Apply with q-tip when you first find the spot.
Reply:could be a form of a fungus..have doctor look at

I'mAllergic to poison Ivy and I get it bad?

I get poison Ivy fast but I can't tell its poison ivy until it's too late anyone have tips to tell ivy

I'mAllergic to poison Ivy and I get it bad?
There is a shot to prevent this now,,,Check with your doctor,,,Good Luck
Reply:Well I do to but I havent in so long that Im starting to htink it sor tof went away. Zanthrax or soemthign is really good and it makes it go away really fast. Also take an oatmeal bath.
Reply:Go to the library %26amp; get a picture book of plants.
Reply:There is a lotion called Ivy Block (available at Wal Mart and drugstores) that worked for me;

Poison Ivy can be contracted by just riding in a car if the wind blows the oil on you (the oil is the culprit) so your best bet is to wear long sleeves and long pants if you must be near it, and use the Ivy Block on exposed areas of the skin. Hope this helps.
Reply:I get it pretty bad...Hot Oatmeal poultice worked for me.


Is it Poison Ivy?

Ok, so yesterday i was in the woods with my friend and there was alot of poison ivy around. We were trying to be careful not to touch it. But last night, my hand starting itching (on my palm) and there was something that looked like a bugbite in the middle, so i just left it alone. but then, a few other little bumps started appearing around it. My hand is really itchy now. Does anyone know if its poison ivy? i woudn't know because i have never had it. Also, do you know any itch creams that work really good?

Is it Poison Ivy?
It most likely is, what you should do in the future, is take rubbing alcohol to prevent to oils from spreading.. please know that once the oils has been washed off (you showering) it isnt contagious. to help with the itch use Caladryl CLEAR

please know, if you dont shower or use alcohol and scratch it, it will spread...

only sleep with a sheet
Reply:Yes it sounds like Poison ivy, I take benadryl and I put hydrocordazone cream on it. Oh yeah if you went to bed after being outside without a shower your sheets need to washed. The oils from the poison ivy will get on your sheets and make it spread when you sleep.

Question about Poison ivy?

I think i might got poison ivy i have not scratched it look a bit like a red rash . If its poison ivy and i just leave it will it just go away ?I don't feel any pain.And i don't feel like i need to scratched it

Question about Poison ivy?
if it's posion ivy you'll get a blistering rash. try using calomine lotion or anything containing benzocaine to keep from itching it. Iching will make it worse definatly. It sounds like you are thinking posion ivy which makes u think it itches more than it does. Try taking your mind off it for awhile. Wash the areas with soap and water and any other area you might think would of come in contact to the poision ivy or the current rash. It could be an allergic reaction to anything at this time unless you know u touched posion ivy. Try benedryl if you cannot remember coming into contact with posion ivy
Reply:get some calmine lotion. it is pink and put it on with a cotton ball and it dries it up! had it b4 too!
Reply:yea u just need to put sum anti biotic or that pink lotion stuff on 2 help it heal quicker nd make sure it want start itching

What does poison ivy do?

two weeks ago i had these little red bumps on my big toe and i was pretty sure it was poison ivy, and just recently the skin on the bumps started drying and started to peel. Is poison ivy supposed to do that??

What does poison ivy do?
that could be athletes foot. ive had both, and they look very similar at first. just get some cream to put on it for athletes foot, and it should go away quickly
Reply:makes you really itchy - get some cortisone cream to take the itch away
Reply:Makes u have red itchy bumps
Reply:i saw in ella enchanted that poison ivy makes our skin itches... and there are some effects like big boil-like something that i don't know...
Reply:I think its Not poison ivy. You would be suffering worst then you are.

What does Poison-Ivy (the plant) Symbolize to you?

To me Poison-Ivy symbolize the powers of death as well as life.

Poison-Ivy is a fragile, delicate, plant that lives to grow just like anything else, yet everyone is afraid of it. Once cut down it just keeps growing up until the source it destroyed (but who is daring enough to go near it). It can cause death, but it provides life for animals in the winter and to us as it photosysthesis to produce oxygen. It protects itself (with Urushiol oil) and keeps climbing until it reaches the top no matter what. Making it a fighting in my book what about you?

What does Poison-Ivy (the plant) Symbolize to you?
Reply:To me it symbolizes the minutiae of everyday life that we all have to deal with-intensely irritating but not life threatening ( I'm not sure where you got that-I've only heard of it causing one death-a smokejumper who breathed in smoke from burning ivy and it damaged his lungs severely)-impossible to rid yourself of entirely yet can be held at bay with constant vigilance and effort.

How do you like me now?
Reply:Itchy, itchy, itchy and it isn't fragile at all. It makes unsightly hairy vines that will also make you itch even if there are no leaves. I'm not afraid of it, it's a nuisance, and I need to wash after I've pulled it out. It competes with and strangles plants that are much more useful.
Reply:Your description of it was beautiful. Almost like the "Black Widow Spider", fascinating but lethal. When I think of poison Ivy (and poison Oak) I think of endless itching, blisters, cortisone shots and calamine lotion.

I try to give it respect and wide berth. Even when I try to avoid it, somehow it finds me.
Reply:Poison Ivy is green. Green is the color of growth and has come to symbolize prosperity. Since it usually does grow up like anyother plant and doesn't stop growing I would say that its like a life symbol.

And girl who wrote how you like me now? I don't....plain and simple....Obviously your thinking very self centered because it can kill animals and humans eat it and who breath it. OBVIOUSLY its it can be deadly which it clearly says "IT CAN CAUSE DEATH" you even said it yourself about that guy dying from it. Think before you type. It pisses me off to no limits when I see people who think they know it all!!



If I took out poison ivy plants but didn't get all of the roots out of the ground, will they grow back?

We had record rainfall this year and I have more poison ivy than ever before! I dug up about 20 plants yesterday, but I live in the Texas hillcountry and we don't really have dirt, its mostly rock and oak tree roots in the ground, so I couldn't really get all the poison ivy roots out of that. Will they grow back or will the damage just kill the plants?

(I didn't use a spray because I have a dog that eats poison ivy and I don't want her to get sick.)

If I took out poison ivy plants but didn't get all of the roots out of the ground, will they grow back?
Sorry, but "Yes"... they will grow back unless the root is removed...
Reply:odd dog you have there. i dont believe you killed them , when they do come back poor a bunch of table salt on them . no poison and no more poison ivy!
Reply:The salt is a good idea. Another thing you could do in the future is spray Roundup on an area of the plant the dog cannot get to. Like if the ivy has grown up a tree. The Roundup travels to the root system and kills the entire plant. I dont know for sure.... but I dont think the dog would be hurt that way.
Reply:Another pet friendly idea is to pour boiling water on the kills almost anything.
Reply:Oh yes they will.

4th-hand poison ivy? Is this possibly?

My friend got poison ivy 2 weeks ago. I havn't seen him since but I slept on his bed, which he said he washed in the laundry and never touched it since.

Well, I'm convinced I got it except I also scratched it. Is it possible for an open poison ivy wound to spread to other parts of your body even though I showered twice already?

4th-hand poison ivy? Is this possibly?
Yes, its all possible. Why Poison Ivy is contagious is that the plant secretes an oil. This oil is amazing, if it gets on your clothes it can affect you or someone up to a month later. Some people are more susceptible/sensitive to the effects of the oil.

It is possible to spread to other parts of your body, even after showering. It is highly contagious and sometimes cannot be washed off with regular soap. New soaps have been developed for showering and laundry. Look online for homeopathic remedies or go to pharmacy.
Reply:Yes... poison ivy can be spread to diffrent body parts and to other people. Becareful what you touch and keep open sores covered.
Reply:No that is a pure myth. The poison ivy plant secretes an oil that causes the irritation in the first place. Now it is possible that you aren't as sensitive to it and it took longer for your body to react to it. Once the oil is washed of your body it can no longer be spread because your body doesn't make that oil. I'm sure you are going to be told that yes it can be spread that way but it really can't.
Reply:Yep - that stuff can spread like wildfire


If my husband has poison ivy---?

If hubby has poison ivy, and sleeps on our sheets spreading the poison ivy oil--can't I catch poison ivy if the infected sheets touch my skin? I'm not a phobe to truth, so don't bother answering with any "nothing on Earth is person-person contagious" replies.

If my husband has poison ivy---?
Yes, you can. It might help to cover the area where it is to prevent it from spreading all over his body and yours. Yes, it does get on the sheets and can get on you.

Maybe it would be a good idea to sleep in different places until it is gone.
Reply:Yes the oil can stick around it clothes,etc. if they are not washed.
Reply:Yes, because it's the same thing if he touches you you will get the poison ivy.
Reply:well yes you could catch it if your allergy is sever enough.
Reply:Yes, you can. Although the oils would be absorbed by the fabric, there is still a chance of you becoming infected. Wash everything in HOT water and half a sheet on your husband's side so he sleeps between this sheet and you. How do I explain this? OK, take a sheet and fold it in half. Put the halved sheet on his side of the bed with the opening facing out toward the wall. The he lifts up the top half of the sheet and slips in between the top and bottom half. My husband, who isn't allergic has to do this because I am allergic. It works for us.
Reply:YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!! I got it that way from my husband a few months ago. He had it all over and I got a patch on my leg. I ended up putting a wall of pillows between us so he didn't get on my side and washed the sheets in hot water every day.
Reply:Yes, you certainly can get it this way. Wash your sheets every night and all clothing he touches. By the way not everyone is allergic to poison ivy and your immune system will build up immunity each time you get it. The first few times is got poison ivy I got completely covered in it and was in bad condition. Now if I touch it I might get a few red, itchy bumps that don't spread easily and heal up after a couple of days.

Any Alternative Treatments for Poison Ivy?

Went boating over 3 weeks ago, got poison ivy rash that showed up one week after trip. I have had this rash now for 3 weeks and new little bumps keep popping up in other areas on body and they itch.

In my research, I have discovered it is poison ivy. I am allergic to poison oak but never been in contact with the ivy.

Any ideas to get rid of the rash besides calamine lotion?

Any Alternative Treatments for Poison Ivy?
Try a Yahoo search for "poison ivy" + "matural remedies".
Reply:Benadryl pills or cream. Cortisone pills (rx) or cream.
Reply:I am allergic too and had it in 1997. Horrible experience. My first suggestion would be to get your buns to the doctor---like yesterday! Call them and tell them you are allergic and had contact. You will probably need prednisone which is also nasty stuff but better than a 3-6 month battle with poison ivy toxins in your blood that reoccur with stress, etc.

Immediately to the rash:

Apply a poultice of cosmetic clay, aloe vera juice (Aloe vera), and peppermint essential oil (Mentha piperita) to the rash. Clay helps dry the rash to promote faster healing, aloe vera heals skin, and peppermint oil is cooling and temporarily relieves itching. Mix together 2 tablespoons of cosmetic clay with enough aloe vera juice to make a thin, spreadable paste, and blend in 2 drops of peppermint essential oil. Spread this mixture onto the rash and let it dry. Leave it on for several hours and let it flake off or wash it off. Reapply as needed.

Hope you feel better soon. :)
Reply:The toxic oils on the leaves and stems of poison ivy and poison oak are very similar. The rash is indistinguishable. It often takes two weeks or more to resolve.

My own father eschewed the potent steroid cream samples I would provide for him, claiming that applications of laundry soap were superior. He husbanded them very carefully after they disappeared from the market. Cleaning out his house after he died, I found the last remnants carefully wrapped in foil.

I think you can still get Fels-Naphtha soap from specialty stores, but my father's opinion notwithstanding, I still recommend steroid creams.
Reply:Try OakAway, which is available at natural food stores, and yes, you can use it on Poison Ivy, even tho' the product was formulated for Poison Oak. Additionally, while at the healthfood store or co-op, get Rhus. Tox (Rhus toxicodendron) in 30c or stronger potency. This is a homeopathic preparation of Poison Ivy and will help you to get rid of it more quickly. Jewelweed also works quite well. It is currently in bloom here in NE. It is approximately 3-4 tall w/ orange flowers, and is commonly seen in the fields and meadows here. It is an excellent plant to use for any kind of skin irritation or upset, including such things as eczema, psoriasis, acne, bug bites, etc. Just chop up or break up the plants into little bits, make into a poultice and apply directly to the affected sites. You may use flour to bind it into a paste, if you like or if you need to.
Reply:I use the juice of a fresh orange rubbed right on the weeping area to combat Poison Ivy. The natural citrus will dry up the rash and get rid of the itch too. Be sure to wash with soap and water and dry thoroughly before applying the orange. After a shower or bath, wash the towel. Do not use the same towel twice-it will spread the infection. Try to change your pillowcase every day and your sheets as often as you can. If you have it all over, I'd wear a full set of pajamas to help contain the rash. Of course, get a new pair on each night as well. Start taking a teaspoonful of LOCAL honey to help you get over your allergy. It is in the air as well as on the leaves so the local honey will help you control it.
Reply:Poison Oak, Poison Ivy and Poison Sumac all have the same irritant: an oil called Urishiol.

According to published research, all people are allergic to Urishiol, but one in four do not have the "signs" of the allergy which are the issues you're dealing with right now.

Stuff like Calamine is pretty much useless. It's messy and barely relieves the itching. If you find out you are dealing with an outbreak well after the exposure, a product called Zanfel may still help but understand that your body needs to repair all the irritated tissue at this point. There's really no way to avoid it. Nothing it going make your skin magically come back to normal because only the living cells of your body are capable of healing you.

Good luck: I've been dealing with poison ivy exposure all week.
Reply:My aunt once told me to put bleach on the rash. It really burns especially if you have been scratching but it worked for me.
Reply:You basically just have to let the rash run its course. If you're allergic to poison oak you will be allergic to poison ivy (both plants contain the same allergen, urushiol, that causes the rash). The rash should have subsided after three weeks and if you're getting new bumps it leads me to believe you're being re-exposed to the poison ivy/oak oils. This oil is non-volatile and can last on surfaces (and be active) for years. Make sure you have washed any clothing, shoes, tools, pets, etc. that may have come into contact with the plants. A grease-dissolving detergent such as Dawn works best. I'm very allergic to it and have had it many times. There isn't much you can do to speed up the healing. If it's widespread and severe go to your doctor. They will give you corticosteroids. It won't dry it up but it will greatly reduce the itching, burning and swelling. As crazy as it sounds I've found that running hot water over affected areas will stop the itching for several hours. But don't do this over severe areas where there are open sores or weeping blisters.

Stye and Poison Ivy?

What happends if you get poison ivy on your eye?I thought i just had a stye but it has gotten so swollen.I also have small rashes on my face, neck and a couple tiny bumps elsewhere. Which makes me think i have poison ivy and may have gotten it in my eye.

Stye and Poison Ivy?
If the rash spreads to your face, mouth, eyes, or genitals, or if you develop fever, headache, extreme redness, pus, or other severe symptoms, see your doctor. He or she will recommend one or more of the following:

• applying corticosteroid ointment or cream to the affected areas two to three times a day, gradually reducing to once a day

• taking oral corticosteroids such as prednisone

• taking oral antibiotics or using an antibiotic cream if an infection develops.

Because these are all potent drugs, ask your doctor about any possible side effects or interactions with other drugs you may be taking.

In most people, the condition clears up in 2 to 3 weeks.
Reply:Poison ivy in the eye can cause blindness see a doctor right away!

Question about poison ivy?

I know it's not possible to get poison ivy from someone who has it--you actually have to come in contact with the oil from the plant itself, but is it possible to spread poison ivy from scratching it, then touching another area of your body?

Question about poison ivy?
Yes, that is possible and what is more likely is to end up with a systemic infection where the urishol oil ends up in the blood stream and then "pops out" in other parts of the body.
Reply:i think yea
Reply:Yes it is. You pass the histamine reaction from one area to the next. That is why it's very important to wash your hand every time you touch the infected area and avoid scratching it as much as possible to prevent spreading it.
Reply:Yes it is true when i got it when i was little i had it on my leg then a scratched it and then scratched my forehead. I got it there too.

sword fern

When is Poison Ivy in the TV show Gossip Girl going to come out?

Does anyone watch the TV Show "Gossip Girl"?

When will "Poison Ivy" come out? "Pilot" and "Wild Brunch" have already come out, but when will "Poison Ivy", the third episode of the first season?

When is Poison Ivy in the TV show Gossip Girl going to come out?
It aired tonight (Oct 3) at 9 pm (8 pm central) on The CW.
Reply:How do you know what the shows are called already? where did you go to find that out?
Reply:It airs on October 3rd, 2007 on the CW. I guess it's a little too late to answer, but I love that show!

POISON IVY!!!!!!!!!!!! Remidies?

I got what I'm pretty sure is poison ivy all over me. I was cutting a whole lot of it down it spread to the rest of the lawn. When i was emtying the bag, the freshly cut ivy blew all over me, down into my clothes and eveything! I just took a long shower w/ soap and was wondering what I can do to help prevent breakout.

P.S. I'm leaving for a 2-week vacation in 32 hours

POISON IVY!!!!!!!!!!!! Remidies?
If you are exposed to these plants or their oils, wash thoroughly with soap and water as soon as possible. An alternative is rubbing alcohol, which can dissolve and remove the oils from your skin. If you can remove the oil within 10 minutes, you are unlikely to develop the rash.

Symptoms from a mild rash can sometimes be relieved by the following:

* Cool compresses with water or milk

* Calamine - A nonprescription lotion

* Aveeno oatmeal bath - A product you put in the bath to relieve itching

* Oral antihistamines such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl) - Caution: these medications may make you too drowsy to drive a car or operate machinery safely. Nonsedating antihistamines are now available over the counter and include loratadine (Claritin).
Reply:There is nothing you can do to prevent a rash if you did indeed come into contact with it, You can only treat it once you have the rash. There is ways to prevent it BEFORE you come into contact with it but once the ivy resin has been on your skin, you will have a rash if you are allergic to it.

See a Doctor tomorrow and explain the situation, he may give you a topical steroid to use on an as needed basis, he could also give you oral steroids to use on an as needed basis. Poison Ivy can take up to 10 days before you start to see symptoms and it also depends on how allergic you are to it and how much you came into contact with it. Have fun on your vacation and hopefully it won't be ruined by a rash!
Reply:use something called aveeno soothing bath treatment it really helps
Reply:try something that will take away the oil from the plant

it is only the plant oil that causes the rash

if you do break out in the rash, try gold bond triple medicated with aloe and vitamin e.

it cools and protects. calamine lotion also works good too, as well as milk of magnesia when applied to the infected area.

there are some creams that you can get at the drugstore w/o a prescription that will get rid of the ivy's oil that is causing the rash. Good luck!
Reply:Go to the doctor, they can give you a shot to help with the itching. If there is anything out there to stop the breakout the doctor will know. Make sure you tell the doctor about your vacation so he be aggressive at addressing the issue
Reply:a whole lot of benadryl and if you do break out a round of prednisone
Reply:Go to the Dr. and get a shot- or take a bleach bath. fill your tub with nice warm water and pour about 1/2 cup bleach in the water. It won't hurt, unless u have open owie's. Oh and don't get it in your eyes mouth and hair. Just kinda take your hand and a white cloth and squeeze the water over yourself. I've had to do it a lot of times myself. Very allergic to the sh*t. and I live in the country.Promise, you will be just fine.
Reply:The best way to get it off your skin is not rubbing alcohol or soap. They just spread it. Go to the automotive section and get Orange hand cleaner or a similar cleaning solution that mechanics use to take the grease and grime off their hands. I prefer the type that does not require water. You can wipe it off with a dry towel or paper towel. Do this at least twice.

Wear pants and long sleeves and NEVER take a hot shower, unless you want to open all your pores so the poison ivy oils can seep in.

If you start to get a rash, treat around the rash with the hand cleaner to keep it from spreading. The ooze contains poison ivy oils and will spread it to other areas.

And see a Dr. The best treatment is steroids in my experiences.

Poison ivy/Oak??

I have poison ivy or poison oak it has spread everywhere on my body. Does anyone have a good at home cure to stop the itching until I can get to the doc tomorrow?

Poison ivy/Oak??
calamine lotion, benedryl cream, benedryl tabs, jewel weed, fels naphtha soap

you will want to remove the oil of the plant off your skin as soon as possible, so it won't spread. use laundry detergent to scrub with, then cover the rash with calamine lotion. if it is bothering you too much, take benedryl for the itch.

make sure you wash the clothes you were wearing when you came in contact with the ivy/oak separately and in hot water, the oil can spread to other things and re-get'ya! (if you just piled them in the laundry...better wash what they have touched).

jewel weed is a plant that is common and often found growing near poison ivy. the juice from the plant is very effective in relieving and getting rid of the rash. jewel weed soap can be found at health food stores.

cool oatmeal baths can help, and powdered oatmeal is good to use to dust your body with, especially if any sores are weeping and sticking to your clothes.

clip your finger nails short! tap or pat the itch rather than scratch.

drink lots of water, 6-8 glasses a day, keep cool and clean. you won't want an infection. try to stay away from foods that are dark in color and hot or spicy, eat cool foods that have low color and high moisture.

i hope this helps, best of luck to you
Reply:don't scratch, try to put oatmeal on your skin, prepare a paste with some water and use that, or calamine lotion. You are going to have to wash all your bed linens, towels, and wherever you sit and your clothing.
Reply:I am very allergic to it, so i know your pain...

and i'd have to say Aveeno and benedryl until you can get in...

good luck
Reply:Take one of those Aveeno oatmeal baths (you can find the packets in any pharmacy) and take Benadryl to help with the itching. After your bath, apply calamine lotion. It sounds like you might need steroids to get rid of these. Good luck.
Reply:Luckily I am pretty much immune to oak/ivy. Sumac affects me some, but not always.

My son (12) gets it a good bit. We have even traced it to coming from him petting the dog after the dog has been in the woods!

Rubbing alcohol will remove the oils, and give some itch relief. Ivarest, an over the counter cream works very well to help dry up the infected areas.

Poison Ivy affects eye?

Okay, i have posion ivy right now on my belly, back, and neck. When at night i have to take my contacts out... Does the poison ivy that is maybe on my hands going to affect my eyes if i take out my contacts?

Poison Ivy affects eye?
If you burn a pile of brush with poisin ivy in it and inhale the smoke, you will get it in your lungs....Anotherwards, bad stuff. My suggestion would be to wash your hands very well before you touch your eyes.
Reply:Probably not, you cannot catch or spread a rash once it appears, even if you touch it or the blister fluid, because the urushiol, the stuff in poison ivy that causes rashes, will already be absorbed or washed off the skin.

plant tables

Are poison ivy and poison oak contageous?

My son has either poison ivy or poison oak ( i can't tell the difference.) Anyway I've been to 500 web sites that tell me neither is contageous, however my son was sent home from school and may not be able to attend his grade 8 graduation ceremony and dance! I will take him to the clinic later but was curious now.

Are poison ivy and poison oak contageous?

Once he has washed off the oils, it is not contageous. Even if it is oozing. That is not oil from the plant, it is his body reacting to the poison.

It does not spread from scratching either...when more sores appear it is the body reacting to the initial contact.

Still, tell him not to scratch so he doesn't scar or get infected.

Get him on a steriod and it will feel and look a lot better fast.

(I just had it recently, very bad, and the steriods helped within 24 hours amazingly - Prednisone)
Reply:When you first get exposed to it, it *could* be contagious because the oil that causes the reaction is still on your skin and/or clothes and it might get rubbed off on someone else who touches you. After you have bathed and changed your clothes, it is no longer contagious. (It's a common myth that the rash itself is contagious.)
Reply:It is the oozing of the blisters that is contagious. He may need a shot or some pills from the Dr. if it is that bad that they sent him home.

Once you touch the plant and get stung, nobody else can get it.
Reply:I had poison ivy it is contagious to a point when its still wet and weeping once it dries its not contagious anymore.
Reply:YES if you touch a person with it you will get it.
Reply:The only way to pass poison ivy from one person to another is if that person still has oil from the plant on their skin and rubs against another person. The word contagious usually refers to infection and the rash from poison ivy is due to allergy-not infection
Reply:well I always thought that Poison Ivy was "contagious" too but according to this's not at all contagious. There are other myths and facts about poison ivy, oak, sumac and others...also try the second website. I found it to be very helpful.
Reply:A person gets poison ivy because they are allergic to it. If someone else is allergic to it he could spread it.
Reply:it is. just keep the oil dry and it will be fine.

Poison ivy/oak questions....?

I went to tidy up the family burial plot. I found that two bushes were infested with both poison ivy and oak. I had pruning clippers and leather work gloves so I went to work. The bushes were too thick to pull the vines out by the root so I clipped them as close as possible.

1) No doubt the vines will come back. How can I permanently kill them?

2) Will the poison stay in my leather gloves? If so, how can I get rid of it?

Poison ivy/oak questions....?
The vines can be gotten rid of using a product by Ortho that is made specifically to get rid of poison ivy and oak. I have used, and it took 3 sprayings over the last summer, but it did get rid oof all the poison ivy and poison ok that was on our property.

As for the gloves, there is a soap product called TechNu. My doctor recommended it, as I react badly to poison ivy. You can wash with it, as well as add it to your clothes wash to remove and neutralize the poison ivy/oak oils that may be in the gloves. Yes, you can wash the gloves, but they will harden a bit as they dry, and if they are dyed, they may lose their color. There's not much to do about the color loss, but you can soften the gloves buy rubbing the over a rounded surface until they soften up.

I hope this helps.
Reply:Getting Rid of the Plants

Poison ivy, oak and sumac are most dangerous in the spring and summer, when there is plenty of sap, the urushiol content is high, and the plants are easily bruised. However, the danger doesn't disappear over the winter. Dormant plants can still cause reactions, and cases have been reported in people who used the twigs of the plant for firewood or the vines for Christmas wreaths. Even dead plants can cause a reaction, because urushiol remains active for several years after the plant dies.

If poison ivy invades your yard, "there's really no good news for you," says David Yost, a horticulturist (specialist in fruits, vegetables, flowers, and general gardening) with the state of Virginia. The two herbicides most commonly used for poison ivy--Roundup and Ortho Poison Ivy Killer--will kill other plants as well. Spraying Roundup (active ingredient glyphosate) on the foliage of young plants will kill the poison ivy, but if the poison ivy vine is growing up your prize rhododendron or azalea, for example, the Roundup will kill them too, he says.

Ortho Poison Ivy Killer (active ingredient triclopyr), if used sparingly, will kill poison ivy but not trees it grows around, says Joseph Neal, Ph.D., associate professor of weed science, Cornell University. "But don't use it around shrubs, broadleaf ground cover, or herbaceous garden plants," he says. Neal explains it is possible to spray the poison ivy without killing other plants if you pull the poison ivy vines away from the desirable plants and wipe the ivy foliage with the herbicide, or use a shield on the sprayer to direct the chemical.

If you don't want to use chemicals, "manual removal will get rid of the ivy if you're diligent," says Neal. You must get every bit of the plant--leaves, vines, and roots--or it will sprout again.

The plants should be thrown away according to your municipality's regulations, says Neal. Although urushiol will break down with composting, Neal doesn't recommend that because the plants must be chopped into small pieces first, which just adds to the time you're exposed to the plant and risk of a rash. "It's a health issue," he says.

Never burn the plants. The urushiol can spread in the smoke and cause serious lung irritation.

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends that whenever you're going to be around poison ivy--trying to clear it from your yard or hiking in the woods--you wear long pants and long sleeves and, if possible, gloves and boots.

Neal recommends wearing plastic gloves over cotton gloves when pulling the plants. Plastic alone isn't enough because the plastic rips, and cotton alone won't work because after a while the urushiol will soak through.
Reply:There is not much you can do to keep the vines from growing back with out harm to the bushes. Sorry. The gloves should be thrown away. Some people are very alergic to the poison. IE ME. Just get rid of them.
Reply:You can get a brush killer spray, I got one at Lowes, they all work well and will kill to the roots.

The oil is what gives you the skin rash. You will have to wash the gloves with soapy water to remove the oil. If you get the oil on you. Wash it off within 20 minutes or it has already been absorbed into your skin cells.

I currently have poison ivy rash on my legs and arms. My wife is a doctor, she also has the rash. The info on the oil is from a dermatologist friend. We have been researching ways to combat the massive poison ivy infestation of our yard, and the spray is the best way.

Good Luck!
Reply:Throw the gloves out don't burn them as the smoke will carry the poison ivy and oak possibly to infect you or others.

You could get some Roundup from Wal-mart or go to your nearby farm store for some spray that will effectively kill the vines. You may have to treat 2 times if you miss some the 1st time.
Reply:Just an addendum, the roots are toxic too--for up to 18 months--so if you dig them up-even though you've killed the plant (hopefully) the volatile oil is still present in the root.

Poison ivy or poison oak?

I think my son got into poison ivy or oak. Does anyone know any good treatments?

Poison ivy or poison oak?
if he has a bad case take him to the doctor/ they usually prescribe prednisone/ calamine or caladryl works well to stop itching temporarily/ if he takes a shower have him take a cool one/ as warm water opens the pores and can cause more spreading. ice packs help with itching also/ there is no real cure for poison ivy or oak
Reply:Wash him very throroughly with Fels Naptha soap to remove all the oil. There's also a product called Tec-Nu that you can get in drugstores.
Reply:Apply calamine lotion or baking soda and water paste [to the infected area]. Tell him not to scratch. If he's got blisters DON'T allow him to pop them. If they burst keep the area clean %26amp; dry. Cover with a bandage. If his rash doesn't go away two weeks or if the rash is on his face or eyes, see his doctor. Hope this works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:Calamine Lotion, or Caladryl or Benedryl all work pretty good
Reply:I have never had this but I believe you can try one of the following: honey, baking soda bath (mix room temperature water with 1/2 cup of baking soda), white distilled vinegar, the old fashioned white shoe polish (the kind you shake up, acts like calamine lotion). Take into considerations things like skin allergies before randomly applying things to the infected area. Rubbimg the rash is not likely to spread the rash to others or other parts on your sons body unless the sticky substance is left on the hands, so check for this.
Reply:Paste of baking soda and water if it's not too bad, otherwise see doctor.
Reply:Baking soda bath helps with itching. I use to get when I was a child and believe it or not, white liquid shoe polish worked wonderfully!!

Can poison ivy scars cause a new break out 30 years later?

I havent had poison ivy for 30 years, and I have scars on my fingers from childhood. I am getting litte itchy patches and bumps where the scars are, can poison ivy came back in this manner or did I have to come in contact with the plant? Thanks for any help you can give me.

Can poison ivy scars cause a new break out 30 years later?
There is one of those that can come back. I had a friend that would break out every year the same time of year for years. With no contact with the plant. I think it was Posion Oak. It broke out when it was in season or blooming. See a determatologist.
Reply:Not that I've ever heard of.
Reply:You have to contact the plant oil.
Reply:no, but it sounds like contact dermatitis. think of anything new you've touched or used in the past week that is different from your usual routine.

asparagus fern

Can poison ivy spread from the liquid inside your poison ivy blisters?

Also, what's the fastest way to get rid of poison ivy?

Can poison ivy spread from the liquid inside your poison ivy blisters?
yes. .............go get a shot
Reply:Yes, it certainly can.

The only treatments you can get on your own are supportive, like calamine. In a bad enough case, the doctor may prescribe prednisone, but the side effects of that medication are quite severe, so the treatment is limited to cases that are way more severe than what you have. (It's obvious that you are not in the emergency room, which is where you would be with a severe enough case of poison ivy to warrant prednisone.)