Saturday, April 24, 2010

Poison ivy EMERGENCY! It's on my face, what can I do?!?

Okay, so i ran into a limb in the woods that had poison ivy on it. It starts from between my eyes, then spreads to me right cheek closest to my nose. So the rash part has spread to my eye and there's literally like a bubble beneath my eye and my whole eye is half way shut because of this bubble. My mom is a nurse and says it's body fluid, but i'm on medicine for it and i took a shot and it hasn't gone down any. is there any thing i can do to make it go down? :(

Poison ivy EMERGENCY! It's on my face, what can I do?!?
You can't "cure" poison Ivy or poison oak. You can only get meds that will offer some relief. We have poison oak here on the West Coast and we plan on 10 days for it to run its' course.

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