Thursday, May 7, 2009

Poison Ivy?

Ive had poison ivy for 2 and a half weeks now...... ive tried everything from the shot to the perscription medicine. Ive also tried every lotion under the sun and it wont go away...... WTF?? Can anyone help? Its driving me insane...

Poison Ivy?
Here's your answer.Now ,this may sound radical,but it works!Take a wash cloth and run it under HOT water.Apply the hot cloth to your rash.For 2 seconds it will hurt,but when you remove the cloth,the itching will be gone.This method should be done everytime you start to itch. It will also help to dry up the rash and speed the recovery time.Trust me,I was in the emergency room three years in a row with the worse case of poison ivy the doctor has ever seen.He suggested calamine lotion,which did nothing.A friend told me about this method,and the rash was almost gone in a few days.Good Luck!
Reply:i had poison ivy probably 2 weeks ago and you might have already tried this but swimming in pool water helps
Reply:Aloe vera might work; try the gel in a tube. Try Ivy Wash; Fels Napta soap is an old cure.

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