Thursday, May 7, 2009

Poison Ivy?

I have used every commerical product under the sun to try and kill the poison ivy that grows along the edges of my yard and on my fence, so far nothing has worked. I have a very shaded backyard that remains cool %26amp; damp. Any suggestions?

Poison Ivy?
good god, don't burn it!!! the smoke from poison ivy contains the oils that give you dermatitis! DO NOT BURN POISON IVY! Even if you're not allergic, someone else may be and can get it in their eyes, throats and lungs!!!!

I'd suggest Brush-b-gone from ortho. PI is tough. Might take several applications, but it will kill it.
Reply:My neighbor swears Roundup will work, but I've just moved here and haven't tried it yet.

At my old house, I just removed it by hand. I wore long sleeves, long pants, rubber gloves, and put my hair up in a scarf so that I wouldn't forget and brush it away. Those roots are nasty! I once dug a very small plant and discovered it was growing from a 1/4" diameter root. I pulled 3' of that root out of the ground before it broke and I lost it. I had been working on that patch for a couple of years, though, and that was finally the last straw--it never came back. I got an oversized garbage bag to put it all in so that I wouldn't have to fight it to get it to stay in.

And yes, I got poison ivy every single time, no matter what precautions I took. Only once did I have to go to the doctor, though.

It's nasty. One root went dormant for a year. But I kept checking, so I got it when it sent up another shoot.

I'd try Roundup and everything everybody else suggests first, though.
Reply:Removing the soil and replacing it. Get someone with a skiploader just like you were going to put in a septic tank. Dig 5ft. down deep and start over with uninfected soil.
Reply:DON'T BURN IT! You can rent a goat...seriously!
Reply:Try using boiling salt water. It may take a few times, depending on how much ivy you have. It gets down into the roots and kills them.

Also, Brush Killer, not sure of the brand, but it is a brand-name product. I tried it and it worked very well for me.

Good luck!

P.S. Make sure that you thoroughly wash any/every thing that may come in contact with poison ivy as the oils from it are what causes the rash and it is very hard to remove sometimes. It can also remain on lawn tools for a year or more.
Reply:Use gloves-cut off a few stems, the part of the stem that is still attached to the plant you put into full strength Roundup for several hours--but remember, even the roots have volitale oil which even through they may no longer be growing have toxicity up to 18 months. I can tell you this from the experience of looking like a leper for almost a month! Do not burn, the gases from the oils can coat your lungs, and you'll wind up in the ER
Reply:I know you said you tried commerical product to kill poison ivy, but did you try Ortho's Brush b gone-You will need to apply it stronger than what is on the bottle and you will need to do this at least twice, several days apart. If you are allergic to it, dont burn it and dont cut it down with a chain saw. I tried and found out the hard way. My face swelled up twice its size and my eyes were swollen shut.
Reply:burn it?


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