Thursday, May 7, 2009

Poison ivy?

My sister - in - law has poison ivy that has spread to her genital area. She thinks it may also have gone into her vagina as well. Is there any over the counter treatment for this, or should she see her physician (my recommendation!!) Thanks all!

Poison ivy?
Yes it could have gone into her vagina. She needs to go to the doctor ASAP. The oil that irritates the skin is called Urushiol. It needs to be removed from the skin.

An over the counter product that will remove it is called Tech-Nu.

This stuff works. I have used it and depending on how severe the rash was it might take a few days to heal but it stops the itch. There is an alternative product "Zanfel" that cost more but did not work as well for me. But the problem of the oil getting into her vagina is a totally different issue. Take some of this with her to the doctor.

Tecnu Extreme Poison Ivy Scrub is different from other products on the market in two ways.

First, it gets to the root of the problem by removing an ultra-potent and toxic substance called “urushiol” (ooh-roo-she-all) from the skin. Urushiol comes from the poison oak, poison ivy and sumac plants and attaches to the skin. It is the source of the poison ivy rash, irritation and spreading.

In addition, Tecnu Extreme contains an active ingredient to relieve itching fast!
Reply:she should deffinitely see a doctor as soon as possible its not the most serious thing but it can be. i would go to the doctor and get it looked at and get a medicine that will help her i know theres probably no over the counter things to help with her insides. but they sell all kinds for just on the skin.

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