Please help me, I was exposed to poison ivy two weeks ago, 2 days later i broke out in a rash on ym arm that has spread ever since to my stomach neck and other arm. How is it spreading? When will this go away?
I have tried everything: homeopathic: failed; large doses of vitamin C: failed; vitamin E: failed; Tecnu: doesn't work. etc....
In addition, benedryl just helps with the itching a bit but doesn't alleviate the rash, how do i get rid and clear up this rash as soon as humanly possible? I feel like there are so many false remedies out there, what really works? What will clear this up? I have become quite depserate....
Poison ivy?
I've been through this many times. I don't have a perfect solution. I use benadryl as per instructions, as many as it says I can. Thats the inside. For the outside get 1% cortisone creme (over the counter) and apply it to the affected areas several times a day (with or without a bandage). Then carefully wash the rash each evening before bed (cool water), or the creme will build up and get gunky. Maybe bandage with fresh creme at night.
For me, poison Ivy seems to follow this schedule. It all shows up in the first 7 days. The blisters all peak in the second seven days. It all starts to dry up pretty good in the third seven days. And it is about all gone by the end of the fourth seven days (maybe a little temporary scaring will remain. Try the vitamen E on the scaring).
Scratching spreds it to other locations, it really does (and extends the above schedule). Once you have the liquid on your hands you can spread it to were you touch. Like your face and privates. Be careful
Learn to identify the different forms of the plant and where it grows. It is our only real defense.
I think Avon (or sombody) makes a Poison Ivy off. It helps, preventatively, some (with bentonite).
If any area is just layer on layer of blisters, go to the doctor! He can use stronger stuff.
Best I can do. LOLv
Reply:Dude,use brake cleaner, but I dont know about all your other areas.
Reply:go to da doctor!!!get those cream thingy!!
Reply:take a bath in warm bleach water.. be sure to scrub the rash areas really well, it needs to dry up, so that it will stop spreading. The oils from the ivy is what caused you to break out, so dry it up. If the itching is helped by the benedryl, then keep using that for a few more days
Reply:yeah, try this..touch the poison ivy with your hands..and rub your fingers around your'l sting but its morning you'l look like a chinese guy.
Reply:try calamine lotion and if that don't help see the doctor. it can spread when blisters pop,
Reply:I usually have to go to the Dr's and get put on prednisone, it's a form of steroid, but, is effective in sever reactions to plant and drug (serum)related outbreaks.
or, you can go to your local pharmacy and by Ivy Stat, it's expensive, but it really works. I used this the last time and didn't need the prednisone, JOY!!!
The oils on the plant is what causes it to spread, keep your hands clean, all the time, thoroughly wash all clothes that came in contact with this plant, they might have the oil on them!!!
And don't take a bleach bath, for goodness sake, hello!! You can take an oatmeal bath to relieve the itching and help dry it up, but avoid bleaching, it could be harmful, especially to your already sensitive skin!!
Also, the cooler you keep the exposed area, the less it itches, honest, I would use cool compresses on the real bad outbreaks!!! It would help a lot, besides, my Dr told me about it, and it really helped..
Reply:the ivy spreads from rubbing ans scraching the area. the little blissters pop and the fluid is spread to other spots. when you get put of the bath or better yet shower pat dry and put white shoe polish on the affected area over night and during the day if you can this will dry it up . it helps with poison ivy and oak diper rash bed sores and any thing that has to do with a heat rash
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