Who sung this??
Poison Ivy?
Reply:the lambrettas, 'when at night your a sleeping poison ivy come creeping around'
Reply:I know it by the Coasters and the Rolling Stones.
Reply:a Mod band...the Lambrettas....
Reply:these peeps
Reply:zoeksalam has given the definitive answer.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Poison Ivy...?
I think I have it on my wrist. But I thought it was suppose to spread. I had it on me for about a week. Just curious. Always thought it could spread. Thanks.
Poison Ivy...?
Maybe it isn't poison ivy .. have it checked out by your family doctor. Good Luck! :)
Reply:.well poison ivy only spreads if u scratch it a lot. You will need to bust it open to spread it, if its not going in a few more weeks take it to a physician
Reply:Hi, if you don't scratch it it won't spread. It's the horrible **** inside that causes the itchiness!
Poison Ivy...?
Maybe it isn't poison ivy .. have it checked out by your family doctor. Good Luck! :)
Reply:.well poison ivy only spreads if u scratch it a lot. You will need to bust it open to spread it, if its not going in a few more weeks take it to a physician
Reply:Hi, if you don't scratch it it won't spread. It's the horrible **** inside that causes the itchiness!
Poison ivy?
My right arm from the elbow down is covered in rash and it's very swollen. The pain is severe, I probably only got an hour of sleep last night?
Should I see a doctor and/or are there any home remedies?
Poison ivy?
Contact with urushiol oil
Poison oak rash is caused when you come in contact with the oil called urushiol. Urushiol is a colorless or pale yellow oil found in the sap of poison oak. When exposed to air, it changes color to brownish-black. Avoid directly touching the sap of poison oak, it will cause problem to you. Indirect contact to the sap, by touching something on which the urushiol was present will also cause the rash, because urushiol can stick to fur, garden tools or any object that comes in its contact.
Use of aloe vera juice
Rub alcohol to the affected area, then rinse it with water and later wash with soap and water. Wet the infected area and rub plain table salt on it, this will not only relieve the victim but also stop further spread. Rub the inner side of a banana peel on the rash. This will help you to relieve itching. Place the infected area under running water. This will wash away histamines which cause itching of skin. Pour 3 cups of oats into warm water and soak the infected area into it. Simultaneously rub the affected area. Doing this will relieve you of itching. Mix 1/4 cup of bleach with 3/4 cup of warm water and apply to the affected area using a washcloth. This will kill the poison within 2 to 3 days. Apply aloe vera juice over the affected area, this will cool and provide instant relief.
Take goldenseal root
Vitamin C taken daily with bioflavonoids will prevent infection, rapid spreading of the rash and heal inflammation. Calcium and Beta-carotene helps to boost the immune system and speeds up healing. Victim must take zinc as it helps to repair damaged skin tissues. Take goldenseal, a root that is native to North America which has been used for centuries in herbal medicine.
Reply:Don't wait...go to the doctor. This stuff spreads like wild fire and sometimes the home remedies doesn't work. You need to find out if it's poison ivy, oak, or shumac
Reply:I'd go to a doctor , home remedies don't work quickly , the quickest relief is a shot of Benydril...
Reply:You didn't mention if the rash itches to the point of insanity. Regardless, see your doctor. If it's poison ivy/sumac/oak, then he will probably give you a Cortisone shot. Otherwise, treatment varies.
Reply:With swelling, it's best you call your doctor. bettyk
Reply:I've never heard of Poison Ivy swelling people. I think you are having an allergic reaction of some kind-and yes, it just very may be Poison Ivy.
Reply:if it's been over night the rash is done spreading. just wash really well and apply cortisone cream if there are no blisters. if there are blisters you'll have to wait until they dry up for the cortisone. cool compresses will help the blisters feel better. it'll clear up on it's own.
plant tables
Should I see a doctor and/or are there any home remedies?
Poison ivy?
Contact with urushiol oil
Poison oak rash is caused when you come in contact with the oil called urushiol. Urushiol is a colorless or pale yellow oil found in the sap of poison oak. When exposed to air, it changes color to brownish-black. Avoid directly touching the sap of poison oak, it will cause problem to you. Indirect contact to the sap, by touching something on which the urushiol was present will also cause the rash, because urushiol can stick to fur, garden tools or any object that comes in its contact.
Use of aloe vera juice
Rub alcohol to the affected area, then rinse it with water and later wash with soap and water. Wet the infected area and rub plain table salt on it, this will not only relieve the victim but also stop further spread. Rub the inner side of a banana peel on the rash. This will help you to relieve itching. Place the infected area under running water. This will wash away histamines which cause itching of skin. Pour 3 cups of oats into warm water and soak the infected area into it. Simultaneously rub the affected area. Doing this will relieve you of itching. Mix 1/4 cup of bleach with 3/4 cup of warm water and apply to the affected area using a washcloth. This will kill the poison within 2 to 3 days. Apply aloe vera juice over the affected area, this will cool and provide instant relief.
Take goldenseal root
Vitamin C taken daily with bioflavonoids will prevent infection, rapid spreading of the rash and heal inflammation. Calcium and Beta-carotene helps to boost the immune system and speeds up healing. Victim must take zinc as it helps to repair damaged skin tissues. Take goldenseal, a root that is native to North America which has been used for centuries in herbal medicine.
Reply:Don't wait...go to the doctor. This stuff spreads like wild fire and sometimes the home remedies doesn't work. You need to find out if it's poison ivy, oak, or shumac
Reply:I'd go to a doctor , home remedies don't work quickly , the quickest relief is a shot of Benydril...
Reply:You didn't mention if the rash itches to the point of insanity. Regardless, see your doctor. If it's poison ivy/sumac/oak, then he will probably give you a Cortisone shot. Otherwise, treatment varies.
Reply:With swelling, it's best you call your doctor. bettyk
Reply:I've never heard of Poison Ivy swelling people. I think you are having an allergic reaction of some kind-and yes, it just very may be Poison Ivy.
Reply:if it's been over night the rash is done spreading. just wash really well and apply cortisone cream if there are no blisters. if there are blisters you'll have to wait until they dry up for the cortisone. cool compresses will help the blisters feel better. it'll clear up on it's own.
plant tables
Poison Ivy!!!!!?
I used to not be able to catch it. Now I can and I want it GONE. So ineed some tips. I already kow about calamine lotion.
Poison Ivy!!!!!?
I can't remember exactly what it's called. I think Ivy-Dry or something. It comes in a dark spray bottle that you can find at CVS. Stops the itching and everything.
Reply:Urine. The natural amonia does the trick.
Reply:There is OTC med to dry it up you need something for a weeping rash but the doc can call you in some oral med to dry it up quick
Reply:Wash with very warm water and soap then pour bleach on it. If it's on your face get to the doctor
Reply:This is going to sound weird but tylenol (or advil whatever) will help. Itching is low level pain...apparently.
A nurse told me this when I had a really bad case of poison ivy. It helped.
Reply:There is this calimine spray. I believe it was once Bandaid brand. Not sure if it still is. But when I get poison ivy, it's bad. And that spray either stops it before it forms, or, if it's too late, dries it until it's cured. Good luck. And try not to scratch! If you do, wash your hands with cold water. You think it's bad now...imagine it spreading (especially to your eyes and face.) Again, good luck. I hope this helps and makes sense!!
Reply:Benadryl will make you sleepy, but will reduce the histamine reaction from the inside that makes it itch. The dosage for an adult is 25 to 50 mg; tabs are obviously easier to take, but I think the liquid works faster. The generic name for benadryl is diphenhydramine.
Solarcaine spray feels good, too, and it has anti itch AND "caine" anesthetics to kill the feeling in the area.
Coldness reduces the reaction as well, so I recommend ice packs (don't put ice right on skin, it can damage it; rather, put ice and cold water in a sealed baggie or ziploc bag, wrap in a washcloth, and apply that) 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off.
Good luck.
Reply:There is a product called Zanfel, unlike the useless gunk found in calamine lotion, Zanfel does more than just sooth the feeling of the rash. It actually seeps into the skin are binds with the Urishol oil (I guess chelating it) which then shortens the amount of time you'll have to deal with it.
Zanfel is a little hard to find, but I think CVS carries it. I always buy a new tube at the start of each spring because I hike a lot and want to be prepared.
Zanfel is also backed by Continuing Medical Education credits for doctors who learn about it and how it specifically works.
There are some other interesting products out there, but they usually only work to wash the oil off before you've absorbed it and then the drug approaches retard your immune system in some way while the reaction runs its course.
Topical products will not have any effect on a sestemic reaction so if you're dealing with a severe outbreak, drugs may be the only way to go.
Reply:if its very puffy and out fo control a prescribed low level steriod from a Dr. will help. I found OTC allergy pills (like claratin or benadryl provide some minor relief) However there is no pill, cream or miracle drug that can just make it go away. The itch is your bodys reaction to the oils on the plant and you just have to wait it out. If should not last more than a week though
Reply:What works the best for me...is running HOT tap water directly over the affected area. The water MUST be HOT. I like to say... 'slightly hotter than you can stand it' :)
As you are doing so, the affected area will feel 'real good', and will last for 5 or 10 seconds. Once the good feeling stops, then remove from the water, and PAT DRY the affected area.
For me, it TRULY helps...more than any drug I ever put on. The pain is gone, and will stay gone for several hours or more. Then I repeat the process.
Best Wishes!
Reply:unfortunately poison ivy usually lasts a long time -- up to two weeks. i've had it several time and it is a drag. if it is really bad, you can go to the doctor and they can give you prednizone (sp?) but, that's only if you go during the first few days of the outbreak. one important thing to know is that it can be spread if you come in contact with the oils again -- like if the oil is on your shoes and you touch your shoes, you can keep reinfecting yourself because the oils can stay on your shoes.(i've gotten poison ivy from holding the dog's leash) contrary to the opinion of many, it is not spread by scratching it, although it can get infected. the oils got washed off your skin long before you broke out in the rash (but, after it got absorbed into your skin)
an oatmeal bath may be soothing.
this too shall pass
Reply:It is the oil in the poison ivy that causes those who are allergic to break out in the rash. Alcohol is useful in removing the oil. When ever I have been hiking in areas with poison ivy I use rubbing alcohol to remove the oil on my boots and anything else that has come into contact with the plants. After 7 years of taking my Girl Scouts camping and hiking, I was one of only a handful of leaders whose troop had no poison ivy outbreaks. Each time we got back I would have them use the alcohol treatment on their shoes and after they would use alcohol wipes on their hands.
When my dogs have been in poison ivy, I use wipes to wipe them down with also. So far so good.
The oatmeal baths on the market such as Aveeno are very helpful when someone has the poison ivy rash. If you have the rash on a good portion of your body, be careful about using topical treatments in addition to oral antihistamines. What you put on your skin is absorbed into your system and will add to the cumulative affect of the oral medication you have taken. If you have a bad case, watch for infection (redness, swelling, pain, oozing, fever) and contact your doctor if needed.
Reply:I live in the woods and camp and hike and have done the same for 51 years.
This works. First off the calamine works by drying out the skin and that is the key, it just doesn't really do the job all that well. The thing that works the best is wash the area with warm soapy water 5 or 10 times a day [depending on how bad you really want it to go away] to keep it free of natural skin oil. It is the oily properties in the skin that helps the ivy do its thing and that is what you want to stop. The other thing is the plant and how it works. It has an oily property to it. You can get it on you just by being close to it. The rain washes the "oil" off the plant and it ends up on the ground around it. You walk by and either get it on your shoes or socks or pants or skin. Later, you touch all these things and now you have it on your hands. Anything you touch now gets it. Go ahead and wash your hands but it is still on all of the above. Now what? you guessed it, you have to wash it off everything that it might have gotten on, like your dog even.
I tried the "indian cure" one year. The myth is, eat the leaves when they are little tiny tiny things, continue to do this as the plant gets bigger and bigger. Well, They didn't tell me not to chew it. I got it on my lips, fingers, hands, bottom of feet and of course it travels through the body and comes out the other end and yes yes yes I got it on the other end too. I know Ivy let me tell you.
A little tid bit about ivy. It grows in the same places that ginseng grows. North facing slopes and anywhere the sun doesn't shine. Also if the land was ever used for cattle it won't grow. Ginseng looks similar to ivy sorta.
There is the age old saying "leaves of three, let it be".
Reply:Try some aloe gel it will soothe the itchiness and speed the healing of your poison ivy.
Reply:Technu is the best product to cure poison ivy!!
Poison Ivy!!!!!?
I can't remember exactly what it's called. I think Ivy-Dry or something. It comes in a dark spray bottle that you can find at CVS. Stops the itching and everything.
Reply:Urine. The natural amonia does the trick.
Reply:There is OTC med to dry it up you need something for a weeping rash but the doc can call you in some oral med to dry it up quick
Reply:Wash with very warm water and soap then pour bleach on it. If it's on your face get to the doctor
Reply:This is going to sound weird but tylenol (or advil whatever) will help. Itching is low level pain...apparently.
A nurse told me this when I had a really bad case of poison ivy. It helped.
Reply:There is this calimine spray. I believe it was once Bandaid brand. Not sure if it still is. But when I get poison ivy, it's bad. And that spray either stops it before it forms, or, if it's too late, dries it until it's cured. Good luck. And try not to scratch! If you do, wash your hands with cold water. You think it's bad now...imagine it spreading (especially to your eyes and face.) Again, good luck. I hope this helps and makes sense!!
Reply:Benadryl will make you sleepy, but will reduce the histamine reaction from the inside that makes it itch. The dosage for an adult is 25 to 50 mg; tabs are obviously easier to take, but I think the liquid works faster. The generic name for benadryl is diphenhydramine.
Solarcaine spray feels good, too, and it has anti itch AND "caine" anesthetics to kill the feeling in the area.
Coldness reduces the reaction as well, so I recommend ice packs (don't put ice right on skin, it can damage it; rather, put ice and cold water in a sealed baggie or ziploc bag, wrap in a washcloth, and apply that) 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off.
Good luck.
Reply:There is a product called Zanfel, unlike the useless gunk found in calamine lotion, Zanfel does more than just sooth the feeling of the rash. It actually seeps into the skin are binds with the Urishol oil (I guess chelating it) which then shortens the amount of time you'll have to deal with it.
Zanfel is a little hard to find, but I think CVS carries it. I always buy a new tube at the start of each spring because I hike a lot and want to be prepared.
Zanfel is also backed by Continuing Medical Education credits for doctors who learn about it and how it specifically works.
There are some other interesting products out there, but they usually only work to wash the oil off before you've absorbed it and then the drug approaches retard your immune system in some way while the reaction runs its course.
Topical products will not have any effect on a sestemic reaction so if you're dealing with a severe outbreak, drugs may be the only way to go.
Reply:if its very puffy and out fo control a prescribed low level steriod from a Dr. will help. I found OTC allergy pills (like claratin or benadryl provide some minor relief) However there is no pill, cream or miracle drug that can just make it go away. The itch is your bodys reaction to the oils on the plant and you just have to wait it out. If should not last more than a week though
Reply:What works the best for me...is running HOT tap water directly over the affected area. The water MUST be HOT. I like to say... 'slightly hotter than you can stand it' :)
As you are doing so, the affected area will feel 'real good', and will last for 5 or 10 seconds. Once the good feeling stops, then remove from the water, and PAT DRY the affected area.
For me, it TRULY helps...more than any drug I ever put on. The pain is gone, and will stay gone for several hours or more. Then I repeat the process.
Best Wishes!
Reply:unfortunately poison ivy usually lasts a long time -- up to two weeks. i've had it several time and it is a drag. if it is really bad, you can go to the doctor and they can give you prednizone (sp?) but, that's only if you go during the first few days of the outbreak. one important thing to know is that it can be spread if you come in contact with the oils again -- like if the oil is on your shoes and you touch your shoes, you can keep reinfecting yourself because the oils can stay on your shoes.(i've gotten poison ivy from holding the dog's leash) contrary to the opinion of many, it is not spread by scratching it, although it can get infected. the oils got washed off your skin long before you broke out in the rash (but, after it got absorbed into your skin)
an oatmeal bath may be soothing.
this too shall pass
Reply:It is the oil in the poison ivy that causes those who are allergic to break out in the rash. Alcohol is useful in removing the oil. When ever I have been hiking in areas with poison ivy I use rubbing alcohol to remove the oil on my boots and anything else that has come into contact with the plants. After 7 years of taking my Girl Scouts camping and hiking, I was one of only a handful of leaders whose troop had no poison ivy outbreaks. Each time we got back I would have them use the alcohol treatment on their shoes and after they would use alcohol wipes on their hands.
When my dogs have been in poison ivy, I use wipes to wipe them down with also. So far so good.
The oatmeal baths on the market such as Aveeno are very helpful when someone has the poison ivy rash. If you have the rash on a good portion of your body, be careful about using topical treatments in addition to oral antihistamines. What you put on your skin is absorbed into your system and will add to the cumulative affect of the oral medication you have taken. If you have a bad case, watch for infection (redness, swelling, pain, oozing, fever) and contact your doctor if needed.
Reply:I live in the woods and camp and hike and have done the same for 51 years.
This works. First off the calamine works by drying out the skin and that is the key, it just doesn't really do the job all that well. The thing that works the best is wash the area with warm soapy water 5 or 10 times a day [depending on how bad you really want it to go away] to keep it free of natural skin oil. It is the oily properties in the skin that helps the ivy do its thing and that is what you want to stop. The other thing is the plant and how it works. It has an oily property to it. You can get it on you just by being close to it. The rain washes the "oil" off the plant and it ends up on the ground around it. You walk by and either get it on your shoes or socks or pants or skin. Later, you touch all these things and now you have it on your hands. Anything you touch now gets it. Go ahead and wash your hands but it is still on all of the above. Now what? you guessed it, you have to wash it off everything that it might have gotten on, like your dog even.
I tried the "indian cure" one year. The myth is, eat the leaves when they are little tiny tiny things, continue to do this as the plant gets bigger and bigger. Well, They didn't tell me not to chew it. I got it on my lips, fingers, hands, bottom of feet and of course it travels through the body and comes out the other end and yes yes yes I got it on the other end too. I know Ivy let me tell you.
A little tid bit about ivy. It grows in the same places that ginseng grows. North facing slopes and anywhere the sun doesn't shine. Also if the land was ever used for cattle it won't grow. Ginseng looks similar to ivy sorta.
There is the age old saying "leaves of three, let it be".
Reply:Try some aloe gel it will soothe the itchiness and speed the healing of your poison ivy.
Reply:Technu is the best product to cure poison ivy!!
Poison ivy?
I still have two scars on my legs from poison ivy from about two months ago. Don't scratch it. I had it all over my arms too. Soak in a hot bath of epsom salt. Take showers as hot as you can stand it. It relieves the itching-sort of takes it out. It really works. Be patient-it takes time to get rid of. A bath with baking soda helps too but I think the Epsom salt works better. I also used a hand sanitizer with aloe vera-that seemed to help a little. I do not wish poison ivy upon my worst enemy-miserable-just miserable. Benedryl will help you sleep. Benedryl cream should help too. A paste with baking soda and water will help but is kinda messy.
Poison ivy?
it itchs a lot and can be painfull
Reply:Pain in the ***!!!! I've got it right now!!!! %26gt;_%26lt;++++++
Reply:Late at night when I'm sleeping, poison ivy comes creeping around.
Poison ivy?
it itchs a lot and can be painfull
Reply:Pain in the ***!!!! I've got it right now!!!! %26gt;_%26lt;++++++
Reply:Late at night when I'm sleeping, poison ivy comes creeping around.
Poison Ivy?
OK...luckily the itching is no problem. I havent even taken Benedryl. My problem is keeping it from spreading. Ive been using rubbing alcohol to dry the blisters out but I dont want to keep using it because it says to use for no more than a week. I was wondering what the best thing would be to get rid of it. Not stop the itch. I just want it to dry up already. Ive been taking cooler showers to rinse off anything that seeped out then afterwards use some rubbing alcohol. Its seems to be working a bit but not fast enough, more just keeps popping up elsewhere. I have to start my job soon and I dont want be having this effect if I can get the job and lose it. Any advice is helpful.
Poison Ivy?
you need to see a doctor or dermatologist
never use alcohol it can get absorbed into the blood stream and damage the skin
it could be caused by a secondary infection like staph, impetigo , cellulitis or MRSA as
the skin is a protective barrier to infection
any break especially with oozing is a signal to see a doctor
forantibiotic or other appropriate medication
Reply:Go to the hospital and get an injection of Steroids to stop the inflammation and spreading...that's about all you can do, really.
Reply:If the lesions continue to spread, it indicates that your body is having a tough time fighting it. You need to see a doctor who'll prescribe antibiotics either orally or via IV depending on the severity of the lesions. Try not to put too much pressure over the wound and most of the time it'll make things worse. Antibiotics are the only way to cure it.
Reply:Once the skin to oil reaction is complete you cannot spread the issue. The new area that appear are some parts of your skin that takes longer to show poison ivy sensitivity.
Reply:See the skin rash page at the source below for information on poison ivy and other skin rashes.
Poison Ivy?
you need to see a doctor or dermatologist
never use alcohol it can get absorbed into the blood stream and damage the skin
it could be caused by a secondary infection like staph, impetigo , cellulitis or MRSA as
the skin is a protective barrier to infection
any break especially with oozing is a signal to see a doctor
forantibiotic or other appropriate medication
Reply:Go to the hospital and get an injection of Steroids to stop the inflammation and spreading...that's about all you can do, really.
Reply:If the lesions continue to spread, it indicates that your body is having a tough time fighting it. You need to see a doctor who'll prescribe antibiotics either orally or via IV depending on the severity of the lesions. Try not to put too much pressure over the wound and most of the time it'll make things worse. Antibiotics are the only way to cure it.
Reply:Once the skin to oil reaction is complete you cannot spread the issue. The new area that appear are some parts of your skin that takes longer to show poison ivy sensitivity.
Reply:See the skin rash page at the source below for information on poison ivy and other skin rashes.
Poison ivy....?
i'm watching the unrated edition,...i don't see any difference- anyone know why it's unrated??
Poison ivy....?
It is probably just a miniscule little detail, the producers just didn't want to pay to get it rated again. That happens a lot.
Reply:they never got around to rating it.
Reply:There can be one difference that no one notices but the ratings system and director.
asparagus fern
Poison ivy....?
It is probably just a miniscule little detail, the producers just didn't want to pay to get it rated again. That happens a lot.
Reply:they never got around to rating it.
Reply:There can be one difference that no one notices but the ratings system and director.
asparagus fern
Poison Ivy?
Whats the best way to get rid of poison as quick as possible Ive been using bleach but some days it looks worse
Poison Ivy?
Best product I've found is ZANFEL you can get it at most drug stores. Be sure to follow directions but you'll see results within a doy or so
Poison Ivy?
Best product I've found is ZANFEL you can get it at most drug stores. Be sure to follow directions but you'll see results within a doy or so
Poison ivy!?
its startd out not bad.. but then i started putting ivarest on it.. it stops the itching but football season just started and im alwasy sweating so the ivy doesnt stay dry for long..any suggestions?
Poison ivy!?
My mom SWEARS by that aloe-vera gel for sunburns. Make sure you get the stuff with LIDOCAINE in it. All I can figure is the alcohol content is high enough to dry up the poison ivy, and the lidocaine numbs it enough to make it quit itching. She gets poison ivy every single year, and we could never get rid of it without taking her in for Decadron shots and dosing her on Benadryl for days. This clears it up wthin a few days...Now she won't use anything but the aloe gel! She's got her sister using it too!
Reply:Yes, you should go to a skin doctor...or use calamine lotion.
Reply:the best thing to do is not just play football until it the poison ivy gets better
Poison ivy!?
My mom SWEARS by that aloe-vera gel for sunburns. Make sure you get the stuff with LIDOCAINE in it. All I can figure is the alcohol content is high enough to dry up the poison ivy, and the lidocaine numbs it enough to make it quit itching. She gets poison ivy every single year, and we could never get rid of it without taking her in for Decadron shots and dosing her on Benadryl for days. This clears it up wthin a few days...Now she won't use anything but the aloe gel! She's got her sister using it too!
Reply:Yes, you should go to a skin doctor...or use calamine lotion.
Reply:the best thing to do is not just play football until it the poison ivy gets better
Poison Ivy?
My mother got posion ivy 4 times this year, and she was wondering if you can ever get immune to it or you would get it each and every time your near it?
Poison Ivy?
"Immune" is the wrong word. Your mom has an allergic reaction to the enzyme secreted by the poison ivy plant. Is it possible that, over time, she can become less sensitive to the enzyme, which would cause less reaction. When I was a child, I was very sensitive to the plant, but as I got older, the sensitivity decreased. I now have very little reaction to the plant.
Reply:i get it whenever i come in contact with it
Reply:NO !! If you have sensitivity to it you will have it all your life !!
Reply:No I don't think you get immune to it. A friend of mine is very allergic to it, they even have to give him cortisone shots. She will probably keep getting it any time she is contact with it.
Poison Ivy?
"Immune" is the wrong word. Your mom has an allergic reaction to the enzyme secreted by the poison ivy plant. Is it possible that, over time, she can become less sensitive to the enzyme, which would cause less reaction. When I was a child, I was very sensitive to the plant, but as I got older, the sensitivity decreased. I now have very little reaction to the plant.
Reply:i get it whenever i come in contact with it
Reply:NO !! If you have sensitivity to it you will have it all your life !!
Reply:No I don't think you get immune to it. A friend of mine is very allergic to it, they even have to give him cortisone shots. She will probably keep getting it any time she is contact with it.
Poison Ivy?
My husband had poision ivy, he is really allergic to it, it has cleared up. Now his knee is swollen where his skin was affected, Can poision ivy somehow get into the muscle and cause your knee to swell?
Poison Ivy?
Yes,severe break outs can invade joints.He may need cortisone or other types of treatment.
Reply:I don't think so, but he should definately go and see a doctor.
Poison Ivy?
Yes,severe break outs can invade joints.He may need cortisone or other types of treatment.
Reply:I don't think so, but he should definately go and see a doctor.
Poison ivy?
I have a bad case of poison ivy,on my face,my arms,hands and chest.How can I relieve it with natural home remedies?Any ideas?
Poison ivy?
If using calamine doesn't work then you should try a hydrocortisone (anti-itch) cream. There is also a product out called Ivarest that works pretty well at both drying it up and eliminating the itchiness. Just be careful not to get any in your eyes.
I am not sure of the validity of any of these but you can check out this site for home and homeopathic remedies for poison ivy and oak
Reply:Oh dear.
Try rubbing alcohol. Or perhaps vinegar.
Reply:I would use hydrocordizone, or Calimine Lotion, it costs less
wash wound thoroughly before applying. Hope you feel much better really soon. Calamine lotion helps dry up the sore, and I would leave it on over~night and wash it off in the morning.
Clyn : )
Reply:vinegar! it really works!
Reply:Use Calamine lotion, is good to speed healing of poison ivy.
Another way to reduce itching is mixing 1 tsp. of water with 3 tsp. of one of these dry ingredients; cornstarch, baking soda, oatmeal or Epson salts. Make a paste and apply over the affected skin.
For cooling relief, apply over the itching area aloe vera juice, tofu or watermelon rind, they soothe and dry poison ivy immediately.
Calendula lotion is very good in reducing itching, limiting the spread of the rash and helping the body to heal faster.
Reply:I have an extreme allergy to P.I. Over the years I've tried everything. The only thing I've found to be truly helpful was given to me by a nurse. Wash the affected area w/soap and water. Dry well with either a clean towel or paper towel. When the area is dry, spread anti-perspirant [not deodorant but the stuff that dries your underarms] over the area. Don't use the spray stuff, it's oily and will make the itch return more quickly. When the itch returns, wash and repeat. Buy and save a stick of anti-perspirant just for this purpose. Don't use the one for your underarms. No this isn't a 'natural' cure but it works. The washing removes the histamines from the skin surface [the itch] and the anti-perspirant dries the blisters.
Poison ivy?
If using calamine doesn't work then you should try a hydrocortisone (anti-itch) cream. There is also a product out called Ivarest that works pretty well at both drying it up and eliminating the itchiness. Just be careful not to get any in your eyes.
I am not sure of the validity of any of these but you can check out this site for home and homeopathic remedies for poison ivy and oak
Reply:Oh dear.
Try rubbing alcohol. Or perhaps vinegar.
Reply:I would use hydrocordizone, or Calimine Lotion, it costs less
wash wound thoroughly before applying. Hope you feel much better really soon. Calamine lotion helps dry up the sore, and I would leave it on over~night and wash it off in the morning.
Clyn : )
Reply:vinegar! it really works!
Reply:Use Calamine lotion, is good to speed healing of poison ivy.
Another way to reduce itching is mixing 1 tsp. of water with 3 tsp. of one of these dry ingredients; cornstarch, baking soda, oatmeal or Epson salts. Make a paste and apply over the affected skin.
For cooling relief, apply over the itching area aloe vera juice, tofu or watermelon rind, they soothe and dry poison ivy immediately.
Calendula lotion is very good in reducing itching, limiting the spread of the rash and helping the body to heal faster.
Reply:I have an extreme allergy to P.I. Over the years I've tried everything. The only thing I've found to be truly helpful was given to me by a nurse. Wash the affected area w/soap and water. Dry well with either a clean towel or paper towel. When the area is dry, spread anti-perspirant [not deodorant but the stuff that dries your underarms] over the area. Don't use the spray stuff, it's oily and will make the itch return more quickly. When the itch returns, wash and repeat. Buy and save a stick of anti-perspirant just for this purpose. Don't use the one for your underarms. No this isn't a 'natural' cure but it works. The washing removes the histamines from the skin surface [the itch] and the anti-perspirant dries the blisters.
Poison Ivy?
I'm becoming paranoid about this...I (unknowingly) got into it last Thursday, and started itching on Friday. The thing is, I really didn't realize it was poison ivy till around Saturday. So for basically 2 days I went about everything normal. I finally remembered what I wore that day, so I washed it. Threw out my shoes, wiped down surfaces. But I am so paranoid because people say that the oil can "live" for even a year or more! Obviously if I knew I had come in contact with it, I would have done everything then. . The worst I have it is my right arm, then some spots on my ankles and feet (flipflops..argh!!!) I'm taking Prednisone, and it is definitely clearing. But now I'm freaked that it's everywhere. It's obviously impossible to cover every last Sq. Ft. of my house. Suggestions?
Poison Ivy?
Several years ago I worked burying cable lines underground. As part of my job I would often become exposed to Poison Ivy. One day I developed a horrible case of it. It spread all over my body and I became extremely uncomfortable.
I tried Benedryl, Oatmeal… and just about everything I could find over the counter. I even went to a doctor, and she gave me some kind of prescription medicine. Even with the prescription my rash still did not go away.
I looked online, and I read everything that I could find. Eventually I found an over the counter product called Technu. I ordered it online, but sometimes I see it at Walgreens. I was excited about this product because rather than simply covering up the rash, like other products are designed to do, the stuff I read about Technu said that it would enable me to suck the oil out of the rash. You take a shower, then apply Technu to the rash and let it sit for about 5 minutes. Then rinse the Technu off… . (Check the label for the exact instructions.)
Here is how the process works as I understand it;
Poison Ivy leaves an oil that actually grows or multiplies under your skin. This process forms little pimple heads on your skin. Your skin becomes “itchy” because the pimple heads are expanding the skin. Unfortunately when you itch your skin you spread the oil, and ultimately more pimple heads are formed. The thing about Technu is that it enables you to actually suck the oil out of the pimple heads without having it spread to other parts of your body. It would seem that you could take a shower and simply wash the oil out, but for some reason soapy showers only seem to spread Poison Ivy. The stuff in Technu is obviously different from normal soap.
Technu worked for me after I had a huge rash, but it seems to work even better if you use it immediately after being exposed to Poison Ivy.
Anyway, from that point on I purchased Technu in bulk, and I kept it on my truck. If I ever had to work around Poison Ivy I would make it a point to apply Technu as soon as I could. From that point on I never had a problem with Poison Ivy ever again.
Let me know how it works for you. PS, if any medical people read this I would be interested to see what you think. The doctor I went to didn't know about Technu, and I really don't know why... From what I've seen this is the cure for Poison Ivy. Period.
Reply:go to WebMD and look it up. That sight is always very helpful.
Reply:RELAX. You don't even need to throw the shoes out. The oil might stay around a while, but nothing at the level that will affect you.
In order for it to get to your skin, the skin has to be receptive to the coating this oil makes. Normally your skin can ward off some of the poison ivy oil anyway (depending upon your skin condition).
I'd say, just give the house a good cleaning like you would before a party or having guests over, and get some calamine lotion on the affected areas.
I have also found that swimming in chlorinated pools keeps the skin dry enough that the poison ivy goes away fast.
Reply:There is now an over the counter med for poison ivy and oak check your local drug store....my son is in boyscouts never leave home with out it on a camping trip!
Reply:Good Lord this is not the plague. As a healthcare provider (who incidently put a couple people today on predisone for this very reason) I don't know who told you this bunch of bull but you are working yourself into a lather for nothing. Quit...relax. I'm already feeling bad that you threw out your shoes. You needed to do none of this.
Reply:I know how you feel. I get it very bad. Like hospital bad. It was probably just on your cloths and shoes and you took care of that, so i would'nt worry too much. theres this stuff that firefighters use when they have to go in the woods. Its called "Tecnu". you can use it before you get exposed, and use it to wash after exposure. It works great. Oh, dont forget to wipe down the steering wheel and and door knobs.
Reply:You'll be fine. Be aware though that people who get a severe reaction to poison ivy should not eat mangoes since it belongs to the same family as poison ivy. I read that somewhere several years ago.
Reply:We just went through the same thing. My kids got into it, I wasnt even in the stuff and I got it on my neck. I was afraid to touch myself anyplace, afraid I'd get it there too. I washed all the kids shoes, clothes, bedding. We havent gotten it back. Im sure you're fine now.
Reply:There's no reason to be paranoid. Poison Ivy oils will only get on things that your clothing or shoes touched. What you need to do is just wash your contaminated clothes really good with the hottest water your clothes can stand without damaging them and a good detergent. You may want to wear disposable gloves and long sleeves to prevent any residual oils from touching you again when you wash. If your contaminated clothes touch any other clothes, you'll want to wash them, too. That should take care of the problem. It's good that you're taking Prednisone because that stuff works great for allergic reactions.
Here is what to do if you get into Poison Ivy again and you realize you've been exposed. Within an hour of exposure, remove all your contaminated clothes and place them in a plastic bag to wash later. That way, they will not contaminate other clothing. Next, take a shower but under no circumstances DO NOT use hot water and soap first! Instead, rinse for 10 minutes with COLD water. Hot water opens up your pores and allows the oils to become more readily absorbed into your skin. Soap only helps spread them around. The cold water will be uncomfortable but it will wash off most of the oil. After the rinse, then you may wash with hot water and soap for another 10 minutes.
Reply:Ok... To get rid of the itch is easy... But I'm really not sure how to get rid of it unless lysol or something gets rid of it.. But for the itch it sounds pretty bad. This method also heals it some. Ok. You get a banana and peel it. Rub the inside of the skin on the infected areas. You should also go to the doctor to get antibiotics for it.
Poison Ivy?
Several years ago I worked burying cable lines underground. As part of my job I would often become exposed to Poison Ivy. One day I developed a horrible case of it. It spread all over my body and I became extremely uncomfortable.
I tried Benedryl, Oatmeal… and just about everything I could find over the counter. I even went to a doctor, and she gave me some kind of prescription medicine. Even with the prescription my rash still did not go away.
I looked online, and I read everything that I could find. Eventually I found an over the counter product called Technu. I ordered it online, but sometimes I see it at Walgreens. I was excited about this product because rather than simply covering up the rash, like other products are designed to do, the stuff I read about Technu said that it would enable me to suck the oil out of the rash. You take a shower, then apply Technu to the rash and let it sit for about 5 minutes. Then rinse the Technu off… . (Check the label for the exact instructions.)
Here is how the process works as I understand it;
Poison Ivy leaves an oil that actually grows or multiplies under your skin. This process forms little pimple heads on your skin. Your skin becomes “itchy” because the pimple heads are expanding the skin. Unfortunately when you itch your skin you spread the oil, and ultimately more pimple heads are formed. The thing about Technu is that it enables you to actually suck the oil out of the pimple heads without having it spread to other parts of your body. It would seem that you could take a shower and simply wash the oil out, but for some reason soapy showers only seem to spread Poison Ivy. The stuff in Technu is obviously different from normal soap.
Technu worked for me after I had a huge rash, but it seems to work even better if you use it immediately after being exposed to Poison Ivy.
Anyway, from that point on I purchased Technu in bulk, and I kept it on my truck. If I ever had to work around Poison Ivy I would make it a point to apply Technu as soon as I could. From that point on I never had a problem with Poison Ivy ever again.
Let me know how it works for you. PS, if any medical people read this I would be interested to see what you think. The doctor I went to didn't know about Technu, and I really don't know why... From what I've seen this is the cure for Poison Ivy. Period.
Reply:go to WebMD and look it up. That sight is always very helpful.
Reply:RELAX. You don't even need to throw the shoes out. The oil might stay around a while, but nothing at the level that will affect you.
In order for it to get to your skin, the skin has to be receptive to the coating this oil makes. Normally your skin can ward off some of the poison ivy oil anyway (depending upon your skin condition).
I'd say, just give the house a good cleaning like you would before a party or having guests over, and get some calamine lotion on the affected areas.
I have also found that swimming in chlorinated pools keeps the skin dry enough that the poison ivy goes away fast.
Reply:There is now an over the counter med for poison ivy and oak check your local drug store....my son is in boyscouts never leave home with out it on a camping trip!
Reply:Good Lord this is not the plague. As a healthcare provider (who incidently put a couple people today on predisone for this very reason) I don't know who told you this bunch of bull but you are working yourself into a lather for nothing. Quit...relax. I'm already feeling bad that you threw out your shoes. You needed to do none of this.
Reply:I know how you feel. I get it very bad. Like hospital bad. It was probably just on your cloths and shoes and you took care of that, so i would'nt worry too much. theres this stuff that firefighters use when they have to go in the woods. Its called "Tecnu". you can use it before you get exposed, and use it to wash after exposure. It works great. Oh, dont forget to wipe down the steering wheel and and door knobs.
Reply:You'll be fine. Be aware though that people who get a severe reaction to poison ivy should not eat mangoes since it belongs to the same family as poison ivy. I read that somewhere several years ago.
Reply:We just went through the same thing. My kids got into it, I wasnt even in the stuff and I got it on my neck. I was afraid to touch myself anyplace, afraid I'd get it there too. I washed all the kids shoes, clothes, bedding. We havent gotten it back. Im sure you're fine now.
Reply:There's no reason to be paranoid. Poison Ivy oils will only get on things that your clothing or shoes touched. What you need to do is just wash your contaminated clothes really good with the hottest water your clothes can stand without damaging them and a good detergent. You may want to wear disposable gloves and long sleeves to prevent any residual oils from touching you again when you wash. If your contaminated clothes touch any other clothes, you'll want to wash them, too. That should take care of the problem. It's good that you're taking Prednisone because that stuff works great for allergic reactions.
Here is what to do if you get into Poison Ivy again and you realize you've been exposed. Within an hour of exposure, remove all your contaminated clothes and place them in a plastic bag to wash later. That way, they will not contaminate other clothing. Next, take a shower but under no circumstances DO NOT use hot water and soap first! Instead, rinse for 10 minutes with COLD water. Hot water opens up your pores and allows the oils to become more readily absorbed into your skin. Soap only helps spread them around. The cold water will be uncomfortable but it will wash off most of the oil. After the rinse, then you may wash with hot water and soap for another 10 minutes.
Reply:Ok... To get rid of the itch is easy... But I'm really not sure how to get rid of it unless lysol or something gets rid of it.. But for the itch it sounds pretty bad. This method also heals it some. Ok. You get a banana and peel it. Rub the inside of the skin on the infected areas. You should also go to the doctor to get antibiotics for it.
Poison ivy?
ok this sux im a 15 year old kid who has poison ivy on my whole body and yes i have it their to.....its getting unbearable please help me i need some kind of home remedy......im using calmine lotion and oatmeal baths......i dont know what else to do!!!!!!!!!
Poison ivy?
go to the doctor .. theres this medicine that will clear up poison ivy in a day or two .. meanwhile dont scratch (it will only make it worse and i know how hard it sounds but you cant) and keep using the lotion and oatmeal baths
Reply:babe im sry i had that to and finally i had to get put on steriods it was that bad.....im sry ...
Reply:Go to the Dr's and get a shot of hydro cortisone and a prescription.
Reply:thats all u can really do
Reply:Yes go check a doctor. The doctor will give you some ointment that'll probably work. If it doesn't, guess what? You'll have to wait for itself to heal.
BUT don't scratch it. :O
Reply:well I have it now too....it SUCKS! I used Tecno last night (got it at Walgreens) Seems to have dried it up. If it's really bad, you need to go to the doc and get prednisone.
Poison ivy?
go to the doctor .. theres this medicine that will clear up poison ivy in a day or two .. meanwhile dont scratch (it will only make it worse and i know how hard it sounds but you cant) and keep using the lotion and oatmeal baths
Reply:babe im sry i had that to and finally i had to get put on steriods it was that bad.....im sry ...
Reply:Go to the Dr's and get a shot of hydro cortisone and a prescription.
Reply:thats all u can really do
Reply:Yes go check a doctor. The doctor will give you some ointment that'll probably work. If it doesn't, guess what? You'll have to wait for itself to heal.
BUT don't scratch it. :O
Reply:well I have it now too....it SUCKS! I used Tecno last night (got it at Walgreens) Seems to have dried it up. If it's really bad, you need to go to the doc and get prednisone.
Poison ivy??
i have these random little bumps all over -
one on each wrist, three on my neck, and one on my leg (i notice more each day).
i'm not sure what they are.
my dad said poison ivy.
my mom said an allergic reaction to my perfume.
they really itch, then scab over.
Poison ivy??
poison ivy is a cluster try benedryl cream on them
Reply:it could be fleas..
i dunno cuz fleas usually stay on ur body until contact and during their stay they bite more than once around an already bitten area
Reply:ha ha you have scabies!!! Cut them off!!!!
Reply:that are the exact singhs for poisen ivy. but what ever you do, do NOT take a bath or a shower. that will just make the poisen ivy spread. rub some lotion or cream on it.
china lily
one on each wrist, three on my neck, and one on my leg (i notice more each day).
i'm not sure what they are.
my dad said poison ivy.
my mom said an allergic reaction to my perfume.
they really itch, then scab over.
Poison ivy??
poison ivy is a cluster try benedryl cream on them
Reply:it could be fleas..
i dunno cuz fleas usually stay on ur body until contact and during their stay they bite more than once around an already bitten area
Reply:ha ha you have scabies!!! Cut them off!!!!
Reply:that are the exact singhs for poisen ivy. but what ever you do, do NOT take a bath or a shower. that will just make the poisen ivy spread. rub some lotion or cream on it.
china lily
Poison ivy?
okay,so my brother went camping and got poison ivy and was trying to give it to me. well it worked and now i have it all over my chest. what can i do to get rid of it without buying medication? or stop scratching it? its irritating me and i can't stand it. so...what should i do? only serious answers plz. i really need help and im not joking around
Poison ivy?
The soap in question is: 'LAVA'. Another thing is baking soda mixed with buttermilk. That will stop the itching and heal you quickly.
Reply:you need to get medication
Reply:if you dont want to buy medication youre going to have to put pee on it if you decide to go with the medication just buy benedryl.. you can get it almost anywhere without prescription
Reply:The only thing that will really make you feel better is to kill your brother. Don't worry, no jury in the world will convict you, it's Justifiable Homicide.
Reply:Try researching the internet for a certain brand of soap. Its not medicated and I can't remember the name, but I think it should help the irritation.
Reply:Just try to ignore it... don't itch! It will only make it worse. It will go away soon enough.
To relieve the itchiness now...
try that.
Reply:My dh gets poison ivy it seems like when he just breaths next to it.
He uses this stuff called Technu and it works great. Any drugstore should have it.
Poison ivy?
The soap in question is: 'LAVA'. Another thing is baking soda mixed with buttermilk. That will stop the itching and heal you quickly.
Reply:you need to get medication
Reply:if you dont want to buy medication youre going to have to put pee on it if you decide to go with the medication just buy benedryl.. you can get it almost anywhere without prescription
Reply:The only thing that will really make you feel better is to kill your brother. Don't worry, no jury in the world will convict you, it's Justifiable Homicide.
Reply:Try researching the internet for a certain brand of soap. Its not medicated and I can't remember the name, but I think it should help the irritation.
Reply:Just try to ignore it... don't itch! It will only make it worse. It will go away soon enough.
To relieve the itchiness now...
try that.
Reply:My dh gets poison ivy it seems like when he just breaths next to it.
He uses this stuff called Technu and it works great. Any drugstore should have it.
Poison Ivy???
Is poison ivy contagious or not, alot of people say it is/isn't. I need a real, straight answer.
Poison Ivy???
When a person touches the poison ivy leaf, a substance on the surface of the leaf (a resin) rubs off. Over the next 48 to 72 hours the skin reacts to the resin by becoming red and developing bumps and blisters at and around the site where the resin was. It can be very itchy and uncomfortable, especially for children, but will eventually go away, though it may take weeks. Sometimes prescription creams or medications are given to help it resolve faster.
The fluid inside the blisters is not contagious, and will not cause poison ivy if another child touches it. The "spreading" of poison ivy on one person that you are describing, is due to different factors. When the resin touches the skin or clothing it sticks there until it is washed off. Often, people do not know that they have touched poison ivy, and may end up spreading the resin to other parts of their body with their hands or their clothing over the next day, until they've washed their hands or taken a bath. Since the rash doesn't occur until two or three days later, it can appear as though successive crops of blisters are developing over a one or two day period, all from that same exposure to the resin of the poison ivy plant.
There are some things you can do to prevent poison ivy: First, know what the plant looks like, and try to avoid it; next, wear clothing that will protect the skin if you know you will be in area where poison ivy is present; and last, wash up well as soon as possible after coming in from being out in the woods, including washing of the clothing that you wore. The less time the resin sits on the skin, the milder the reaction is likely to be.
Reply:yea it is
Reply:If you actually come in contact with poison ivy it does leave an oil on your body or clothing. That oil in turn can get on something else or someone else. Granted it might not be enough to recontaminate yourself or contaminate someone else unless that person is extra sensitive to poison ivy. If its a fresh case of poison ivy. There is a product called tecnu this will actually wash of the oil from the poison ivy.
Reply:Poison ivy is NOT contagious, UNLESS someone (or something, ex. dog, cat) touches it and never washes it off. The oil inside poison ivy can stay on an item for years.
If someone has a rash, then it is impossible to get it from them if they have washed the oil off completely.
Start stocking up on vitamin C. It helps build your immune system against the urushiol in poison ivy. (Urushiol causes the rash)
Poison Ivy???
When a person touches the poison ivy leaf, a substance on the surface of the leaf (a resin) rubs off. Over the next 48 to 72 hours the skin reacts to the resin by becoming red and developing bumps and blisters at and around the site where the resin was. It can be very itchy and uncomfortable, especially for children, but will eventually go away, though it may take weeks. Sometimes prescription creams or medications are given to help it resolve faster.
The fluid inside the blisters is not contagious, and will not cause poison ivy if another child touches it. The "spreading" of poison ivy on one person that you are describing, is due to different factors. When the resin touches the skin or clothing it sticks there until it is washed off. Often, people do not know that they have touched poison ivy, and may end up spreading the resin to other parts of their body with their hands or their clothing over the next day, until they've washed their hands or taken a bath. Since the rash doesn't occur until two or three days later, it can appear as though successive crops of blisters are developing over a one or two day period, all from that same exposure to the resin of the poison ivy plant.
There are some things you can do to prevent poison ivy: First, know what the plant looks like, and try to avoid it; next, wear clothing that will protect the skin if you know you will be in area where poison ivy is present; and last, wash up well as soon as possible after coming in from being out in the woods, including washing of the clothing that you wore. The less time the resin sits on the skin, the milder the reaction is likely to be.
Reply:yea it is
Reply:If you actually come in contact with poison ivy it does leave an oil on your body or clothing. That oil in turn can get on something else or someone else. Granted it might not be enough to recontaminate yourself or contaminate someone else unless that person is extra sensitive to poison ivy. If its a fresh case of poison ivy. There is a product called tecnu this will actually wash of the oil from the poison ivy.
Reply:Poison ivy is NOT contagious, UNLESS someone (or something, ex. dog, cat) touches it and never washes it off. The oil inside poison ivy can stay on an item for years.
If someone has a rash, then it is impossible to get it from them if they have washed the oil off completely.
Start stocking up on vitamin C. It helps build your immune system against the urushiol in poison ivy. (Urushiol causes the rash)
Poison Ivy...........?
I finally, after 33 years, got poison ivy. I feel like I have a million misquito bites on my legs. I heard that after you get it once it comes back each time worse and worse. I think I may have it inside my ear. (Great, HUH?)
I bought some Caladry lotion..Is there anything better to use, or do to prevent it from spreading worse? I would appreciate any help or any kind of advise any one has to offer. Thank you very much in advance...
Poison Ivy...........?
First, it is the oil from the plant that spreads to different areas when you touch the skin then another place. Wash all clothing, and anything you have touched in hot water. Bedding, pillows, etc.
The best thing you can do is to take benedryl orally, and use a lotion that has an antihistamine in it. Calamine is an old stand by, by it is not very helpful for the itching. There are a number of products in the drug store for poison ivy, look for the ones that have antihistamine to reduce the itching. There used to be one called Rhuligel and Rhulihist, they may still be available, and they were good.
Here are some pics of poison ivy so you can recognize it.
If you don't have benedryl or an antihistamine creme, and can't get any, the way to relieve itching is to put a wash cloth in hot (as hot as you can stand) water. Wring it out, and place it over the rash. It causes the skin to release histamines, and the itch will stop temporarily.
It will not spread if you have washed your entire body with a good soap and washed your clothes and bedding. No, you are not more allergic to it in the future. You just happened to get a good 'dose' of it, you must have come into direct contact with it.
Good luck!
Reply:i had it all over my leg once...i went to the doctor thought and they gave me some medication and cream that help it stop itching and spreading....stay away from water it speards it more. 420
Reply:I would go to a doctor, there is great medication for that. Be careful about taking a shower, which can spread it all over your body. Wrap plastic bags around infected area to take a shower safefly. Be careful, it spreads easy.
Reply:Buy some Tech-Nu.
This stuff works. I have used it and depending on how severe the rash was it might take a few days to heal but it stops the itch. There is an alternative product "Zanfel" that cost more but did not work as well for me.
Tecnu Extreme Poison Ivy Scrub is different from other products on the market in two ways.
First, it gets to the root of the problem by removing an ultra-potent and toxic substance called “urushiol” (ooh-roo-she-all) from the skin. Urushiol comes from the poison oak, poison ivy and sumac plants and attaches to the skin. It is the source of the poison ivy rash, irritation and spreading.
In addition, Tecnu Extreme contains an active ingredient to relieve itching fast!
I bought some Caladry lotion..Is there anything better to use, or do to prevent it from spreading worse? I would appreciate any help or any kind of advise any one has to offer. Thank you very much in advance...
Poison Ivy...........?
First, it is the oil from the plant that spreads to different areas when you touch the skin then another place. Wash all clothing, and anything you have touched in hot water. Bedding, pillows, etc.
The best thing you can do is to take benedryl orally, and use a lotion that has an antihistamine in it. Calamine is an old stand by, by it is not very helpful for the itching. There are a number of products in the drug store for poison ivy, look for the ones that have antihistamine to reduce the itching. There used to be one called Rhuligel and Rhulihist, they may still be available, and they were good.
Here are some pics of poison ivy so you can recognize it.
If you don't have benedryl or an antihistamine creme, and can't get any, the way to relieve itching is to put a wash cloth in hot (as hot as you can stand) water. Wring it out, and place it over the rash. It causes the skin to release histamines, and the itch will stop temporarily.
It will not spread if you have washed your entire body with a good soap and washed your clothes and bedding. No, you are not more allergic to it in the future. You just happened to get a good 'dose' of it, you must have come into direct contact with it.
Good luck!
Reply:i had it all over my leg once...i went to the doctor thought and they gave me some medication and cream that help it stop itching and spreading....stay away from water it speards it more. 420
Reply:I would go to a doctor, there is great medication for that. Be careful about taking a shower, which can spread it all over your body. Wrap plastic bags around infected area to take a shower safefly. Be careful, it spreads easy.
Reply:Buy some Tech-Nu.
This stuff works. I have used it and depending on how severe the rash was it might take a few days to heal but it stops the itch. There is an alternative product "Zanfel" that cost more but did not work as well for me.
Tecnu Extreme Poison Ivy Scrub is different from other products on the market in two ways.
First, it gets to the root of the problem by removing an ultra-potent and toxic substance called “urushiol” (ooh-roo-she-all) from the skin. Urushiol comes from the poison oak, poison ivy and sumac plants and attaches to the skin. It is the source of the poison ivy rash, irritation and spreading.
In addition, Tecnu Extreme contains an active ingredient to relieve itching fast!
Poison Ivy?
Though I didn't really know her I found her answer to this question. Should we respect her wishes as June 19th Poison Ivy Day???
Poison Ivy?
Judging from of her answer I think she would like that.
Reply:wow, all I can say is Thank You. This one is special. Report It
Reply:You could go to her profile page and rate all her answers in her favor with thumbs up to give her more points in her honor... Report It
Reply:I have marked June 19, as Poison Ivy Day in my Outlook. Report It
Reply:It is "Poison Ivy" Day tomorrow. Report It
Reply:no wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Reply:Yawn . . . ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz . . . .
Reply:I’m so shaken she was just 25!!!! :(....i mean i dont know the whole thing but what happened???
Reply:It's quite emotive and maybe you have to accept that new people join here every day and many of them won't even know who she was. it would be nice if people could be respectful, but this is yahoo answers and any question is open to sarcasm sadly.
It might be best for those who knew her well to remember her and not expect every one on here to feel the same. And I'm only saying that because I wouldn't want to see questions like this, that are meant from the heart, to turn into huge personal attacks on other people. That wouldn't be very nice
Reply:I am touched that you found the link.
I wish people who did not know her would allow those of us who did to hurt.
Reply:I think that is a wonderful idea
Go green and smile
rest in peace sweet angel
Reply:That was very sweet of you to find the link. I am with you on this...And people that did not know her should show respect and not be rude...She was a very sweet person and is definitely missed...
Reply:Wow...well I am sure if she can see us all she is probably smiling,as we honor her memory and mourn the loss of such a special lady.
Reply:I'll remember the date.
Due Respect.
Reply:Yes 100% I blogged about her check it out!!!
Reply:Sory about her
Rest in Peace Ivana
I Go Green %26amp; Smile for One day ^_^
Reply:I just want to know why some of these people are being so cold. She actually died you friggin jerks. I think that's a wonderful idea.
Reply:Speechless. (weeping)
Reply:Your idea is a good one. Her memory will live on.
Reply:Due to some bad happening I left answering in Yahoo! Answers.
But to the respect of dear Ivana I come back. I do not have power to do anything else. But I am answering only for the honor to Ivy.
May she rest in eternal peace.
We might not be able to introduce a holiday. But we, her 360 friends must remember this day every year wearing green smiley at least for one day.
%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; LiN ReloadeD %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;
Reply:I didn't know her, but my heart and deepest sympathies go out to her family and to all that loved her.
June 19....International Poison Ivy Day.
Reply:May she rest in peace.
Reply:That's a great idea, just look at the sea of green faces here.
Reply:I have seen her around but sadly never got to know her. I did not know until now that she had passed away. She seemed so nice. Only 25, that's my age. I am almost crying now for someone I have never met. Just goes to show that some people are so special that they can have such an effect. Yes there should be a holiday for her. My baby's birthday is the 18th of June but even that wouldn't stop me remembering someone who was such a special person. Maybe more of a reason.
Reply:its just so wrong to take one so young...... so many asssholes in the world and the good folks always die...
Reply:did she have a favourite charity/cause we could honour for her?
Reply:6/19/06 a day to be remembered
Reply:I think that's a lovely idea.
Reply:Yes - June 19....International Poison Ivy Day and in respect I will offer a moment of silence and pray for her family.
Reply:This was on her blog page.....Read on...........
Reply:Yes. No questions asked.
Reply:I think that is a great thing... if not in the real world, maybe in 360??? :)
Reply:So young .. my heart goes out to the family.
Reply:What to say other than - May her soul rest in peace
Reply:oh that sounds so sincere
but who cares?
oyster plant
Poison Ivy?
Judging from of her answer I think she would like that.
Reply:wow, all I can say is Thank You. This one is special. Report It
Reply:You could go to her profile page and rate all her answers in her favor with thumbs up to give her more points in her honor... Report It
Reply:I have marked June 19, as Poison Ivy Day in my Outlook. Report It
Reply:It is "Poison Ivy" Day tomorrow. Report It
Reply:no wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Reply:Yawn . . . ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz . . . .
Reply:I’m so shaken she was just 25!!!! :(....i mean i dont know the whole thing but what happened???
Reply:It's quite emotive and maybe you have to accept that new people join here every day and many of them won't even know who she was. it would be nice if people could be respectful, but this is yahoo answers and any question is open to sarcasm sadly.
It might be best for those who knew her well to remember her and not expect every one on here to feel the same. And I'm only saying that because I wouldn't want to see questions like this, that are meant from the heart, to turn into huge personal attacks on other people. That wouldn't be very nice
Reply:I am touched that you found the link.
I wish people who did not know her would allow those of us who did to hurt.
Reply:I think that is a wonderful idea
Go green and smile
rest in peace sweet angel
Reply:That was very sweet of you to find the link. I am with you on this...And people that did not know her should show respect and not be rude...She was a very sweet person and is definitely missed...
Reply:Wow...well I am sure if she can see us all she is probably smiling,as we honor her memory and mourn the loss of such a special lady.
Reply:I'll remember the date.
Due Respect.
Reply:Yes 100% I blogged about her check it out!!!
Reply:Sory about her
Rest in Peace Ivana
I Go Green %26amp; Smile for One day ^_^
Reply:I just want to know why some of these people are being so cold. She actually died you friggin jerks. I think that's a wonderful idea.
Reply:Speechless. (weeping)
Reply:Your idea is a good one. Her memory will live on.
Reply:Due to some bad happening I left answering in Yahoo! Answers.
But to the respect of dear Ivana I come back. I do not have power to do anything else. But I am answering only for the honor to Ivy.
May she rest in eternal peace.
We might not be able to introduce a holiday. But we, her 360 friends must remember this day every year wearing green smiley at least for one day.
%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; LiN ReloadeD %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;
Reply:I didn't know her, but my heart and deepest sympathies go out to her family and to all that loved her.
June 19....International Poison Ivy Day.
Reply:May she rest in peace.
Reply:That's a great idea, just look at the sea of green faces here.
Reply:I have seen her around but sadly never got to know her. I did not know until now that she had passed away. She seemed so nice. Only 25, that's my age. I am almost crying now for someone I have never met. Just goes to show that some people are so special that they can have such an effect. Yes there should be a holiday for her. My baby's birthday is the 18th of June but even that wouldn't stop me remembering someone who was such a special person. Maybe more of a reason.
Reply:its just so wrong to take one so young...... so many asssholes in the world and the good folks always die...
Reply:did she have a favourite charity/cause we could honour for her?
Reply:6/19/06 a day to be remembered
Reply:I think that's a lovely idea.
Reply:Yes - June 19....International Poison Ivy Day and in respect I will offer a moment of silence and pray for her family.
Reply:This was on her blog page.....Read on...........
Reply:Yes. No questions asked.
Reply:I think that is a great thing... if not in the real world, maybe in 360??? :)
Reply:So young .. my heart goes out to the family.
Reply:What to say other than - May her soul rest in peace
Reply:oh that sounds so sincere
but who cares?
oyster plant
Poison ivy!?
I have recently been in the woods and I am sure I have poison ivy. It's on the side of my face but now I made it spread to my neck arms and chin. How long does it usually take to go away? (with you not bothering it) What are some things I can do when it itches really bad? without scratching it
Poison ivy!?
Benadryl by mouth and cortisone lotion on the location. Make sure that you wash the area often as well as anything that touches it. Espically the bed sheets!!
Reply:Put some caladryl/calamine lotion on it - you can find it in a drug store..........it will dry it out and stop the itching - give a few days to clear up IF you treat it..........
Reply:Benedryl for the itching and calamine lotion but as far as how long , probably a couple of days.
Sorry I know it sucks but you will get through it.
Reply:The lotions already mentioned are quite important.
You also want to JUST NOT TOUCH the afflicted places as much as you can possibly avoid it. When you do touch, washing BEFORE touching anyone else or any other part of your body is esential. You DO NOT want this also on your junk, for example.
The advice about washing sheets and clothing is also on the mark. Since this afflicts your face, neck and upper body, try to wear pajamas or a shirt or other apparel for sleeping the covers most of the afflicated area. You should absolutely change the pillow slip after getting up.
You can go back to your job at the strip club in about a week, but no lap dances right away.
Poison ivy!?
Benadryl by mouth and cortisone lotion on the location. Make sure that you wash the area often as well as anything that touches it. Espically the bed sheets!!
Reply:Put some caladryl/calamine lotion on it - you can find it in a drug store..........it will dry it out and stop the itching - give a few days to clear up IF you treat it..........
Reply:Benedryl for the itching and calamine lotion but as far as how long , probably a couple of days.
Sorry I know it sucks but you will get through it.
Reply:The lotions already mentioned are quite important.
You also want to JUST NOT TOUCH the afflicted places as much as you can possibly avoid it. When you do touch, washing BEFORE touching anyone else or any other part of your body is esential. You DO NOT want this also on your junk, for example.
The advice about washing sheets and clothing is also on the mark. Since this afflicts your face, neck and upper body, try to wear pajamas or a shirt or other apparel for sleeping the covers most of the afflicated area. You should absolutely change the pillow slip after getting up.
You can go back to your job at the strip club in about a week, but no lap dances right away.
Poison ivy?
I have just gotten poison ivy on a part of my leg and i started bathing in salt water, becuase somebody said it would help it is this true?
Poison ivy?
I never heard of that...
but I know that when I would swim in the ocean and I would have poison ivy it would relieve the itch so maybe salt water will help.
I also swam in a pool (chlorine) amd that would dry it out, but don't put bleach on it, I already tried that - duh! (I felt desperate)
I would suggest to really try not to itch it that will make it spread.
I would put cortizone on it or a gold bond lotion, that usually helps me. I
have also tried calamine lotion in the past.
My mom had me use a cornstarch paste when I was younger and that seemed to help, also.
Good luck and remember - don't scratch it!
Reply:probably not, but you cna use that pink stuff and it will stop the itching, which will maek it go away faster.
Reply:I've never heard of salt water. Maybe it is true. When I got poisen Ivy, I had a special cream to put on. I also wrapped my arm up in a bandage so I wouldn't ich it. Eventually it went away. I think NOT iching helps. Go to the store and get some cream.
Poison ivy?
I never heard of that...
but I know that when I would swim in the ocean and I would have poison ivy it would relieve the itch so maybe salt water will help.
I also swam in a pool (chlorine) amd that would dry it out, but don't put bleach on it, I already tried that - duh! (I felt desperate)
I would suggest to really try not to itch it that will make it spread.
I would put cortizone on it or a gold bond lotion, that usually helps me. I
have also tried calamine lotion in the past.
My mom had me use a cornstarch paste when I was younger and that seemed to help, also.
Good luck and remember - don't scratch it!
Reply:probably not, but you cna use that pink stuff and it will stop the itching, which will maek it go away faster.
Reply:I've never heard of salt water. Maybe it is true. When I got poisen Ivy, I had a special cream to put on. I also wrapped my arm up in a bandage so I wouldn't ich it. Eventually it went away. I think NOT iching helps. Go to the store and get some cream.
Poison Ivy?
I think I have poison ivy on my jaw line and starting down my neck....I'm trying home remedies and hopeing that I won't have to go to the DR.....Does anyone out there have any suggestions. I have a very important party to attend on Saturday night and I don't won't my face to look bad.....HELP!!!!
Poison Ivy?
The best way is to consult a doc...since u r not even sure of what the problem is ...
Just consult the doc... being in good health is far far important than lookin good in saturday party..
hope u'll get well soon
Reply:Hope u are fine by now...
Take Care... Report It
Reply:baking soda bath. That dries it out and shrinks it, as well as helping with the itch. It may help by that time, but it wont be gone no matter what you do.
Reply:I just got poison ivy for the first time.....try Ivy Dry; it's a spray that eases the itching and dries the rash.
Reply:Poison Ivy is an allergic reaction, so Benadryl always helps. Take it orally and then put Benadryl cream on it directly.
Reply:New system at drugstore uses, a scrub then a spray, i think cortaid makes it, you should check it out, i heard it works good.
Reply:Calimine lotion is an old remedy and it will match your blusher on Saturday....
Reply:no home treatment will help make it go away. if it's spreading, get to the doctor right away for some steroid cream.
Reply:Unless your face was all over a tree with poison ivy, or you were lying in it in the woods face down, then I don't think you have that. You should see your dermatologist and get it straightened out.
Reply:Try tea tree oil.
Poison Ivy?
The best way is to consult a doc...since u r not even sure of what the problem is ...
Just consult the doc... being in good health is far far important than lookin good in saturday party..
hope u'll get well soon
Reply:Hope u are fine by now...
Take Care... Report It
Reply:baking soda bath. That dries it out and shrinks it, as well as helping with the itch. It may help by that time, but it wont be gone no matter what you do.
Reply:I just got poison ivy for the first time.....try Ivy Dry; it's a spray that eases the itching and dries the rash.
Reply:Poison Ivy is an allergic reaction, so Benadryl always helps. Take it orally and then put Benadryl cream on it directly.
Reply:New system at drugstore uses, a scrub then a spray, i think cortaid makes it, you should check it out, i heard it works good.
Reply:Calimine lotion is an old remedy and it will match your blusher on Saturday....
Reply:no home treatment will help make it go away. if it's spreading, get to the doctor right away for some steroid cream.
Reply:Unless your face was all over a tree with poison ivy, or you were lying in it in the woods face down, then I don't think you have that. You should see your dermatologist and get it straightened out.
Reply:Try tea tree oil.
Poison ivy?
Is there ways to reduce the sweling of poison ivy or a way to get rid of it? my friend she ha it all over and she doesnt have insurance and last time she got it she had to get steroids andall kinds of shots. Please help me.This all has to be done with out buying products.
Poison ivy?
Take benedryl orally to reduce the swelling and help with the itching.
Also, buy a creme or gel that has an antihistime in it. This works better than caladry.
Hot water, (wring out a washcloth) placed over the poison ivy will release histimes and take away the itch temporairly.
Be sure to wash thoroughly with soap to keep from spreading the microscopic oils that bring on the blisters.
Wash all clothing she has touched as well as sheets in hot water.
And finally, learn to recognize the plant.
Reply:there are creams you can get at the pharmacy without a prescription to get rid of it.
Reply:take a bath with oatmeal. I know it sounds weird, but it works. Get a couple of packs of regular oatmeal and pour it in the bath with you. Bath like you normally would and then rinse off. It doesn't totally get rid of it, but it speeds up the healing.
Poison ivy?
Take benedryl orally to reduce the swelling and help with the itching.
Also, buy a creme or gel that has an antihistime in it. This works better than caladry.
Hot water, (wring out a washcloth) placed over the poison ivy will release histimes and take away the itch temporairly.
Be sure to wash thoroughly with soap to keep from spreading the microscopic oils that bring on the blisters.
Wash all clothing she has touched as well as sheets in hot water.
And finally, learn to recognize the plant.
Reply:there are creams you can get at the pharmacy without a prescription to get rid of it.
Reply:take a bath with oatmeal. I know it sounds weird, but it works. Get a couple of packs of regular oatmeal and pour it in the bath with you. Bath like you normally would and then rinse off. It doesn't totally get rid of it, but it speeds up the healing.
Poison ivy?
My sister - in - law has poison ivy that has spread to her genital area. She thinks it may also have gone into her vagina as well. Is there any over the counter treatment for this, or should she see her physician (my recommendation!!) Thanks all!
Poison ivy?
Yes it could have gone into her vagina. She needs to go to the doctor ASAP. The oil that irritates the skin is called Urushiol. It needs to be removed from the skin.
An over the counter product that will remove it is called Tech-Nu.
This stuff works. I have used it and depending on how severe the rash was it might take a few days to heal but it stops the itch. There is an alternative product "Zanfel" that cost more but did not work as well for me. But the problem of the oil getting into her vagina is a totally different issue. Take some of this with her to the doctor.
Tecnu Extreme Poison Ivy Scrub is different from other products on the market in two ways.
First, it gets to the root of the problem by removing an ultra-potent and toxic substance called “urushiol” (ooh-roo-she-all) from the skin. Urushiol comes from the poison oak, poison ivy and sumac plants and attaches to the skin. It is the source of the poison ivy rash, irritation and spreading.
In addition, Tecnu Extreme contains an active ingredient to relieve itching fast!
Reply:she should deffinitely see a doctor as soon as possible its not the most serious thing but it can be. i would go to the doctor and get it looked at and get a medicine that will help her i know theres probably no over the counter things to help with her insides. but they sell all kinds for just on the skin.
Poison ivy?
Yes it could have gone into her vagina. She needs to go to the doctor ASAP. The oil that irritates the skin is called Urushiol. It needs to be removed from the skin.
An over the counter product that will remove it is called Tech-Nu.
This stuff works. I have used it and depending on how severe the rash was it might take a few days to heal but it stops the itch. There is an alternative product "Zanfel" that cost more but did not work as well for me. But the problem of the oil getting into her vagina is a totally different issue. Take some of this with her to the doctor.
Tecnu Extreme Poison Ivy Scrub is different from other products on the market in two ways.
First, it gets to the root of the problem by removing an ultra-potent and toxic substance called “urushiol” (ooh-roo-she-all) from the skin. Urushiol comes from the poison oak, poison ivy and sumac plants and attaches to the skin. It is the source of the poison ivy rash, irritation and spreading.
In addition, Tecnu Extreme contains an active ingredient to relieve itching fast!
Reply:she should deffinitely see a doctor as soon as possible its not the most serious thing but it can be. i would go to the doctor and get it looked at and get a medicine that will help her i know theres probably no over the counter things to help with her insides. but they sell all kinds for just on the skin.
Poison ivy?
Please help me, I was exposed to poison ivy two weeks ago, 2 days later i broke out in a rash on ym arm that has spread ever since to my stomach neck and other arm. How is it spreading? When will this go away?
I have tried everything: homeopathic: failed; large doses of vitamin C: failed; vitamin E: failed; Tecnu: doesn't work. etc....
In addition, benedryl just helps with the itching a bit but doesn't alleviate the rash, how do i get rid and clear up this rash as soon as humanly possible? I feel like there are so many false remedies out there, what really works? What will clear this up? I have become quite depserate....
Poison ivy?
I've been through this many times. I don't have a perfect solution. I use benadryl as per instructions, as many as it says I can. Thats the inside. For the outside get 1% cortisone creme (over the counter) and apply it to the affected areas several times a day (with or without a bandage). Then carefully wash the rash each evening before bed (cool water), or the creme will build up and get gunky. Maybe bandage with fresh creme at night.
For me, poison Ivy seems to follow this schedule. It all shows up in the first 7 days. The blisters all peak in the second seven days. It all starts to dry up pretty good in the third seven days. And it is about all gone by the end of the fourth seven days (maybe a little temporary scaring will remain. Try the vitamen E on the scaring).
Scratching spreds it to other locations, it really does (and extends the above schedule). Once you have the liquid on your hands you can spread it to were you touch. Like your face and privates. Be careful
Learn to identify the different forms of the plant and where it grows. It is our only real defense.
I think Avon (or sombody) makes a Poison Ivy off. It helps, preventatively, some (with bentonite).
If any area is just layer on layer of blisters, go to the doctor! He can use stronger stuff.
Best I can do. LOLv
Reply:Dude,use brake cleaner, but I dont know about all your other areas.
Reply:go to da doctor!!!get those cream thingy!!
Reply:take a bath in warm bleach water.. be sure to scrub the rash areas really well, it needs to dry up, so that it will stop spreading. The oils from the ivy is what caused you to break out, so dry it up. If the itching is helped by the benedryl, then keep using that for a few more days
Reply:yeah, try this..touch the poison ivy with your hands..and rub your fingers around your eyes..it'l sting but its cool...next morning you'l look like a chinese guy.
Reply:try calamine lotion and if that don't help see the doctor. it can spread when blisters pop,
Reply:I usually have to go to the Dr's and get put on prednisone, it's a form of steroid, but, is effective in sever reactions to plant and drug (serum)related outbreaks.
or, you can go to your local pharmacy and by Ivy Stat, it's expensive, but it really works. I used this the last time and didn't need the prednisone, JOY!!!
The oils on the plant is what causes it to spread, keep your hands clean, all the time, thoroughly wash all clothes that came in contact with this plant, they might have the oil on them!!!
And don't take a bleach bath, for goodness sake, hello!! You can take an oatmeal bath to relieve the itching and help dry it up, but avoid bleaching, it could be harmful, especially to your already sensitive skin!!
Also, the cooler you keep the exposed area, the less it itches, honest, I would use cool compresses on the real bad outbreaks!!! It would help a lot, besides, my Dr told me about it, and it really helped..
Reply:the ivy spreads from rubbing ans scraching the area. the little blissters pop and the fluid is spread to other spots. when you get put of the bath or better yet shower pat dry and put white shoe polish on the affected area over night and during the day if you can this will dry it up . it helps with poison ivy and oak diper rash bed sores and any thing that has to do with a heat rash
I have tried everything: homeopathic: failed; large doses of vitamin C: failed; vitamin E: failed; Tecnu: doesn't work. etc....
In addition, benedryl just helps with the itching a bit but doesn't alleviate the rash, how do i get rid and clear up this rash as soon as humanly possible? I feel like there are so many false remedies out there, what really works? What will clear this up? I have become quite depserate....
Poison ivy?
I've been through this many times. I don't have a perfect solution. I use benadryl as per instructions, as many as it says I can. Thats the inside. For the outside get 1% cortisone creme (over the counter) and apply it to the affected areas several times a day (with or without a bandage). Then carefully wash the rash each evening before bed (cool water), or the creme will build up and get gunky. Maybe bandage with fresh creme at night.
For me, poison Ivy seems to follow this schedule. It all shows up in the first 7 days. The blisters all peak in the second seven days. It all starts to dry up pretty good in the third seven days. And it is about all gone by the end of the fourth seven days (maybe a little temporary scaring will remain. Try the vitamen E on the scaring).
Scratching spreds it to other locations, it really does (and extends the above schedule). Once you have the liquid on your hands you can spread it to were you touch. Like your face and privates. Be careful
Learn to identify the different forms of the plant and where it grows. It is our only real defense.
I think Avon (or sombody) makes a Poison Ivy off. It helps, preventatively, some (with bentonite).
If any area is just layer on layer of blisters, go to the doctor! He can use stronger stuff.
Best I can do. LOLv
Reply:Dude,use brake cleaner, but I dont know about all your other areas.
Reply:go to da doctor!!!get those cream thingy!!
Reply:take a bath in warm bleach water.. be sure to scrub the rash areas really well, it needs to dry up, so that it will stop spreading. The oils from the ivy is what caused you to break out, so dry it up. If the itching is helped by the benedryl, then keep using that for a few more days
Reply:yeah, try this..touch the poison ivy with your hands..and rub your fingers around your eyes..it'l sting but its cool...next morning you'l look like a chinese guy.
Reply:try calamine lotion and if that don't help see the doctor. it can spread when blisters pop,
Reply:I usually have to go to the Dr's and get put on prednisone, it's a form of steroid, but, is effective in sever reactions to plant and drug (serum)related outbreaks.
or, you can go to your local pharmacy and by Ivy Stat, it's expensive, but it really works. I used this the last time and didn't need the prednisone, JOY!!!
The oils on the plant is what causes it to spread, keep your hands clean, all the time, thoroughly wash all clothes that came in contact with this plant, they might have the oil on them!!!
And don't take a bleach bath, for goodness sake, hello!! You can take an oatmeal bath to relieve the itching and help dry it up, but avoid bleaching, it could be harmful, especially to your already sensitive skin!!
Also, the cooler you keep the exposed area, the less it itches, honest, I would use cool compresses on the real bad outbreaks!!! It would help a lot, besides, my Dr told me about it, and it really helped..
Reply:the ivy spreads from rubbing ans scraching the area. the little blissters pop and the fluid is spread to other spots. when you get put of the bath or better yet shower pat dry and put white shoe polish on the affected area over night and during the day if you can this will dry it up . it helps with poison ivy and oak diper rash bed sores and any thing that has to do with a heat rash
Poison Ivy??
What will stop the poison Ivy itching, with out seeing a doctor?
Poison Ivy??
calamine lotion and/or oatmeal soap baths
Reply:The Pink Calamine Lotion in some cases even Aloe Vera
Reply:Your gonna need an ocean of calomine lotion.
Reply:sumactin , look for it on line. in the meantime turn you blow dryer on and go back and forth with the heat . don't burn yourself though. feels wonderful and will give you relief for hours
Reply:Oatmeal does work really really well actually. You can bathe in regualar oatmeal (i sugeest unflavored, dont cook it) It does not have to be thick, but put quite a bit in the tub water. You can also make a thin oatmeal paste in a bowl and apply it directly to the area then let it dry, it wont stay on but will releave the itch. Watch TV covered in oatmeal lol.
Reply:Jewelweed. If you live in the Eastern United States or Canada you should be able to find it easily in shady damp places. There is information on how to prepare this on my web site.
Reply:See if you can find anyone who handles a product called .. "So Help me Hanna"... works very well.. Most effective meds ever run into.. Is something made available to forest rangers.
Poison Ivy??
calamine lotion and/or oatmeal soap baths
Reply:The Pink Calamine Lotion in some cases even Aloe Vera
Reply:Your gonna need an ocean of calomine lotion.
Reply:sumactin , look for it on line. in the meantime turn you blow dryer on and go back and forth with the heat . don't burn yourself though. feels wonderful and will give you relief for hours
Reply:Oatmeal does work really really well actually. You can bathe in regualar oatmeal (i sugeest unflavored, dont cook it) It does not have to be thick, but put quite a bit in the tub water. You can also make a thin oatmeal paste in a bowl and apply it directly to the area then let it dry, it wont stay on but will releave the itch. Watch TV covered in oatmeal lol.
Reply:Jewelweed. If you live in the Eastern United States or Canada you should be able to find it easily in shady damp places. There is information on how to prepare this on my web site.
Reply:See if you can find anyone who handles a product called .. "So Help me Hanna"... works very well.. Most effective meds ever run into.. Is something made available to forest rangers.
Poison Ivy?
I have poison ivy all over my leg and have to go to work later totay. The only problem is that i have to wear pants which will iritate the rash. Any ideas on how to prevent this?
Poison Ivy?
cut off your leg
Reply:On your way to work stop into a local drug store and buy TechNu. Once you're at work, slip into the bathroom and put the lotion on your legs. It won't stop irritation, but it will greatly reduce it. I've very allergic to poison ivy and I think this is the best stuff around. p.s. don't scratch!
Poison Ivy?
cut off your leg
Reply:On your way to work stop into a local drug store and buy TechNu. Once you're at work, slip into the bathroom and put the lotion on your legs. It won't stop irritation, but it will greatly reduce it. I've very allergic to poison ivy and I think this is the best stuff around. p.s. don't scratch!
Poison Ivy?
What are some home remedies for poison ivy?
Poison Ivy?
Best things for poison ivy or oak is benadryl by mouth and calamine lotion topically. If it is too bad-you can go to the doctor who may give you a shot of Solumedrol and may give you a Medrol dose back for a week-that will dry it right up! Good luck to ya.
Reply:wash your clothing that you were wearing not with the other clothes take and wash where you have the posion ivy and dont touch youe eyes then put on calmine lotion on and if that dont help go to the er room.
Reply:Good luck, if you don't get rid of it within just a few days you need to go to the ER. I tried some poison ivy lotion stuff from the grocery store and it did nothing for me. The doctor ended up giving me pills to take and a lotion to put on it and it still took several days for things to start going away.
Reply:get some epsom salt and put some in a very little water to make it like a paste and then wrap it in a bandage wrap over night then it should be gone over night try this first
Reply:For milder cases (not when it's swollen, blistering and oozing) I've found that running hot water over it greatly reduces the itching. Not hot enough to burn but hot enough to be slightly uncomfortable. For me it's been a foolproof method. Benadryl by mouth is helpful (but don't use the cream). Otherwise you just have to let it run its course. If it's widespread, severe and gets around your eyes go to the doctor. They can give you a corticosteroid shot or steroid pills. It won't dry it up but it will stop the itching, burning and swelling. Good luck.
Poison Ivy?
Best things for poison ivy or oak is benadryl by mouth and calamine lotion topically. If it is too bad-you can go to the doctor who may give you a shot of Solumedrol and may give you a Medrol dose back for a week-that will dry it right up! Good luck to ya.
Reply:wash your clothing that you were wearing not with the other clothes take and wash where you have the posion ivy and dont touch youe eyes then put on calmine lotion on and if that dont help go to the er room.
Reply:Good luck, if you don't get rid of it within just a few days you need to go to the ER. I tried some poison ivy lotion stuff from the grocery store and it did nothing for me. The doctor ended up giving me pills to take and a lotion to put on it and it still took several days for things to start going away.
Reply:get some epsom salt and put some in a very little water to make it like a paste and then wrap it in a bandage wrap over night then it should be gone over night try this first
Reply:For milder cases (not when it's swollen, blistering and oozing) I've found that running hot water over it greatly reduces the itching. Not hot enough to burn but hot enough to be slightly uncomfortable. For me it's been a foolproof method. Benadryl by mouth is helpful (but don't use the cream). Otherwise you just have to let it run its course. If it's widespread, severe and gets around your eyes go to the doctor. They can give you a corticosteroid shot or steroid pills. It won't dry it up but it will stop the itching, burning and swelling. Good luck.
Poison ivy?
I got poison ivy on my feet and was wearing sandals. Is it ok to wash the sandals thoroughly and wear them or do I need to throw them out?
Poison ivy?
I agree with the first guy. The allergen in Poison Ivy, urushiol, sticks to skin like mad but not much else. Any detergent should work fine, I had to clean out a large patch last year and had no relapses from improperly cleaned equipment.
No other animal is allergic to poison ivy, and goats love to eat it.
Nature's little joke. I am truly sorry for the pain you're goig through; I have been there too.
Reply:Yeah, you can wash them, just use a larger amount of detergent then you'd normally use. You want to make sure that the soap breaks down any oil from the Poison Ivy plant.
Also, if you can find it, get yourself a bar of Fels Naptha soap, make a really frothy lather and apply it to the areas you have blisters and let it dry, this helps dry out the poison ivy and the quicker you can do that, the quicker you will recover!
The last time I had poison ivy, I had it everywhere I had skin! (Yes, even there!)
Poison ivy?
I agree with the first guy. The allergen in Poison Ivy, urushiol, sticks to skin like mad but not much else. Any detergent should work fine, I had to clean out a large patch last year and had no relapses from improperly cleaned equipment.
No other animal is allergic to poison ivy, and goats love to eat it.
Nature's little joke. I am truly sorry for the pain you're goig through; I have been there too.
Reply:Yeah, you can wash them, just use a larger amount of detergent then you'd normally use. You want to make sure that the soap breaks down any oil from the Poison Ivy plant.
Also, if you can find it, get yourself a bar of Fels Naptha soap, make a really frothy lather and apply it to the areas you have blisters and let it dry, this helps dry out the poison ivy and the quicker you can do that, the quicker you will recover!
The last time I had poison ivy, I had it everywhere I had skin! (Yes, even there!)
Poison ivy?
i am pretty positive i have poison ivy all over my back and on my arms a little whole too ....... i got it about 3 days ago. what do i do??
Poison ivy?
get some cream that stops the itch.
Reply:calamine lotion... the pink stuff it will dry it out also keep it clean because it will ooze the oil and stuff from it so try to keep it dry
Reply:go and purchase some over the counter cream from safeway, CBS, etc...
Poison ivy?
get some cream that stops the itch.
Reply:calamine lotion... the pink stuff it will dry it out also keep it clean because it will ooze the oil and stuff from it so try to keep it dry
Reply:go and purchase some over the counter cream from safeway, CBS, etc...
Poison Ivy???
I was pulling weeds off of my fence in the backyard on last sunday, on monday I was really ill, and on tuesday I have a really bad rash on my upper arms. I pretty much already know that it is definatly poison ivy, but its has been a week in a half since i touched it. When does it go away?? I went to the dr last week and she gave me a steriod shot and zertec to take. I have been putting everything I can think of that you can put on your arms that you can buy in the store! What else can I do this stuff iz driving me CRAZY!!!!!
Poison Ivy???
yep it can be crazy itchy but relax.... it should go away in a few days In the meantime you can buy some medication to relieve the itch temperoraily. You can also try some home rememdies like oatmeal baths. u can chcek online
Poison Ivy???
yep it can be crazy itchy but relax.... it should go away in a few days In the meantime you can buy some medication to relieve the itch temperoraily. You can also try some home rememdies like oatmeal baths. u can chcek online
Poison ivy??
how 2 get rid of poison ivy?? =(
Poison ivy??
Try not to scratch it, use rubbing alcohol to soothe and then benadryl or something similar to ease the itching.
Reply:Calamine lotion, to dry the oozing, which , I have poison ivy right now and the calamine is not drying the oozing yet after 2 days of applying it. Not fun is it.
Take bendryl for the itching. I bought poison ivy soap, it washes away the oil that causes poison ivy.
Poison ivy??
Try not to scratch it, use rubbing alcohol to soothe and then benadryl or something similar to ease the itching.
Reply:Calamine lotion, to dry the oozing, which , I have poison ivy right now and the calamine is not drying the oozing yet after 2 days of applying it. Not fun is it.
Take bendryl for the itching. I bought poison ivy soap, it washes away the oil that causes poison ivy.
Poison Ivy?
anyone know anything to put on a poison ivy rash to help it go away, and to take the itch away. I've tried hydrocortizone, calamine, pretty much every thing. Any tips?
Poison Ivy?
Years ago we had something called fels-naptha soap that we used on poison ivy. It was a large single bar of brown soap that was wrapped in paper. If you can find some (I've included a website for you if you can't find it locally) buy a bar and keep in handy.
Scrub the poison ivy to open the blisters and then lather up the fels-naptha soap and put the lather on the open blisters. Don't wash it off. Let it dry there. After a few hours you can wash it off and put the calamine lotion on it.
After looking it up, I discovered that it is a laundry soap, so look there in your grocery store first.
This website will help you find a store in your area that sells it.
Reply:Fels-naptha soap is very similar to Octagon soap, except that I haven't seen fels-naptha soap in years. You can get Octagon right in the supermarket. Report It
Reply:If over the counter medicines aren't helping, it's time to go to the doctor. You might benefit from a stronger hydrocortisone cream.
Reply:u need a shot,after u get the shot it is like day and nite.
Poison Ivy?
Years ago we had something called fels-naptha soap that we used on poison ivy. It was a large single bar of brown soap that was wrapped in paper. If you can find some (I've included a website for you if you can't find it locally) buy a bar and keep in handy.
Scrub the poison ivy to open the blisters and then lather up the fels-naptha soap and put the lather on the open blisters. Don't wash it off. Let it dry there. After a few hours you can wash it off and put the calamine lotion on it.
After looking it up, I discovered that it is a laundry soap, so look there in your grocery store first.
This website will help you find a store in your area that sells it.
Reply:Fels-naptha soap is very similar to Octagon soap, except that I haven't seen fels-naptha soap in years. You can get Octagon right in the supermarket. Report It
Reply:If over the counter medicines aren't helping, it's time to go to the doctor. You might benefit from a stronger hydrocortisone cream.
Reply:u need a shot,after u get the shot it is like day and nite.
Poison Ivy?
I have used every commerical product under the sun to try and kill the poison ivy that grows along the edges of my yard and on my fence, so far nothing has worked. I have a very shaded backyard that remains cool %26amp; damp. Any suggestions?
Poison Ivy?
good god, don't burn it!!! the smoke from poison ivy contains the oils that give you dermatitis! DO NOT BURN POISON IVY! Even if you're not allergic, someone else may be and can get it in their eyes, throats and lungs!!!!
I'd suggest Brush-b-gone from ortho. PI is tough. Might take several applications, but it will kill it.
Reply:My neighbor swears Roundup will work, but I've just moved here and haven't tried it yet.
At my old house, I just removed it by hand. I wore long sleeves, long pants, rubber gloves, and put my hair up in a scarf so that I wouldn't forget and brush it away. Those roots are nasty! I once dug a very small plant and discovered it was growing from a 1/4" diameter root. I pulled 3' of that root out of the ground before it broke and I lost it. I had been working on that patch for a couple of years, though, and that was finally the last straw--it never came back. I got an oversized garbage bag to put it all in so that I wouldn't have to fight it to get it to stay in.
And yes, I got poison ivy every single time, no matter what precautions I took. Only once did I have to go to the doctor, though.
It's nasty. One root went dormant for a year. But I kept checking, so I got it when it sent up another shoot.
I'd try Roundup and everything everybody else suggests first, though.
Reply:Removing the soil and replacing it. Get someone with a skiploader just like you were going to put in a septic tank. Dig 5ft. down deep and start over with uninfected soil.
Reply:DON'T BURN IT! You can rent a goat...seriously!
Reply:Try using boiling salt water. It may take a few times, depending on how much ivy you have. It gets down into the roots and kills them.
Also, Brush Killer, not sure of the brand, but it is a brand-name product. I tried it and it worked very well for me.
Good luck!
P.S. Make sure that you thoroughly wash any/every thing that may come in contact with poison ivy as the oils from it are what causes the rash and it is very hard to remove sometimes. It can also remain on lawn tools for a year or more.
Reply:Use gloves-cut off a few stems, the part of the stem that is still attached to the plant you put into full strength Roundup for several hours--but remember, even the roots have volitale oil which even through they may no longer be growing have toxicity up to 18 months. I can tell you this from the experience of looking like a leper for almost a month! Do not burn, the gases from the oils can coat your lungs, and you'll wind up in the ER
Reply:I know you said you tried commerical product to kill poison ivy, but did you try Ortho's Brush b gone-You will need to apply it stronger than what is on the bottle and you will need to do this at least twice, several days apart. If you are allergic to it, dont burn it and dont cut it down with a chain saw. I tried and found out the hard way. My face swelled up twice its size and my eyes were swollen shut.
Reply:burn it?
Poison Ivy?
good god, don't burn it!!! the smoke from poison ivy contains the oils that give you dermatitis! DO NOT BURN POISON IVY! Even if you're not allergic, someone else may be and can get it in their eyes, throats and lungs!!!!
I'd suggest Brush-b-gone from ortho. PI is tough. Might take several applications, but it will kill it.
Reply:My neighbor swears Roundup will work, but I've just moved here and haven't tried it yet.
At my old house, I just removed it by hand. I wore long sleeves, long pants, rubber gloves, and put my hair up in a scarf so that I wouldn't forget and brush it away. Those roots are nasty! I once dug a very small plant and discovered it was growing from a 1/4" diameter root. I pulled 3' of that root out of the ground before it broke and I lost it. I had been working on that patch for a couple of years, though, and that was finally the last straw--it never came back. I got an oversized garbage bag to put it all in so that I wouldn't have to fight it to get it to stay in.
And yes, I got poison ivy every single time, no matter what precautions I took. Only once did I have to go to the doctor, though.
It's nasty. One root went dormant for a year. But I kept checking, so I got it when it sent up another shoot.
I'd try Roundup and everything everybody else suggests first, though.
Reply:Removing the soil and replacing it. Get someone with a skiploader just like you were going to put in a septic tank. Dig 5ft. down deep and start over with uninfected soil.
Reply:DON'T BURN IT! You can rent a goat...seriously!
Reply:Try using boiling salt water. It may take a few times, depending on how much ivy you have. It gets down into the roots and kills them.
Also, Brush Killer, not sure of the brand, but it is a brand-name product. I tried it and it worked very well for me.
Good luck!
P.S. Make sure that you thoroughly wash any/every thing that may come in contact with poison ivy as the oils from it are what causes the rash and it is very hard to remove sometimes. It can also remain on lawn tools for a year or more.
Reply:Use gloves-cut off a few stems, the part of the stem that is still attached to the plant you put into full strength Roundup for several hours--but remember, even the roots have volitale oil which even through they may no longer be growing have toxicity up to 18 months. I can tell you this from the experience of looking like a leper for almost a month! Do not burn, the gases from the oils can coat your lungs, and you'll wind up in the ER
Reply:I know you said you tried commerical product to kill poison ivy, but did you try Ortho's Brush b gone-You will need to apply it stronger than what is on the bottle and you will need to do this at least twice, several days apart. If you are allergic to it, dont burn it and dont cut it down with a chain saw. I tried and found out the hard way. My face swelled up twice its size and my eyes were swollen shut.
Reply:burn it?
Poison Ivy?
How long does it take for poison ivy to start.My friend was playin around with a leaf.He got it on me.When will the rash start,He did it today.
Poison Ivy?
the oils from poison ivy can remain on a rope or piece of clothing for weeks....sumtimes it wont show up with direct contact untill over night just use lots of soap and you'll be good if it didn't break out bad right away
Reply:In a few minutes
Poison Ivy?
the oils from poison ivy can remain on a rope or piece of clothing for weeks....sumtimes it wont show up with direct contact untill over night just use lots of soap and you'll be good if it didn't break out bad right away
Reply:In a few minutes
POISON ivy !!!!!!?
cures for poison ivy ?????????
POISON ivy !!!!!!?
Try not to itch it of course.
Wash with Lye soap.
Use and Anti-itch gel made by Band Aid.
If it is on your face I would go to the Doctor ER or Clinic and get a shot for it. (Especially if you inhaled it from a burning log or fire)
I am very allergic to this and every time I know I have been in contact with it, I will come in and take off my clothes (make sure you wash these separately) and stand in the shower to wash the resin off of me. Do not rub your skin just stand there and let the water wash you first, then wash with the homemade lye soap. You can find this at craft malls or festivals.
Reply:DO NOT scratch!!! If it is a recent sting and you're sure its poison ivy and not poison oak or sumak... soak the affected area in vinegar (cider is best .. white works too).. let it airdry and then wash with very soapy (antibacterial is best) liquid soap .. soal with vinegar and airdry again .. and that oughta be the end of it .. unless you're allergic .. then .. see a doctor!
Reply:Hi Baby C
Here are some ideas to use.
Natural Cures
Flower Essences: Rescue Remedy Cream® applied topically, and Crab Apple added to pure filtered water can speed healing.
Herbs: Apply a poultice of equal parts of witch hazel, mugwort, white oak bark, and plantain to affected areas.
Hydrotherapy: Hydrotherapy is the application of water, ice, steam and hot and cold temperatures to maintain and restore health. Treatments include full body immersion, steam baths, saunas, sitz baths, colonic irrigation and the application of hot and/or cold compresses. Hydrotherapy is effective for treating a wide range of conditions and can easily be used in the home as part of a self-care program. Many Naturopathic Physicians, Physical Therapists and Day Spas use Hydrotherapy as part of treatment. I suggest several at-home hydrotherapy treatments.
*Purified water is essential for any hydrotherapy treatment. Remedies for Treating Chlorinated Bath Water offers clear instructions and recommendations.
Nutritional Supplementation: At the first sign of outbreak take the following nutrients to minimize symptoms: vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc. Zinc oxide can also be applied topically.
Topical Treatment: Rinse affected area with apple cider vinegar, and in the evening take a warm bath with apple cider vinegar or cornstarch. Aloe vera gel, witch hazel, baking soda paste, or a paste of activated charcoal powder are also good topical treatments.
Best of health to you
POISON ivy !!!!!!?
Try not to itch it of course.
Wash with Lye soap.
Use and Anti-itch gel made by Band Aid.
If it is on your face I would go to the Doctor ER or Clinic and get a shot for it. (Especially if you inhaled it from a burning log or fire)
I am very allergic to this and every time I know I have been in contact with it, I will come in and take off my clothes (make sure you wash these separately) and stand in the shower to wash the resin off of me. Do not rub your skin just stand there and let the water wash you first, then wash with the homemade lye soap. You can find this at craft malls or festivals.
Reply:DO NOT scratch!!! If it is a recent sting and you're sure its poison ivy and not poison oak or sumak... soak the affected area in vinegar (cider is best .. white works too).. let it airdry and then wash with very soapy (antibacterial is best) liquid soap .. soal with vinegar and airdry again .. and that oughta be the end of it .. unless you're allergic .. then .. see a doctor!
Reply:Hi Baby C
Here are some ideas to use.
Natural Cures
Flower Essences: Rescue Remedy Cream® applied topically, and Crab Apple added to pure filtered water can speed healing.
Herbs: Apply a poultice of equal parts of witch hazel, mugwort, white oak bark, and plantain to affected areas.
Hydrotherapy: Hydrotherapy is the application of water, ice, steam and hot and cold temperatures to maintain and restore health. Treatments include full body immersion, steam baths, saunas, sitz baths, colonic irrigation and the application of hot and/or cold compresses. Hydrotherapy is effective for treating a wide range of conditions and can easily be used in the home as part of a self-care program. Many Naturopathic Physicians, Physical Therapists and Day Spas use Hydrotherapy as part of treatment. I suggest several at-home hydrotherapy treatments.
*Purified water is essential for any hydrotherapy treatment. Remedies for Treating Chlorinated Bath Water offers clear instructions and recommendations.
Nutritional Supplementation: At the first sign of outbreak take the following nutrients to minimize symptoms: vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc. Zinc oxide can also be applied topically.
Topical Treatment: Rinse affected area with apple cider vinegar, and in the evening take a warm bath with apple cider vinegar or cornstarch. Aloe vera gel, witch hazel, baking soda paste, or a paste of activated charcoal powder are also good topical treatments.
Best of health to you
Poison Ivy?
Ive had poison ivy for 2 and a half weeks now...... ive tried everything from the shot to the perscription medicine. Ive also tried every lotion under the sun and it wont go away...... WTF?? Can anyone help? Its driving me insane...
Poison Ivy?
Here's your answer.Now ,this may sound radical,but it works!Take a wash cloth and run it under HOT water.Apply the hot cloth to your rash.For 2 seconds it will hurt,but when you remove the cloth,the itching will be gone.This method should be done everytime you start to itch. It will also help to dry up the rash and speed the recovery time.Trust me,I was in the emergency room three years in a row with the worse case of poison ivy the doctor has ever seen.He suggested calamine lotion,which did nothing.A friend told me about this method,and the rash was almost gone in a few days.Good Luck!
Reply:i had poison ivy probably 2 weeks ago and you might have already tried this but swimming in pool water helps
Reply:Aloe vera might work; try the gel in a tube. Try Ivy Wash; Fels Napta soap is an old cure.
Poison Ivy?
Here's your answer.Now ,this may sound radical,but it works!Take a wash cloth and run it under HOT water.Apply the hot cloth to your rash.For 2 seconds it will hurt,but when you remove the cloth,the itching will be gone.This method should be done everytime you start to itch. It will also help to dry up the rash and speed the recovery time.Trust me,I was in the emergency room three years in a row with the worse case of poison ivy the doctor has ever seen.He suggested calamine lotion,which did nothing.A friend told me about this method,and the rash was almost gone in a few days.Good Luck!
Reply:i had poison ivy probably 2 weeks ago and you might have already tried this but swimming in pool water helps
Reply:Aloe vera might work; try the gel in a tube. Try Ivy Wash; Fels Napta soap is an old cure.
Poison Ivy...........?
I finally, after 33 years, got poison ivy. I feel like I have a million misquito bites on my legs. I heard that after you get it once it comes back each time worse and worse. I think I may have it inside my ear. (Great, HUH?)
I bought some Caladry lotion..Is there anything better to use, or do to prevent it from spreading worse? I would appreciate any help or any kind of advise any one has to offer. Thank you very much in advance...
Poison Ivy...........?
calamine, or caladryl, and benadryl. are your best bet, bathing in cold water keeps it from spreading.
the benadryl will help with the itching.
Reply:if you live near the ocean the salt helps it clear up really fast...thast what my mom used to make me do as a kid...and dont feel too bad about having it in your ear...my mom got it in her lungs/throat/eyes from some guy next door that was BURNING it and she inhaled it. good luck!
Reply:I've had poison ivy only once, years ago, and once cured, it never came back, so no worries there. However, scratching will most definitely cause spreading, so do your best not to touch it at all. Any anti-itch lotion will suffice, plus bathing in an oatmeal bath will sooth the itching and dry the infected area. Hope this helps at all...I feel your pain!
Reply:poor thing. I know how you feel. Get some Ivy Dry or Ivy Rest. Can't remember what it is called. If it is in your ear you might want to go ahead and go to the Doctor to get started on a course of steroids. DONT get in a hot shower. I know it feels good for a few minutes but it is bad bad bad....
good luck...
Reply:I have this spray that you spray on the poison and it stops the itching. I don't think you should spra it in your ear though. It is called ITCH RELIEF SPRAY. It surprisingly works. And to keep it from spreading dont itch it. Plus, the second time I got it it was not quite as bad as the first.
Reply:they sell stuff with mineral oil in it at your walmart pharmacy... it actually gets rid of the oils in the poisen that will continue to make you itch... you'll recognize it because it's pretty expensive... it really does work... my husband used to get it all the time
good luck!
Reply:i can see you are already trying the medical options that are provided to you in the grocery store. those all do help, but over time your body learns to build up immunity to those "typical" remedies and at that point, you need to try something different.
in order to prevent poison ivy from spreading to other parts of your body, i can recommend from experience that you create a paste from oatmeal and honey (both of which are inherently antihistaminic) and spread the paste generously on affected areas. not only will your rash be soothed and prevented from further spreading, you will smell great to boot!
i also recommend that you squeeze citrus juice on the particularly affected spots. oranges, limes, lemons- anything you have around the house will work! the vitamin c aids your immune system in healing the wounds that are open to the point where they can cause infection.
when all the store-bought remedies fail, turn to nature!
Reply:when you get poison ivy it gets into your blood stream and can pop up any where really. that would explain the poison ivy in your ear.
that lotion works well enough, so if thats what you have use that (dont put it in your ear without talking to a doctor about that first)
what i have found that works somewhat is that you can put clear fingernail polish on it. at first it will be cold and possibly even make it itch a little, but it works for me.
the fingernail polish drys it out, so thats how it works.
Reply:Buy some Tech-Nu.
This stuff works. I have used it and depending on how severe the rash was it might take a few days to heal but it stops the itch. There is an alternative product "Zanfel" that cost more but did not work as well for me.
Tecnu Extreme Poison Ivy Scrub is different from other products on the market in two ways.
First, it gets to the root of the problem by removing an ultra-potent and toxic substance called “urushiol” (ooh-roo-she-all) from the skin. Urushiol comes from the poison oak, poison ivy and sumac plants and attaches to the skin. It is the source of the poison ivy rash, irritation and spreading.
In addition, Tecnu Extreme contains an active ingredient to relieve itching fast!
Poison ivy plants produce an oily toxicant called urushiol , which is capable of causing severe skin irritations. Severity of reaction to the poison ivy oil can vary greatly from person to person. The transfer of this oil to the skin can occur through contact with the leaves, stems, fruit, roots or flowers of the poison ivy. Direct contact with the plant is usually the method of exposure, although an individual can also be exposed by handling clothing, tools, objects or animals that have become contaminated with the oil. Individuals can also be exposed to the urushiol oils through the burning of the poison ivy plants. The burning of the plants emits particles that carry the oil into the air. Coming in contact with the smoke can cause severe cases of poisoning. Persons who suspect they have inhaled this smoke should contact a doctor immediately.
Reply:What about Head On or Active On. Have you asked the local
pharmacist. I still like Calamine Lotion. Oceans of it.
I Cr 13;8a
I bought some Caladry lotion..Is there anything better to use, or do to prevent it from spreading worse? I would appreciate any help or any kind of advise any one has to offer. Thank you very much in advance...
Poison Ivy...........?
calamine, or caladryl, and benadryl. are your best bet, bathing in cold water keeps it from spreading.
the benadryl will help with the itching.
Reply:if you live near the ocean the salt helps it clear up really fast...thast what my mom used to make me do as a kid...and dont feel too bad about having it in your ear...my mom got it in her lungs/throat/eyes from some guy next door that was BURNING it and she inhaled it. good luck!
Reply:I've had poison ivy only once, years ago, and once cured, it never came back, so no worries there. However, scratching will most definitely cause spreading, so do your best not to touch it at all. Any anti-itch lotion will suffice, plus bathing in an oatmeal bath will sooth the itching and dry the infected area. Hope this helps at all...I feel your pain!
Reply:poor thing. I know how you feel. Get some Ivy Dry or Ivy Rest. Can't remember what it is called. If it is in your ear you might want to go ahead and go to the Doctor to get started on a course of steroids. DONT get in a hot shower. I know it feels good for a few minutes but it is bad bad bad....
good luck...
Reply:I have this spray that you spray on the poison and it stops the itching. I don't think you should spra it in your ear though. It is called ITCH RELIEF SPRAY. It surprisingly works. And to keep it from spreading dont itch it. Plus, the second time I got it it was not quite as bad as the first.
Reply:they sell stuff with mineral oil in it at your walmart pharmacy... it actually gets rid of the oils in the poisen that will continue to make you itch... you'll recognize it because it's pretty expensive... it really does work... my husband used to get it all the time
good luck!
Reply:i can see you are already trying the medical options that are provided to you in the grocery store. those all do help, but over time your body learns to build up immunity to those "typical" remedies and at that point, you need to try something different.
in order to prevent poison ivy from spreading to other parts of your body, i can recommend from experience that you create a paste from oatmeal and honey (both of which are inherently antihistaminic) and spread the paste generously on affected areas. not only will your rash be soothed and prevented from further spreading, you will smell great to boot!
i also recommend that you squeeze citrus juice on the particularly affected spots. oranges, limes, lemons- anything you have around the house will work! the vitamin c aids your immune system in healing the wounds that are open to the point where they can cause infection.
when all the store-bought remedies fail, turn to nature!
Reply:when you get poison ivy it gets into your blood stream and can pop up any where really. that would explain the poison ivy in your ear.
that lotion works well enough, so if thats what you have use that (dont put it in your ear without talking to a doctor about that first)
what i have found that works somewhat is that you can put clear fingernail polish on it. at first it will be cold and possibly even make it itch a little, but it works for me.
the fingernail polish drys it out, so thats how it works.
Reply:Buy some Tech-Nu.
This stuff works. I have used it and depending on how severe the rash was it might take a few days to heal but it stops the itch. There is an alternative product "Zanfel" that cost more but did not work as well for me.
Tecnu Extreme Poison Ivy Scrub is different from other products on the market in two ways.
First, it gets to the root of the problem by removing an ultra-potent and toxic substance called “urushiol” (ooh-roo-she-all) from the skin. Urushiol comes from the poison oak, poison ivy and sumac plants and attaches to the skin. It is the source of the poison ivy rash, irritation and spreading.
In addition, Tecnu Extreme contains an active ingredient to relieve itching fast!
Poison ivy plants produce an oily toxicant called urushiol , which is capable of causing severe skin irritations. Severity of reaction to the poison ivy oil can vary greatly from person to person. The transfer of this oil to the skin can occur through contact with the leaves, stems, fruit, roots or flowers of the poison ivy. Direct contact with the plant is usually the method of exposure, although an individual can also be exposed by handling clothing, tools, objects or animals that have become contaminated with the oil. Individuals can also be exposed to the urushiol oils through the burning of the poison ivy plants. The burning of the plants emits particles that carry the oil into the air. Coming in contact with the smoke can cause severe cases of poisoning. Persons who suspect they have inhaled this smoke should contact a doctor immediately.
Reply:What about Head On or Active On. Have you asked the local
pharmacist. I still like Calamine Lotion. Oceans of it.
I Cr 13;8a
Poison Ivy?????
I have poison ivy on my eyelid and surrounding my eye. What can I use to relieve the itching and get it to go away.
Poison Ivy?????
To relieve itching and help blisters dry out, apply wet compresses or soak the area in cool water. Antihistamine pills or calamine lotion may help relieve symptoms. To prevent infection, try not to scratch the rash and cut your fingernails short to minimize the possibility of opening the skin and spreading bacteria. If this doesnt help then you need to go to the doc and get prescription meds.
Reply:I've been there sweetheart and the best thing you can do is go to the DR and get a Benadryl shot with in 24 to 48 hours it should be completely gone
Reply:Call your doctor at once. My daughter had some around her face and they wanted to check her right away. They gave her steroids and told me to use calamine lotion. Good luck, it takes a good 10 days or so with meds. to get rid of it...
Reply:Calamine lotion is best. What ever you do don't scratch it!! But you have probably already heard that. The thing is most of the creams and lotions will hurt your eye so it is best to keep them out. Ask your doctor what he suggests. I think that is a lot better than coming to yahoo questions about it.
Reply:Have you gone to your local pharmacy. There are creams that will help. Speak with the pharmacist.
Reply:ooh i feel really bad for you...... well i was always told to wash it off really quickly with lots of soap why dont you wash your face really really really well mabye while saying your abc's twice or something like that if that doesnt work go to your doctor for medication or a cream that might help=)
Reply:You shall go to a Doctor, and request for laboratory tests of your eye. It is important to determine what kind of bacteria is causing that, and with that information the doctor can tell you which is the antibiotic you need.
Dont take other medications unless are prescribed by a doctor.
Reply:you need to go to the doctor....don't want it getting into your eye
Poison Ivy?????
To relieve itching and help blisters dry out, apply wet compresses or soak the area in cool water. Antihistamine pills or calamine lotion may help relieve symptoms. To prevent infection, try not to scratch the rash and cut your fingernails short to minimize the possibility of opening the skin and spreading bacteria. If this doesnt help then you need to go to the doc and get prescription meds.
Reply:I've been there sweetheart and the best thing you can do is go to the DR and get a Benadryl shot with in 24 to 48 hours it should be completely gone
Reply:Call your doctor at once. My daughter had some around her face and they wanted to check her right away. They gave her steroids and told me to use calamine lotion. Good luck, it takes a good 10 days or so with meds. to get rid of it...
Reply:Calamine lotion is best. What ever you do don't scratch it!! But you have probably already heard that. The thing is most of the creams and lotions will hurt your eye so it is best to keep them out. Ask your doctor what he suggests. I think that is a lot better than coming to yahoo questions about it.
Reply:Have you gone to your local pharmacy. There are creams that will help. Speak with the pharmacist.
Reply:ooh i feel really bad for you...... well i was always told to wash it off really quickly with lots of soap why dont you wash your face really really really well mabye while saying your abc's twice or something like that if that doesnt work go to your doctor for medication or a cream that might help=)
Reply:You shall go to a Doctor, and request for laboratory tests of your eye. It is important to determine what kind of bacteria is causing that, and with that information the doctor can tell you which is the antibiotic you need.
Dont take other medications unless are prescribed by a doctor.
Reply:you need to go to the doctor....don't want it getting into your eye
Poison ivy??
hey i have poison ivy and i was wondering how to get ride of it i used solarcaine not sure if that helps get ride of it. i thought u wana dry it out can i use a hair drier n just dry it a few times a day. any other ways let me no last time got really bad n had to get steriod stuff
Poison ivy??
Dear Stephen,
There are two things that work great for poison ivy!
1. Ivy-Dry Super; Quickly relieves all itching from poison ivy, poison oak, sumac and insect bites. This is a spray and works wonders!
2. CalaGel; Medicated Anti-Itch Gel. This is first aid antiseptic gel and it won't run like so many others. If you buy one that runs, you risk the chance of the lotion causing more spread of the poison.
A friend of mine, whenever in contact with poison ivy, would have to be rushed to the hospital, because he was so allergic. Since, he has been carrying these two bottles, just in case. He no longer has to worry about it getting out of control. Yea! No more hospital trips! He hikes a lot and comes in contact with poison ivy and oak a lot!
If it is not too bad, I would get these bottles and cure it on my own. Doctors can get expensive. If, however, you have it near the eyes or mouth and it gets worse, then I would seek medical attention.
Get better!
Reply:wash it, once the oils are off it can't be spread, and you have to go the Dr's they give you a cream for it.
Reply:Take a warm bath and go to the nearest pharmacy and look for itch cream. I think that's the best way. Hope this helped.
Poison ivy??
Dear Stephen,
There are two things that work great for poison ivy!
1. Ivy-Dry Super; Quickly relieves all itching from poison ivy, poison oak, sumac and insect bites. This is a spray and works wonders!
2. CalaGel; Medicated Anti-Itch Gel. This is first aid antiseptic gel and it won't run like so many others. If you buy one that runs, you risk the chance of the lotion causing more spread of the poison.
A friend of mine, whenever in contact with poison ivy, would have to be rushed to the hospital, because he was so allergic. Since, he has been carrying these two bottles, just in case. He no longer has to worry about it getting out of control. Yea! No more hospital trips! He hikes a lot and comes in contact with poison ivy and oak a lot!
If it is not too bad, I would get these bottles and cure it on my own. Doctors can get expensive. If, however, you have it near the eyes or mouth and it gets worse, then I would seek medical attention.
Get better!
Reply:wash it, once the oils are off it can't be spread, and you have to go the Dr's they give you a cream for it.
Reply:Take a warm bath and go to the nearest pharmacy and look for itch cream. I think that's the best way. Hope this helped.
Poison ivy?
My dad has poision ivy....Does anybody know any poison ivy remedy.
Poison ivy?
guaze is not a good idea becauseit will absorb the oils relaesed from the pustulles and spread it to what ever the guaze is touching, ive done it before it kind of cooked it and got really bad, causing it to spread more easily, Colgate Octagon bar soap is cheap and you can get in wal-mart or other places to help stop spreading and Cortizone cream helps with the itch, hope it gets better. my grandma got the soap for me last year in 10th grade ,make sure it gets air but dont scratch it or rub it, good luck to father
Reply:calamine lotion, don't scratch, put gauze over it so you don't spread it over the rest of your body.
Reply:Nothing can make it go away over night, but there are some excellent over-the-counter medications in the drug store that can help dry it up faster and others that will take away the itch.
My grandmother used to give us brown soap to wash the poison ivy with...and it dried it up pretty well too.
Don't forget to wash all clothing, tools, or anything else that could have gotten poison ivy resin on it, so it doesn't spread. Only the resin from the plant will spread poison ivy, not the water in the blisters.
Reply:When I get poison ivy, I get it BAD... big weeping blisters...
I always go get a cortisone or other steriod shot and that clears it up QUICK!
Reply:Aveeno anti-itch cream. I just bought it today as I also have poison ivy rash and it seems to be helping. It contains both calamine lotion and colloidal oatmeal which is supposed to sooth your skin.
Reply:The doctor can give him a couple of shots that will help clear it up. If you can't get to the dr., buy some of that sunburn gel. It works great! It dries it up and helps numb it. He can also take orally OR in cream, an antishistamine. Stay out of the sun, and keep it cool. Wash all clothing.
Poison ivy?
guaze is not a good idea becauseit will absorb the oils relaesed from the pustulles and spread it to what ever the guaze is touching, ive done it before it kind of cooked it and got really bad, causing it to spread more easily, Colgate Octagon bar soap is cheap and you can get in wal-mart or other places to help stop spreading and Cortizone cream helps with the itch, hope it gets better. my grandma got the soap for me last year in 10th grade ,make sure it gets air but dont scratch it or rub it, good luck to father
Reply:calamine lotion, don't scratch, put gauze over it so you don't spread it over the rest of your body.
Reply:Nothing can make it go away over night, but there are some excellent over-the-counter medications in the drug store that can help dry it up faster and others that will take away the itch.
My grandmother used to give us brown soap to wash the poison ivy with...and it dried it up pretty well too.
Don't forget to wash all clothing, tools, or anything else that could have gotten poison ivy resin on it, so it doesn't spread. Only the resin from the plant will spread poison ivy, not the water in the blisters.
Reply:When I get poison ivy, I get it BAD... big weeping blisters...
I always go get a cortisone or other steriod shot and that clears it up QUICK!
Reply:Aveeno anti-itch cream. I just bought it today as I also have poison ivy rash and it seems to be helping. It contains both calamine lotion and colloidal oatmeal which is supposed to sooth your skin.
Reply:The doctor can give him a couple of shots that will help clear it up. If you can't get to the dr., buy some of that sunburn gel. It works great! It dries it up and helps numb it. He can also take orally OR in cream, an antishistamine. Stay out of the sun, and keep it cool. Wash all clothing.
Poison Ivy...?
What parts of Poison Ivy actually have poison on them?
Poison Ivy...?
Poison ivy plants produce an oily toxicant called urushiol , which is capable of causing severe skin irritations. Severity of reaction to the poison ivy oil can vary greatly from person to person. The transfer of this oil to the skin can occur through contact with the leaves, stems, fruit, roots or flowers of the poison ivy. Direct contact with the plant is usually the method of exposure, although an individual can also be exposed by handling clothing, tools, objects or animals that have become contaminated with the oil. Individuals can also be exposed to the urushiol oils through the burning of the poison ivy plants. The burning of the plants emits particles that carry the oil into the air. Coming in contact with the smoke can cause severe cases of poisoning. Persons who suspect they have inhaled this smoke should contact a doctor immediately.
Reply:the actual leaves?
Reply:the spots on it
Reply:all over
Reply:i know this isn't gonna help but i have no idea cause i cant get it. HA HA
Reply:All of it I'd assume. Mostly in the leaf, probably. Leaves of three, Let them be.
Reply:yea its a poison and it affects the skin and itches very bad. caladryl help the itch and takes it away usually
Reply:The leaf in its three cluster.Also to keep from gitting poision ivy after a trip to the woods,bathe in laundry detergent. It washes the oil off the skin that contact with the leaves leave on you....George
Poison Ivy...?
Poison ivy plants produce an oily toxicant called urushiol , which is capable of causing severe skin irritations. Severity of reaction to the poison ivy oil can vary greatly from person to person. The transfer of this oil to the skin can occur through contact with the leaves, stems, fruit, roots or flowers of the poison ivy. Direct contact with the plant is usually the method of exposure, although an individual can also be exposed by handling clothing, tools, objects or animals that have become contaminated with the oil. Individuals can also be exposed to the urushiol oils through the burning of the poison ivy plants. The burning of the plants emits particles that carry the oil into the air. Coming in contact with the smoke can cause severe cases of poisoning. Persons who suspect they have inhaled this smoke should contact a doctor immediately.
Reply:the actual leaves?
Reply:the spots on it
Reply:all over
Reply:i know this isn't gonna help but i have no idea cause i cant get it. HA HA
Reply:All of it I'd assume. Mostly in the leaf, probably. Leaves of three, Let them be.
Reply:yea its a poison and it affects the skin and itches very bad. caladryl help the itch and takes it away usually
Reply:The leaf in its three cluster.Also to keep from gitting poision ivy after a trip to the woods,bathe in laundry detergent. It washes the oil off the skin that contact with the leaves leave on you....George
Poison Ivy??
I have to go to a party tomarrow, and i have poisen ivy, and we are to be swimming. Do u think it's okay to go swimming with other people if i have poison ivy?
Poison Ivy??
A boyfriend once told me a story about Army Basic Training. They made everybody pile all of their clothes into a pile. Then they made everybody quickly grab their stuff back out of the pile in a hurry. Everybody's clothes got mixed up including underwear, t shirts, and everything. Well, three people had poison ivy in his group. After they did that forced clothes swapping thing, within days, 15 other people deveolped poison ivy and 2 or 3 got extremely serious cases of it. I would have to say that poison ivy is contagious.
Reply:They won't get it from the water but you really should stay home and treat it.
Reply:yes, you could get it.
Reply:As a healthcare provider I can tell you that it is OK.
Reply:As long as you don't rub up against people - it's transferable that way. Do you really want people to see you all red and blotchy?
Reply:It'll be fine, as long as you remove the oil. The oil can stick around for a long time if you dont do anything about it. Just wash it off, then you can swim with no problems.
Reply:The poison ivy rash is not contagious. When a person touches the poison ivy leaf, a substance on the surface of the leaf (a resin) rubs off. Over the next 48 to 72 hours the skin reacts to the resin by becoming red and developing bumps and blisters at and around the site where the resin was. It can be very itchy and uncomfortable, especially for children, but will eventually go away, though it may take weeks. Sometimes prescription creams or medications are given to help it resolve faster.
The fluid inside the blisters is not contagious, and will not cause poison ivy if another child touches it. The "spreading" of poison ivy on one person that you are describing, is due to different factors. When the resin touches the skin or clothing it sticks there until it is washed off. Often, people do not know that they have touched poison ivy, and may end up spreading the resin to other parts of their body with their hands or their clothing over the next day, until they've washed their hands or taken a bath. Since the rash doesn't occur until two or three days later, it can appear as though successive crops of blisters are developing over a one or two day period, all from that same exposure to the resin of the poison ivy plant.
Reply:yea the only way your spread poison ivy is if you pop the little bumps and they get on someone or you get them on your fingers and touch someone else . No worrys you can swim .
Reply:Sure. Actually you are not contagious, its the clothes or shoes you were wearing the day you contracted the ivy that is. You need to wash all the things you were wearing or using. Or you may reinfect yourself. Going swimming may help you because of the chlorine in the water. Have fun.
Reply:Um... Thats a hard one. I wouldn't go if I had it. There is a way you could get it. Even if someone touched you, they could get it. Besides that... If it is making you itch alot... I would recommend rubbing the inside of a banana peel on the infected area. I do this all the time... considering I live in the woods where alot of poison ivy and poison oak is.
Poison Ivy??
A boyfriend once told me a story about Army Basic Training. They made everybody pile all of their clothes into a pile. Then they made everybody quickly grab their stuff back out of the pile in a hurry. Everybody's clothes got mixed up including underwear, t shirts, and everything. Well, three people had poison ivy in his group. After they did that forced clothes swapping thing, within days, 15 other people deveolped poison ivy and 2 or 3 got extremely serious cases of it. I would have to say that poison ivy is contagious.
Reply:They won't get it from the water but you really should stay home and treat it.
Reply:yes, you could get it.
Reply:As a healthcare provider I can tell you that it is OK.
Reply:As long as you don't rub up against people - it's transferable that way. Do you really want people to see you all red and blotchy?
Reply:It'll be fine, as long as you remove the oil. The oil can stick around for a long time if you dont do anything about it. Just wash it off, then you can swim with no problems.
Reply:The poison ivy rash is not contagious. When a person touches the poison ivy leaf, a substance on the surface of the leaf (a resin) rubs off. Over the next 48 to 72 hours the skin reacts to the resin by becoming red and developing bumps and blisters at and around the site where the resin was. It can be very itchy and uncomfortable, especially for children, but will eventually go away, though it may take weeks. Sometimes prescription creams or medications are given to help it resolve faster.
The fluid inside the blisters is not contagious, and will not cause poison ivy if another child touches it. The "spreading" of poison ivy on one person that you are describing, is due to different factors. When the resin touches the skin or clothing it sticks there until it is washed off. Often, people do not know that they have touched poison ivy, and may end up spreading the resin to other parts of their body with their hands or their clothing over the next day, until they've washed their hands or taken a bath. Since the rash doesn't occur until two or three days later, it can appear as though successive crops of blisters are developing over a one or two day period, all from that same exposure to the resin of the poison ivy plant.
Reply:yea the only way your spread poison ivy is if you pop the little bumps and they get on someone or you get them on your fingers and touch someone else . No worrys you can swim .
Reply:Sure. Actually you are not contagious, its the clothes or shoes you were wearing the day you contracted the ivy that is. You need to wash all the things you were wearing or using. Or you may reinfect yourself. Going swimming may help you because of the chlorine in the water. Have fun.
Reply:Um... Thats a hard one. I wouldn't go if I had it. There is a way you could get it. Even if someone touched you, they could get it. Besides that... If it is making you itch alot... I would recommend rubbing the inside of a banana peel on the infected area. I do this all the time... considering I live in the woods where alot of poison ivy and poison oak is.
Poison Ivy?
Can you catch poison ivy or poison oak with the spores being in the air/wind?? Or is that just a myth?
Poison Ivy?
Its just a myth, you have to touch the plant and get some of the oil from the plant on you.
Reply:That can be true I know someone who was burning their weeds and threw in poison ivy, and I guess they were inhaling the smoke and they got it in their throat and had to be rushed to the ER Report It
Reply:I don't think poison ivy or oak produces spores for reproduction, I'm pretty sure they are flowering plants. Besides, you have to touch the plant to get the rash. So, yes, it is a myth.
Reply:It's a myth.
The oils on the actual plant leaves are what cause a reaction, not the seeds. Any reaction form contact with the seeds will because of oils from the leaves.
Never use Poison Ivy leaves in place of TP when camping. You do NOT want to deal with the resulting treatment.
Poison Ivy?
Its just a myth, you have to touch the plant and get some of the oil from the plant on you.
Reply:That can be true I know someone who was burning their weeds and threw in poison ivy, and I guess they were inhaling the smoke and they got it in their throat and had to be rushed to the ER Report It
Reply:I don't think poison ivy or oak produces spores for reproduction, I'm pretty sure they are flowering plants. Besides, you have to touch the plant to get the rash. So, yes, it is a myth.
Reply:It's a myth.
The oils on the actual plant leaves are what cause a reaction, not the seeds. Any reaction form contact with the seeds will because of oils from the leaves.
Never use Poison Ivy leaves in place of TP when camping. You do NOT want to deal with the resulting treatment.
Poison Ivy?
i belve its ivy was on a tree trunk in a vine like, anyway i got it bad how can i get rid of it ,fast, and east without much pain.....also how come it feels soo good when i put scowlding hot water on it? the water is so hot that if i touch it where i dont have the poison it will burn me really bad but on the poison it feels like heaven?
Poison Ivy?
You realize of course that scalding water (or water of any temperature) will just spread it, right? Get ssome Caladryl lotion and dab on using cotton balls, then discard and immediately wash your hands. Caladryl is calamine lotion that contains benadryl (for itching), so do not take anything else while using it. Try not to itch too much and keep applying the Caladryl for as long as it takes to dry up the blisters. If it spreads to the face, eyes or private area, consult your MD. He/she can prescribe a mild steroidal (Decadron) which will dry it up pretty quickly. Put aside your own utensils, etc as to prevent contamination.
Reply:Stop putting boiling water on it right now! Poison ivy is a lot easier to cure than 2nd or 3rd degree burns!
There are a lot of creams you can buy at the store that will help with the itching, but you can't get rid of it other than time. You can also apply a paste of oatmeal to it.
Reply:Cortisone cream. Make sure you wash everything that came in contact with the poison ivy because it's oils can stay around if you don't launder your clothes and bedding if you slept in it before it was washes off.
Poison Ivy?
You realize of course that scalding water (or water of any temperature) will just spread it, right? Get ssome Caladryl lotion and dab on using cotton balls, then discard and immediately wash your hands. Caladryl is calamine lotion that contains benadryl (for itching), so do not take anything else while using it. Try not to itch too much and keep applying the Caladryl for as long as it takes to dry up the blisters. If it spreads to the face, eyes or private area, consult your MD. He/she can prescribe a mild steroidal (Decadron) which will dry it up pretty quickly. Put aside your own utensils, etc as to prevent contamination.
Reply:Stop putting boiling water on it right now! Poison ivy is a lot easier to cure than 2nd or 3rd degree burns!
There are a lot of creams you can buy at the store that will help with the itching, but you can't get rid of it other than time. You can also apply a paste of oatmeal to it.
Reply:Cortisone cream. Make sure you wash everything that came in contact with the poison ivy because it's oils can stay around if you don't launder your clothes and bedding if you slept in it before it was washes off.
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